Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

First day of the beginning of my new life. My goodbye. (Admins please do NOT delete)

Hi everyone,

I did a lot of thinking yesterday after Brad attacked me for being a member of member of Saviors of Saviors of Earth. This whole week has been really bad for me ever since I called my friend to check up on the two people that said they were going to ascend. Then I found out about SOE being a cult and other stuff. After I posted about it, I started getting lots of hate emails from people. People I loved and respected. Even with all that, I wanted to stay and show everybody that I didn't mean any harm. This place is my family. But yesterday was too much for me and I know that it's time for me to go. My posts are being deleted and even a small blog I wrote about my choice for who I wanted to be admin here was deleted and I got sent a warning.

I have heart problems and yesterday my heart hurt so bad I almost had to go to the hospital. These past two weeks really put a lot of pressure on me so I have to go. I won't delete my account because I think some of my posts might help others and I will check back every now and then, but I won't take part. I will just check emails from you guys. Good news is I don't have to spend $5 everyday to use an internet cafe since I don't have internet at home.

To Brad:

Something has changed on SOE since I first came here. Brad you've changed. You are my mentor and I would follow you to the end of the Earth if you didn't say what you said to me yesterday and the day before. Maybe one day we can be friends like we were. You have to stop doing these wrong things you are doing and then maybe you can become the leader you are meant to be. You can't say terrible things and do terrible things over and over to people and then say you are sorry and expect us to be OK. I did that a lot of times, but these past two weeks, the dead people, you cheating, you saying bad stuff to me, too much my friend. I know you are a good person in your heart and thats why I still love you and want to be your friend when you are back to normal.

To Tony and Upsy Daisy:

SOE would not be what it is without you. You kept the rules when nobody else did. Thank you so much.


I love you all

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See you on the other side my friend - ill save some stuff for you to puff!
Makes me sad to see you go, HR. I mean, really.
But I certainly can't blame you on the why, so, I understand…

Please do take precious care of yourself and that beautiful heart of yours. You know I'm here if you need anything as in any thing.

If only one tenth of the people on this planet were blessed half your mind and heart, this world would be SO different.


~ Dom
H.R. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I am going to miss you my friend. stay in touch email me please.
H.R. you are beautiful person I respect your decision and I love you very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch...
I Know you will be fien and I also know somehow I will see you here one day!
You have brought love, laughter, opinions, information etc...
I will miss you very much I hope this time you are taking off is going to help you feel grounded and centered.
I will send love and light your heart my friend...
Come back I am gonna miss you don't leave just before valentines day man that's not cooooool
And we are, once more, bathed in drama and see lines drawn in the sand.

No more.

Everyone here is quite capable of working out for themselves what is going on. The endless reposting of logs, blogs, entries and running commentaries is not adding anything of value. Yes, you may exercise your right to free speech, but please consider if doing so will actually resolve a situation, or simply add another side to the conflict.

In short, these things must stop.

For all involved in this conflict: rather than post grand statements, faits accomplis, and melodramatic posts, sit down together, work it out like adults. If you choose to go your separate ways, do so in dignity and silence. If you must post a reason for leaving, for the sake of cohesion please mention 'personal reasons' and leave it at that. Those who want to know because they must know, will be able to get in touch with you.

Those who feel the need to find a side in every conflict: cease the endless rehashing of the same information. This is, in fact, starting to give me a horrible migraine. If you have an opinion on a matter, fantastic. If you feel like adding that opinion to a running thread, please think first if it is going to either change anything, or create a new perspective. Semantics, commentaries, flames, inciting posts and suchlike only serve to prolong unnecessary debates. In cases such as this, there are no 'winners'. All I can see in this thread are a lot of broken hearts.

In short, this is me climbing the barricades for an end to endless, pointless and frustrating infighting, even if you don't want to call it that (see semantics above). At all times, in all things, try to preserve the sanctity of privacy, the serenity of debate, and the dignity of this community and yourself.

And while you are reading this, try to imagine how much frustration it must have taken to get me to write this. Consider that a very bad sign.
please take care of your health!
Okay... man.

Brad, I have chosen not to visit this site. I will not Judge SOSoe, he can have his point of view. That is his. It is not mine, and probably not the POV of many members here.

Brad, you and many here are angry. Which is also fine.

SOSoe. Perhaps may I suggest that you agree to disagree with the POV of Saviors. And you go about YOUR truth without stirring up a hornet nest here.

You can operate in your truth and we and whoever wants to join EITHER are free to do what ever they feel is right to do.

I am getting tired of logging on here and seeing all this.

HR. be well my friend. Sad to see you go.

My 2 cents.


Re-Frect-Sharam said:
hey HR i dont think you should be leaving over such none-sense.
and brad i dont think you should command other people to do your chores.

