Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What Difference Does Knowing the Purpose of Life Make? By Steve Beckow

What Difference Does Knowing the Purpose of Life Make?
By Steve Beckow

How does it feel to think life has no purpose?

What is a purposeless life like?

I can only say how it was for me.

Sad. Sad that I was needing to go through all that life brought us without any of it having any meaning or purpose. Why am I doing this? Why am I here?

If nothing had a purpose, what was the point of getting up tomorrow? This is going nowhere…. Nobody cares….

Long-time readers will know that my life was interrupted one day in 1987 when I was given a vision of life’s purpose. I’ve described that vision elsewhere. (1)

Drenched in bliss, I was shown the total journey of an individual soul – from God to God. The purpose of the soul’s journey was – after giving up knowledge of its Oneness with God – to journey out into the world in ignorance and there grow in understanding until it realized (2) who it was.

With that realization, the prodigal child returned home.

All the time it was God dipped in matter (mater, Mother). Now it stands revealed, free of any materiality and...+

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