Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Perhaps you Feel Adrift Heavenletters Via Gloria Wendroff

Perhaps you Feel Adrift
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said:

When you feel you are hitting hard times, or that your mood is dark for no known reason at all, know that you are cleaning house, just as you might empty a room of furniture so that you can paint and sand the floors to make the room as good as new.

Or you are moving, and for a while all your furniture and boxes are out front. You are vacating one place. You are entering another.

Perhaps you have already moved to the new property, and you are not sorted out yet. You have moved but are not settled.

This move seems as if it were thrust upon you, but you have been desiring to change, have you not? You just didn’t know it would be like this. Did you really think, knowing you, that you would make an easy job of it?

The dark mood is not you. First of all, it is transient. It is soot from the street. You will cough it up and be done with it soon enough.

You will get your new place straightened out. Corridors will be cleared. Boxes and furniture will no longer be in your way. You will have a chance to sit down on your couch and see where you are. ...+

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