Thanks for sharing that Wade ~ I have seen most of George Kavassilas videos and I like him BUT
somehow I also resonate with the G Federation of Light through Blossom's channeling and Kerrie's postings SO
I think that not One group has the WHOLE picture and NOW it is for ALL of US to Step IN TO our Own Power and Decide for ourselves not to be followers but Intuitively Be Guided by Our Higher Power vid Our Creator.
We are ALL ONE In Divine Creation and So equality respect very Important :)
Love and Namaste !
its great that we can share our views here ~ this is very helpfull am sure to all of us !
I am very sad about the fact that humans are in reptilian food chain, why do humanity allow themselves to be abused by these goons. I am somewhat confused about the authenticity of the Galactic Federation of Light also.
There's a guy named George Kavassilas who says when the GFOL shows up they will present us with miracles but behind the scenes we will still be in a box, enslaved so to speak. He does resonate with my heart. I feel ascension is a natural process and has nothing to do with technology and spaceships, though when we do ascend we will still have technology way more advanced than what we currently have. My point is ascension is a natural process of the universe. Creation of a being and it's spirit continuos evolution to infinity meaning there is no end to it. Human beings are made in the image of the creator so we do have the ability to create with our thoughts as the creator does, both naturally and also artificially meaning creation of technologies that improves our life experiences.
That is interesting paTricia what you said ~ I have wintnessed that there are some people I know that they appear to act as If they were posessed by some negative entities....the Bible talks about that too :(
But isnt Our First Contact Suppose To Be From The GFOL?
-We Had a Warning That GFOL was Not Who They Said Out To Be But the Time will Come When We Realize This Not to Put Your Hopes Down!
Thanks giovanni ~ How Sync !!! I am just watching this video from Alex ~ that says that
the First Contact will Be from the Negative ET's ~ Would Love to know more about this !!!
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