Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

We each drive our own Chariot of light

Lately I've been nervous about people that are loved family members and friend being left behind as the energies lift up.

An "Ah-ha!" moment came over to me right before falling asleep last night. I had asked for the highest energy source for help and after witnessing a small glowing blue light and energy-like flowing streams with my own eyes, it came to me in flashes.

My mom's Christmas lights outside of her house... on her balcony, she made it look like a chariot. Her lights are white with a little bit of deep blue in the middle (like the Pleiades). Then I saw it all changed into a real chariot of light (like in Greek mythology) pulled by white horses, and I saw that wherever it traveled, it lifted the energies up and everyone we love around us were carried with it. Some were being dragged in the mud, but were still being lifted and were not going to be left behind.

I began laughing when I saw that. I felt such relief. Whoever communicated me that, has quite a sense of humor.

So do not worry. There's a reason we have chosen to awaken before others; we are in charge of our own chariot, we're experienced souls (the deep blue I saw) and we're convinced not to leave anyone we come across behind. The Illuminati will be the ones dragging in the mud, lol!

Love and gratitude my friends, what is coming is going to be beautiful, and everyone's coming along because we are compassionate, we are forgiving and we are loving.

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Comment by Free Spirit on November 21, 2009 at 4:14pm
Thank u this is great,funny and true I love it Keep on shinning
Comment by RL on November 20, 2009 at 2:58pm
ah hah!

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