Do you know the elements of fear? I think most of you do otherwise you probarbly wouldn't have found your way to this site or the previous.
But for those who don't, i hope we that know about it can speak of it here and how to rid yourself of that.
Im not an expert on it but i have no fear any longer.
First of all, know this:
Just look at us. Everything is backwards.
Everything is upside-down.
Doctors destroys health, lawyers destroy justice,
universities destroy knowlegde,
governments destroy freedom,
the major media destroy information,
and religion destroys spirituality.
We are all working to wake people up and so far so good, though we have met alot of resistance.
I don't mind that, it only fuels us more to do better.
But what i really wanted to speak of is the Elements of Fear.
And i strongly believe that we need for the people who call us names, work against us and are filled with hate and fear to understand what fear REALLY is.
As for me just now lately i have come to know what fear really is. And when i did, i see fear everywhere.
But it has ZERO effect on me now because i know what it is. Im not an expert though i might be. :)
I ask simple questions to "uninformed\fearful minds" --: "What do you feel when you loose, have to pay unexpected bills etc...
What do you feel?? And what do you think this finance crisis is doing to minds that care almost only for money?
They get angry, hateful, jealous, greedy and so forth... We see so much value in a piece of paper that does not consist of knowledge!? It's sick.
It's just a piece of paper with logos. :) It is all about positive and negative energies right ?
So what happens when people loose this fake "positive energy?" They get broken. Not everyone of course. But many.
You see where im getting at? So i do what i can to teach people of what fear really is.
And on the TV we see that madness of " Hey i got 3 cars in my garage instead of 1, therefor im more valuable and better than you or " i got this title and this education. So im better than you! But do they care for others?
It's just things and titles and appearances of lies!!! Girls and boys become objects...
"Im not thin enough, im not big enough, im not tall, fit, in control of my emotions, smart, good, nice, healthy, pretty,
cool, tough, strong etc etc... IM NOT PERFECT! So we get botox, plastic surgery, makeup by the tons...
Im not saying it's wrong to look good but it's getting very extreme and doesnt seem to end.
If you know some of this or more, tell people about it.
When you know what fear REALLY is. You laugh at it. :)
So please all, write more here so we can learn more about the wicked things that fear does do us and the society.