Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

You herd me. get yer words out. Through Pepsi, yes it a marketing gimmick but anything helps, We've all been voting in, the peoples handbook, million fax on washington and many internet petitions to help get our word out. Now get your words backed by a popular carbonated beverage.

True, this is the first American election ive witnessed. But in this brief few months Ive never seen as many people get so syked about change. CHANGE is coming whether we like it not. make this change a positive one.
So tell pepsi to pass on your word to Obama. go to
Those not camera shy upload a video to youtube.

never posted a video in a forum before. if it doesnt work heres a link to it

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refreshhh and ingest antifreeze
Reb said:
refreshhh and ingest antifreeze
well im not telling you to go drink antifreeze, wich pepsi my be. but its a good medium to get your voic out.
Agree with you Vaddix,

We all know that Pepsi or any soft drink is not as good as old and plain water.
However, if they are helping with a good cause, raise your voice, speak up!!!
You never know, maybe Obama will listen and do it...
Expect miracles....

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