Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I just went through a class on the Mayan Prophecies, Star Nations, Ascension and a whole lot more

This is one of those conferences for metaphysics and they have many guess speakers, and instructers that come to this conference. I took the mayan phrophecies class along with learning everthing from the Star Nations, Earth's Real History, Ufo's, The Et Contacts, Shadow Government Ascension, 2012, the next 3 years, Giants, Life force energy, Galactic Alignment, and just so much detailed Information. I've learned more in 2 days than i've learn in the past year.

Let me explain something about Ascension and 2012. Every HUman on this planet will Ascend and Evolve no matter how bad you are. Everyone will become psychic and intuitive, now who ever is on they're spiritual Path this will be much easier for you to handle this Dimensional Shift that we are all going through and you are going to expand very very far beyond your limitations much further than others. We are all being Upgraded whether we like it or not. Some people won't be able to handle the Galactic Energies coming through to this planet and that's why you see alot of suicides and people going nuts these days.

ON Dec 21st, 2012 say goodbye to Ac Dc power because it will not work after this Galactic Alignment. There will be new Alternative energy technologies that will be using Zero point energy in the near future. So We are really going to have to change our selves quickly and our society. If your not on a spiritual Path it's going to get very difficult to handle the Transformations that will be taking place.

Oh the planet will go through it's Changes, and Transformations, like increase in Earth Quakes, rising Oceans, Hurricanes and alot more. So if you live on any coast line you must start moving from there very soon. This is not to scare you just that the Waters will be coming up higher because of the Cleansing this planet needs to take before the Dimensional shift happens in 2012. By 2014 everyone will have made it to the new earth.

I got alot of home work to go through. Oh we also did a Group meditation to Contact any of our Space brothers and sisters and the experience was on a personal level as well as a Group but i didn't get any messages but i did get alot of warmth and love coming through from them.

Anyhow the website is Call and the instructer that we had was like a walking history of our planet and the mayan prophecies, as well as understanding the Star Nations, because he is a Contactee So he was downloaded with so much information to share with everyone in these times of this end cycle. He is also a Shaman teacher. I learned so much more from him, like the Shadow Government and secret technologies that the Shadow Government has hidden from us. Also he talked alot about the Crop circles for what they mean, and who made them. He explain symbols and he even explained the photon belt.

this guy is alot like David Wilcock and has mentioned him and has met him in person.
Our Instructor's Name i s (Rev. Randy Hastings). All i can say from what i learned was way beyond any thing i learned before. I also learned some of the most important steps to take towards Ascension. Some of them already talked about on here Saviors of Earth.

This class was 9 hours long and it ran for 2 days which was a birthday present from my Mother and i was surprised she wanted to go learn all this. She is so Shocked right now i'm just amazed what i've learned so far. She is now taking this thing seriously and doing more studying and going to start meditating but she isn't used to it.

Anyhow I learned alot about our space family and the history as well. He also said the reason why 911 occured is because we were going to have Massive First contact and millions of ships were going to land on September 11th 2001 or near that date, Also with the Disclosure project. So Our Space Family and The Star Nations decided not to do it because of all the fear that went on with the 911 event. Which had alot to do with the Shadow Government and some policiticians. They Knew the Et's were going to make they're move. Well guess what everyone. Whether we have Ufo Disclosure or not we are going to have First Contact very soon and mass Landings within the next 2 years and this will be the Official ufo Disclosure. He Explained how all the sightings that we've had in the Last 2 years has extremely sky rocket and leading to something big to occur for our civilization.

I also got this Guide for initiating Contact with Et's written by Angelika Whitecliff
as well as some other information and homework that i can study. He also stated that the american public are going to have a hard time with all these changes and events occuring in a rapid pace, especially with all these energies hitting the planet from The Galactic center.

We will be going off a different Calender which he mentioned which i really forgot about that one. I wish i could remember but i can find out what that calender is going to be. My mother took alot of notes as i don't normally take notes though i should.

Anyhow i'll post this up on my blog as well there is just too much knowledge i retained to write it all in here. So if i can get his website again i will share it with all of you

I found a video on him, This is the guy i met and was my Instructor

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this is pretty cool, I would love to attend one of these
He doesn't have a website up yet but he might get one in the near future. Which i'm pretty surprised, i'm still shocked that i found his video and put it up on here.

Another thing, This is the best Birthday Present anyone can ask for. I stayed at the Holiday Inn and it was a beautiful Hotel I wish i would've remembered to take some pictures. He recorded the whole class and will be selling his class on Cd's very shortly and i plan on buying them even though i was in the class.

Another note, He's going to hold a Shamanic class where you can learn everything about being a Shaman and i found what i really want to do now, Until i learn when he's going to have those courses ready. So i want to be a Shaman and a Teacher, I might have a long way to go but from what i've learned in the last 2 days is a tremendous start.

He also explained that some of us our bloodlines come from the stars and That means some of us are StarSeeds which i've heard of before but didn't know what that meant.

I wish everyone on this site was at his class even though it was 9 hours long, You would've learned so much. Not only that he explained things in scientific detail but in a simple way. As well as connecting everything together along with the Crop Circles and so forth. Also you will not believe what we have in our own back yard here in the States. He also talked about the Hall of Records and there is still one under ground cavern or mountain. That has alot of STuff about Atlantis, which was another Topic he talked about briefly. Ancient ruins and temples, STar gates and some of the RE enginered Technology being hid from us somewhere in NJ, and Area 51 along with a few others i can't remember where all the locations he said. Ancient Ruins and Stargates are other topics he talked about. Which there is a physical Star gate here on our planet which we can travel to another universe physically. That show STar Gate Sg1 and those Symbols they use on the Gate are extremely accurate and are for real.

He explained about the Shadow Government and how they are doing everything they can to try to control us. But what he says that there are very powerful small groups of people working on taking out the Shadow Government and bringing them out to the open. As well as are Space brothers and sisters are helping a little with this.

I'm not sure about Nesara because he has not mentioned anything like that. But What i believe about Nesara is the Hidden Technology being held against us is what will be distributed to the public when the time comes and that has something to do with Nesara.

He didn't get too much into the Economy or too much into current events but he did share a little. This Guy Randy has so much knowledge in his mind it will blow you away. Do you all know that we can Teleport our selves anywhere on the planet and or through Time with your physical Body, but it takes alot of energy to do it, He says that he's been working on that himself for years practicing.

When you meet him he is just a really great Guy.

Guide for initiating Contact with Et's written by Angelika Whitecliff
Here is the website for this (Galactic Diplomacy)
wow verry interesting Aaron..
Thank you for sharing this info Aaron, very interesting stuff!
Would to go to one of those soon...

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