Ullan said:
And we are, once more, bathed in drama and see lines drawn in the sand.

No more.

Everyone here is quite capable of working out for themselves what is going on. The endless reposting of logs, blogs, entries and running commentaries is not adding anything of value. Yes, you may exercise your right to free speech, but please consider if doing so will actually resolve a situation, or simply add another side to the conflict.

In short, these things must stop.

For all involved in this conflict: rather than post grand statements, faits accomplis, and melodramatic posts, sit down together, work it out like adults. If you choose to go your separate ways, do so in dignity and silence. If you must post a reason for leaving, for the sake of cohesion please mention 'personal reasons' and leave it at that. Those who want to know because they must know, will be able to get in touch with you.

Those who feel the need to find a side in every conflict: cease the endless rehashing of the same information. This is, in fact, starting to give me a horrible migraine. If you have an opinion on a matter, fantastic. If you feel like adding that opinion to a running thread, please think first if it is going to either change anything, or create a new perspective. Semantics, commentaries, flames, inciting posts and suchlike only serve to prolong unnecessary debates. In cases such as this, there are no 'winners'. All I can see in this thread are a lot of broken hearts.

In short, this is me climbing the barricades for an end to endless, pointless and frustrating infighting, even if you don't want to call it that (see semantics above). At all times, in all things, try to preserve the sanctity of privacy, the serenity of debate, and the dignity of this community and yourself.

And while you are reading this, try to imagine how much frustration it must have taken to get me to write this. Consider that a very bad sign.
Ullan, I fully understand this frustration, as I share it with you.

I firmly believe this community needs a rule that will forbid any negative speak against a fellow member. If anyone has a problem it needs to be stated privately to a moderator/admin, and should be helped to resolve any said problems discretely. Any time a member complains/bickers/bashes/defames another member, it causes serious problems in this community. It should not be allowed to happen - for the sanity and dignity of everyone.

Dean said:

Ullan said:
And we are, once more, bathed in drama and see lines drawn in the sand.

No more.

Everyone here is quite capable of working out for themselves what is going on. The endless reposting of logs, blogs, entries and running commentaries is not adding anything of value. Yes, you may exercise your right to free speech, but please consider if doing so will actually resolve a situation, or simply add another side to the conflict.

In short, these things must stop.

For all involved in this conflict: rather than post grand statements, faits accomplis, and melodramatic posts, sit down together, work it out like adults. If you choose to go your separate ways, do so in dignity and silence. If you must post a reason for leaving, for the sake of cohesion please mention 'personal reasons' and leave it at that. Those who want to know because they must know, will be able to get in touch with you.

Those who feel the need to find a side in every conflict: cease the endless rehashing of the same information. This is, in fact, starting to give me a horrible migraine. If you have an opinion on a matter, fantastic. If you feel like adding that opinion to a running thread, please think first if it is going to either change anything, or create a new perspective. Semantics, commentaries, flames, inciting posts and suchlike only serve to prolong unnecessary debates. In cases such as this, there are no 'winners'. All I can see in this thread are a lot of broken hearts.

In short, this is me climbing the barricades for an end to endless, pointless and frustrating infighting, even if you don't want to call it that (see semantics above). At all times, in all things, try to preserve the sanctity of privacy, the serenity of debate, and the dignity of this community and yourself.

And while you are reading this, try to imagine how much frustration it must have taken to get me to write this. Consider that a very bad sign.
Dear SOSoe,

You have indeed been quite restrained and respectful on this site. And it is not up to anyone here to tell you what to believe, or what you can or cannot create elsewhere.

My post was therefore not aimed at you. Nor at anyone else. It was a general call for dignity and serenity, things which have been absent here for a while. We have descended into filibustering and querrelmania.

To put it quite bluntly: if you (general you, not indicative) cannot see why something crosses a line, there is nothing further I can do for you.

It seems we won't have to worry about watchlists, infiltrators or any sort of attack on the members to tear this community apart; we appear to be quite capable of doing that ourselves.
Yeah but...

What about the fact that we don't really have a "leader?" Last I checked, Brad was the "creator" of SoE, but I always thought he wasn't "leading" it, as though we were some sort of congregation or something.

Seems to me that SoE is exactly what we make it to be. People, we are co-creating this community together. Let's do it consciously. Let's be conscious co-creators.

Last I heard, Brad was classified as "creator" of SoE, meaning that he formed this Ning community at it's conception. A "creator", I'm assuming, admin rights. However, he appears to be backing off and asking for a group of "admin/moderators" to be doing the work of administration and moderation for this site, so as to distance himself from that aspect. This is good because, given the size of our community now, responsibility is best delegated in order for things to run smoother.

