Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I believe its time to put our money where our mouth is, I have seen quite a bit of talk of creating a self-sustained community, I think the time is now to start building one. I believe we need to vote as a community for a location, take the blueprints for structure that many have already created, start making real ideas with people filling the slots that they are best suited to sustain. We need to vote for someone to saving funds in an account. Many may say that they do not trust anyone enough but if we've learned anything it is that we ware all one, and a lack of trust in someone else is a flaw within yourself. We are the saviors of earth, we are going to show the world proof that it is possible to live free, together. I have a very large amount of money in investments, and I fully intend to put a large amount of that into the community as soon as I am able to "cash out". Its time, there are 2 and a half years OR LESS, NOW is the time to act, we will create a beacon of light for the earth.

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good idea Clinton, lets start by getting some people to come forward for something they are naturally good at or gravitate towards. I am an intermediate agriculturist, I enjoy gardening, and can produce mean yeilds. I also hope someone will put up a basic outline of who and what we will need. Now I know that there is a few people on this site who have outlines and plans, so this is the time to post em'! Come forth, we are going to create a community, I was also thinking that maybe we should do country specific communities (ie: Canadian community, American, etc.) but also allow anyone from any country the opportunity to join say the Canadian. This will make it possible for anyone looking to migrate to Canada, a free start, a chance to make it with just your bare hands and positive attitude. Ok guys and gals, lets see what you've got!
Steve, the conditions are ugly now, think what they will be like in a year from now, Terrible.. So thats why I say we need to start now, the world is going to be a seemingly chaotic place very soon, these communities will be beacons of light for people because they are self-sustained. There will be power outages and road blockages, floods, etc. We will have everything needed to survive, including extreme senario survival plans.
clinton said:
We should stop worrying about when its gonna get bad. Cause look outside things are bad. So lets pick our selfs up and find a silution. Well we need a basic design for how the comunity is gonna run itself. Power, agriculture and everything. Schooling. What should be taught to kids. Everything needs to be self sufficient. So the buildings should be growing blocks for plants. they should be used to funnel water from the rain into purafiers for drinking water and toilet waist dispposle. Everything should work from one basic idea. How to make a house self sustainable. Food, water, power, toiletry. Thats is it its not that hard.

K liking these ideas guys, keep them coming, if anyone has anything concrete they can put forth, information, knowledge of water purifying systems that do not include replaceable filters, or know how to make a free energy engine, or are great with carpentry. We're going to need your ideas and your skills. You all are on this site for spiritual growth and change, change that allows people to govern how their lives play out, aswell as their kids. If you want to live in a world where people are free, dont have to work a 9-5 just to barely make it, then stand up. This is your chance, this is our chance to rise together. Tell me what your skills are, what will define you as a savior, what is your contribution.
clinton said:
Hey matt if you wanna get together and discuss this I would greatly appreatiate this. I will start an event were we can all get on ventrillo and start talking about how to make housing self sustainable.

Yes definently, I think sunday night PST would be awesome, I know time zones are quite different for you, does that sound good?
steve I dont expect you or anyone on this site to drop what their doing and come make a communtiy. I just want those who resonate with this idea to come forth and give it their all. If you don't feel its right, then good on you for stickin to your guns man. We need people who are somewhat free, so it probably would work against both of us if you tried right but I know your a major contributor of this site steve and I think your knowledge may be more than enough, just give us some solid ideas bro.
Clinton, I think it would be more appealing if you posted this event, it will get peoples attention. im thinkin 7PM sunday night
good to see you onboard steve, your an oldschool SOE'er lol (few months like me eh) haaha but seriously I remember what Salusa and others always talk about, they always say what power we have by ourselves. They say we singularly are gods, but together we are gods molding the human conscious thought form. Every person counts for this idea to work.
Hey, I suggested this to Brad a long time ago. This is not as hard as it seems guys. Land is super cheap in South America, Africa, etc
I can cook, you clean :P

Steve Skywalker said:
It may not be in the cards for me to take part, but i'll help as I can.
Matt I have put forward my contribution on this idea in a past post titled 'my world of the future' posted in this past week or less. It's got all the basics of a community that would work. I think the place to begin is get country representatives that can set up national communities beginning immediately. Let's first of all get the first meeting going, and post all the minutes of the meetings here, then the second stage would be go begin pooling individual resources together toward a single account. Am in Kenya, who wants to join me. This we can do people.
I completely agree we need to setup national communities everywhere, but I believe we are going to need a group on saviors so I will create one. Then you can post your outline there. Aswell this seedoflife garden sounds pretty cool. My uncle knows gravitational water systems very well, and is willing to help. We can start posting in the group with our contributions and ideas.

Kihanyaking said:
Matt I have put forward my contribution on this idea in a past post titled 'my world of the future' posted in this past week or less. It's got all the basics of a community that would work. I think the place to begin is get country representatives that can set up national communities beginning immediately. Let's first of all get the first meeting going, and post all the minutes of the meetings here, then the second stage would be go begin pooling individual resources together toward a single account. Am in Kenya, who wants to join me. This we can do people.
My friend and I have been discussing this for a long long time. My parents have allways tod me, that if i hate the wolrd so much i should go start a commune haha. I have MANY MANY MANY ideas that can help this project out.
First off the bat though. If anyone here has herd of future by design or the venus project you'll all agree that that vision of the future is the most practice. If we really want to get this going i suspect that we might have to get in touch with this non profit organization.
I was thinking though, It might be a good idea to make floatillas, or at least buy a large amount of land near the sea, so we can at least have ocean current generated energy, along with solar and wind. If we could find a spot that offers geothermal to we would be set for energy.

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