Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I believe its time to put our money where our mouth is, I have seen quite a bit of talk of creating a self-sustained community, I think the time is now to start building one. I believe we need to vote as a community for a location, take the blueprints for structure that many have already created, start making real ideas with people filling the slots that they are best suited to sustain. We need to vote for someone to saving funds in an account. Many may say that they do not trust anyone enough but if we've learned anything it is that we ware all one, and a lack of trust in someone else is a flaw within yourself. We are the saviors of earth, we are going to show the world proof that it is possible to live free, together. I have a very large amount of money in investments, and I fully intend to put a large amount of that into the community as soon as I am able to "cash out". Its time, there are 2 and a half years OR LESS, NOW is the time to act, we will create a beacon of light for the earth.

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Damn i cant make it either, got a mandatory work meeting. But i'll post everything ive been working on Up in the group matt created. I have a lot of ideas all based on current technology. Some of it will have to be researched as some of tech is not quite there yet. Let hope the government releases the hidden tech soon.
I have been doing a fair amount of research on these communities and have been in contact with a couple. I am very happy that I saw this post. I have been looking at several for internship and volunteer positions so I could learn the ropes. Not to many classes at the local community college that caters to mud, straw and clay hut building and/or roof farming. There's TONS to this, and it varies greatly on the direction you decide to go. I can say that some of the eco / spiritual village sites I have checked out are,, (find more @
Most places are obviously off grid, and take a lot of hard work to keep running. Some even have their own economies. ALL seem to require services from or too the outside for trade goods, money, etc. I have not found one village that is 'truly' self sustaining. (maybe the piney hawkers from the new jersey woods :D ) I am not scared of any challenge, but be aware, a challenge it would be. Joining a current or forming community may be an option. Another site I like is Anyways, I am going to try to make the vent chat.
I have been doing a fair amount of research on these communities and have been in contact with a couple. I am very happy that I saw this post. I have been looking at several for internship and volunteer positions so I could learn the ropes. Not to many classes at the local community college that caters to mud, straw and clay hut building and/or roof farming. There's TONS to this, and it varies greatly on the direction you decide to go. I can say that some of the eco / spiritual village sites I have checked out are,, (find more @
Most places are obviously off grid, and take a lot of hard work to keep running. Some even have their own economies. All seem to require services from or too the outside for trade goods, money, etc. I have not found one village that is 'truly' self sustaining. (maybe the piney hawkers from the new jersey woods :D ) I am not scared of any challenge, but be aware, a challenge it would be. Joining a current or forming community may be an option. Another site I like is Anyways, I am going to try to make the vent chat.
I have been doing a fair amount of research on these communities and have been in contact with a couple. I am very happy that I saw this post. I have been looking at several for internship and volunteer positions so I could learn the ropes. Not to many classes at the local community college that caters to mud, straw and clay hut building and/or roof farming. There's TONS to this, and it varies greatly on the direction you decide to go. I can say that some of the eco / spiritual village sites I have checked out are,, (find more @
Most places are obviously off grid, and take a lot of hard work to keep running. Some even have their own economies. All seem to require services from or too the outside for trade goods, money, etc. I have not found one village that is 'truly' self sustaining. (maybe the piney hawkers from the new jersey woods :D ) I am not scared of any challenge, but be aware, a challenge it would be. Joining a current or forming community may be an option. Another site I like is Anyways, I am going to try to make the vent chat.
awesome, ill check these links out

RedBeard said:
I have been doing a fair amount of research on these communities and have been in contact with a couple. I am very happy that I saw this post. I have been looking at several for internship and volunteer positions so I could learn the ropes. Not to many classes at the local community college that caters to mud, straw and clay hut building and/or roof farming. There's TONS to this, and it varies greatly on the direction you decide to go. I can say that some of the eco / spiritual village sites I have checked out are,, (find more @
Most places are obviously off grid, and take a lot of hard work to keep running. Some even have their own economies. All seem to require services from or too the outside for trade goods, money, etc. I have not found one village that is 'truly' self sustaining. (maybe the piney hawkers from the new jersey woods :D ) I am not scared of any challenge, but be aware, a challenge it would be. Joining a current or forming community may be an option. Another site I like is Anyways, I am going to try to make the vent chat.
Actually the way I think we can be different is that we do not have to be living inside a secluded area to make a community. On the matter of housing, we can rent houses. The jest here is that every one in the community will be living in the same quality of houses. This is before we can be able to acquire enough funds to build estates, where some members will occupy free of charge while the communal kitty continues to take care of those that are in the rented quarters. Also to note is that we having national groups will allow those joining to have a place near where they are. Don't forget that one doesn't have to give up their money and property to the community while joining, but that whatever they earn after joining the community will belong to the community in total. It's about sharing equally when we are in the community is it not? Secondly, that we might have enough cash to buy money making properties e.g hotels and resorts, where members can come in and enjoy their rations of provisions as per the agreed upon amounts. This will tell the billionaire among us that they don't have to spend their money in the community because the community will have enough to take care of them, even without their funds, that they had before they joined the community. This might as well push those of us with the extra coin to put it into the commmunity.

The only glitch will be how to make sure that a person in canada is getting an equal portion with a person in Rwanda. Probably think of how much a loaf costs in Canada, and how much it costs in Rwanda and use those ratios, or how much a two bedroom flat might cost in Canada as opposed to how much it might cost in Rwanda in such a way that it's not the money amount that we will be considering while thinking equal sharing, but rather the item being provided. Am just thinking. Each community will also have to take in a few destitute families and engage them in the affairs of that community. More musing from me later. Ok someone get Bill The Gates down here.
Im thinking after our first meeting we should contact some of these self-sustained societies and find out how they became.

RedBeard said:
I have been doing a fair amount of research on these communities and have been in contact with a couple. I am very happy that I saw this post. I have been looking at several for internship and volunteer positions so I could learn the ropes. Not to many classes at the local community college that caters to mud, straw and clay hut building and/or roof farming. There's TONS to this, and it varies greatly on the direction you decide to go. I can say that some of the eco / spiritual village sites I have checked out are,, (find more @
Most places are obviously off grid, and take a lot of hard work to keep running. Some even have their own economies. All seem to require services from or too the outside for trade goods, money, etc. I have not found one village that is 'truly' self sustaining. (maybe the piney hawkers from the new jersey woods :D ) I am not scared of any challenge, but be aware, a challenge it would be. Joining a current or forming community may be an option. Another site I like is Anyways, I am going to try to make the vent chat.
MA could you post some of your material in the group we created for self sustained communities as well are you attending the meeting?

M A said:
Whoo, great. This also my intention for the next years i feel. And i have started already, im working with water and vortex technology. Here is a link to a page that is explaining to workins of the water pipe im working on and under stage one

That is for energy and water treatment, and have now gone into testing in my lab now. Also working with copper and agriculture as the soil in magnetic charged and steel tools is discharging that energy. 50% increase in yields is already been proven with use of copper. These studies was made by a man with deep connection to earth and its water, Viktor Schauberger. So im selling PKS copper hand tools here in Sweden. By study the teaching of Viktor a whole new world have opened for me, the world of nature and its energy. Implosion is the way for us to extract energy and not explosion and the motion is centripetal(vortex) instead of centrifugal. A movement from quantity to higher quality, so energy machines that actually makes the earths substances better and creating higher forms of energy in its function. The total polarity as now. So thats what im working on now.

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