Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Great Quantum Transition Operation 4th Universe Part 5-2 By Lev

The Great Quantum Transition Operation 4th Universe Part 5-2
By Lev

Instead of the Logos of the Local Universe and its Mulverse, controlled by the Darks, the Pleroma Hierarchy decided to rebuild them in a new, Absolutized form, and temporarily use their copies as substitutes for the old ones.

To create them, a well-proven Monadic Pool scheme was used, when the Higher Light Hierarchs single out the aspects from their Monads and unite them into one whole, as a separate energy structure.

So they did this time. The operation was carried out separately: female participants created their part, male – theirs. Members of the ground team were also involved.

After both Monadic Pools were formed, the synthesis of Absolute Light was ignited to combine them into a Crystal.

Then, four Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs introduced their aspects into Crystal that enormously increased its power. It was to replace, pro tem, the existing Logos of the Local Universe, and save the latter and everything in it from slow decay and death.

In parallel, work continued to strengthen a new temporary channel of Life Energy between the Pleroma and Earth (see – DNI, Part 5-1, 25 August 2022). Using, like a drill, a four-armed Antahkarana, Lightwarriors widened the conduit throughout its entire length...+
The Great Quantum Transition Operation 4th

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