The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Fall of the Reptilian Empire - Infos and relax... September 9th 2012. We are in the last phase before the fall of the Reptilian empire. Reptilian empire on t...
Archons your time is coming to an end ^L^ Thanks for the opportunity of my inner growth towards Oneness ♥ in all Heartconnections!
ho'oponopono archons ho'oponopono
Thank you Besimi for sharing this video. I came on here to day to do the same thing. I have been on this chanel since its inception by Michael but latley have been not as active because of some of the let me say negetive and sometimes violent videos posted. We should stat focused in the Light as we will create what we focus on. Let us live in the light by the light for the light. Much Love and Light to all.
So this is truly the time we have waited for. It is only needed now to visualize and FIX in your mind your desired future. Thanks Besimi.
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