One more thing: don't get shocked when people are imperfect or when they make mistakes. Mistakes don't make us failures - our job is to work through them. Mistakes do not dictate to us what or who we are. The only time a mistake causes failure is when you remain there and do not move past it.

Generally speaking, no one needs to leave this community. The only way I can see that someone might choose to leave is when their goals are so misaligned with the collective goals of this community that nothing can be collaborated between us. However, that is a personal judgment call for the individual. (Barring, of course, when someone is banned because of a violation of the community rules.) HR, this is up to you to determine. I will defer to you on this and I know you will make the right decision for yourself. Although, I will say, I would hate to see you leave.

As for things that happened or are being said about Brad (and others), I would like to ask: is there ever a time when anyone here has ever truly forced anything on anyone? Besides the ones who have been banned after violating the community rules - I am referring to the actual participating members, the ones who are respectful of this community. I see people expressing themselves and sharing, but I can say of a surety that I have never known of a time when one of us reached through someone's computer screen or marched over to their house and made them do something. I mean, let's get this straight. Any "forcing" or "coercion" has been perceived as such.

Again, I will restate: We should have a rule that forbids any negative speak about other members in open forum/chat/ventrilo. If we have a contention with any member, this should be immediately taken to an admin/moderator, where it then will be addressed immediately. These things should be resolved discretely, not publicly. By publicly airing of our "dirty laundry" we are actively unravelling the fabric of this community. Publicly speaking ill or otherwise complaining or being negative of anyone in this community hurts everyone. Yes, everyone.

Thank you for listening.

love to all,

QLoveNLight said:
I have great respect for your posts and I find most of your comments insightful and often times very deep and meaningful. However, I must say that I disagree with what you have said in your comment below and the one prior to this one (I won't bother citing the first one in the interest of keeping this as short as possible).
I think the overall purpose of this discussion was to 1), tell everyone that HR intends to leave and 2), to let everyone know why HR is leaving, perhaps in the hopes of exposing certain truths that may help others to see what Brad has unfortunately become. And why are such things so important that they must be discussed here? Because Brad, whether he openly accepts it or not, is seen as a leader on this site by the individuals here. And these individuals are easily persuaded by his words and actions....words and actions that are less than that in which this site preaches about.

I have repeatedly stated that Brad should be more responsible with what he says and does because people look up to him as a role model/leader. But, given the facts that have been shown here and in other various places, it would seem as if Brad has no concern for his fellow lightworkers. Instead, he worries about his own self-made image and reputation, first and foremost. Yet many of the individuals on this site would most likely follow him into a volcano without ever questioning his motives.

Yes, I agree that we shouldn't be judgemental of one and other and that each of us has our own truth. I believe that we should love one and other regardless of who they are, whether they are more darkly centered or more lightly centered. However, I also believe that when you are in a position to be looked up to and lead, you should be selfless and only lead to the cause in which you believe in, plain and simple.

HR had every right to post what he felt as we all have this right. And everyone who has put in their two cents have a right to do so because that's the whole idea behind "Discussions." And this thread is, of course, a discussion and whomever wishes to add to the discussion should be able to.

Ullan, you may not like the content of these types of posts and you may feel that they are pointless and dark in nature but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be discussed. We, as human beings, cannot hold onto the darkness within ourselves. We must release that darkness for it serves no purpose to us as you have so eloquently put in this post and previous ones. And in this case, we are doing just that....we are releasing the darkness within ourselves in a discussion that each of us (who have posted here) have chosen to do of our own free will - including you Ullan.

The bottom line here is that HR is very hurt by the recent events that have taken place. He looked up to Brad as do many on this site and Brad let him down. I too am disappointed in Brad's actions but I still love Brad regardless of what he has done. No one is perfect and we are all subjected to being overcome by darkness from time to time, that is what makes us human after all. But, we must move forward past all of this and heal the wounds that these events have caused. Forgive Brad for any wrongs you feel he may have perpetrated because he is your brother.

Remember on this Valentine's Day that we must love one and other, unconditionally as we move closer and closer to our ascension. The love we have in our hearts and the love we send out into the world is what will help us raise the collective consciousness and mother Earth. The Golden Age is awaiting our arrival....with love and light!


Ullan said:
Dear SOSoe,

You have indeed been quite restrained and respectful on this site. And it is not up to anyone here to tell you what to believe, or what you can or cannot create elsewhere.

My post was therefore not aimed at you. Nor at anyone else. It was a general call for dignity and serenity, things which have been absent here for a while. We have descended into filibustering and querrelmania.

To put it quite bluntly: if you (general you, not indicative) cannot see why something crosses a line, there is nothing further I can do for you.

It seems we won't have to worry about watchlists, infiltrators or any sort of attack on the members to tear this community apart; we appear to be quite capable of doing that ourselves.

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