Image from one of my corporate training manuals. Katelon T. Jeffereys
For much of my adult life I have believed that we create our reality. My son got tired of me stating it every time he would complain about his circumstances. I taught it in my corporate and public workshops. I discussed it in a radio interview. This image above is one I used to talk about how the movie of our life is made up of the beliefs we hold about our self and life and then, these are projected onto the screen of our life, attracting the situations, circumstances and people/players to fulfill our script.
This last year or so though, I’ve been changing my mind about this. I still believe we have a part in creating our lives, or certainly how we respond to our lives and the relationships and circumstances in it but I believe the equation is more complicated than just this simple statement implies.
A friend asked me about me not believing anymore that we create our own reality, referencing a lovely post I reblogged recently I did enjoy that blog post so much I wanted to share it, I still believe things are a little more complicated than this.
As I’ve deepened my work to oust the dark ruling elite, to transfer the power to the light and freedom to humanity, I’ve learned more about how the dark and their technologies has impacted each soul’s creation of the life he/she is incarnating into and the path it will take him/her on. In my Spiritual Response therapy work I’ve trained in and used since August 1997, I work with Spirit and my high self guidance team to research a person’s akashic records to find limiting programs, beliefs, contracts etc. they have set up, and then clear them so it provides a person freedom to now have the life of their choice. So that training and work confirmed my what I now believe to be a simplistic view that each soul, in conjunction with Spirit, did indeed create their reality. I still find that work useful and use it everyday for myself, others and the work I’m doing now to oust the dark, but my understanding has expanded. In learning about how the dark not only influences a person’s choices and planning work in the Bardo, while planning their upcoming incarnation, and the veil that they set up there to keep most people from being aware of their direct connection to Source and their true identity as a divine being, but also about all the technologies not only placed in humans but also directed at them through the water, food, air and airwaves, it became clearer and clearer that we don’t have full control of our lives.
As souls, we not only are bringing forward erroneous beliefs we’ve gathered through other lifetimes, beliefs about ourselves, life, the world, and how we will be treated/should be treated; we are also bringing forth dark contracts we may have agreed to, technologies placed in us by the dark in other lifetimes, erroneous beliefs embedded by the dark into governments/religions/philosophies, etc. Souls who have worked to bring forth the light in other lifetimes have been particularly attacked and targeted by the dark ruling forces, so their limitations both internally, such as technologies and curses received, but also “choices” presented during the Bardo planning are especially limiting. And then, once they incarnate in this life, since the dark knows they will be losing their power, they have attacked the lightworkers even more, even using relationships and situations to attempt to stop the lightworkers’ efforts and outcomes and even at times, attempting to stop their lives.
I also feel that to state “You create your own reality” leaves out other people you are interacting with personally as well as all of humanity who is co-creating a situation. I used to have friends, a couple, who were very much involved with the Course of Miracles. Although I had personally talked with Jesus, at age nine, and love him, this particular course material has never attracted me. It did seem to attract quite a few people in my life though. The husband in this couple continually had affairs out of the marriage. The wife’s excuses for him were something to the effect of there was something wrong with her, something SHE was doing, to attract this behavior in him, giving him no reason to be accountable, no reason for him to take responsibility for his actions. Now granted, this willingness of hers to accept the full responsibility, and not hold him accountable certainly supports him not doing so, but to say it is ALL about her, is just ludicrous in my mind. I had another friend who treated me so horribly that even her friends would shake their heads about how she treated me. At one point, she actually said “I wonder what it is about YOU that makes me treat you so horribly?” I had pretty much walked away from the friendship at that point, knowing I was worth more than how she was treating me. Granted, I had much to heal at that point around my self esteem and self worth, but again, to take on that I was the cause of her acting so horribly, would have been inaccurate and not held her accountable for learning to be more kind to others and more honest about what was really going on within her. In both cases, it seems to me that by excusing bad behavior, the people acting that way…the husband, and my ex-friend, it leads them to lose a chance for self growth and healing of their broken parts.
Also, because in all situations, whether it is something going on within us..our health or lack of it, emotional disturbances, relationships, or more community or world-wide situations, there are others involved…other factors (dark technologies, poisoned food and water, poisoned cultural and religious beliefs, etc.) and/or other people, and they, too, are busy “creating” with all that is within them and around them.
Perhaps once the shift happens, the light is in power, the veil is gone, the technologies are gone, we are consciously and fully connected to Source and our divinity, and manifesting everything we need (food, water, turquoise converse high tops …) out of thin air, perhaps then we will truly be creating our reality. But even then, there will still be others involved in that equation, whether it is an intimate relationship or a world or a universe.
So…these are just my thoughts on this topic for now.
I still believe there is value in the understanding behind the above image though, as no matter what/who is creating my present reality, the more I heal and create more supportive beliefs and ways of viewing myself and my world, I certainly have much more of a chance of experiencing the kind of health, relationships, life and world that I desire, than if I continue to operate from a very limited script and back brain file of old reactions :)
So here’s to the light finally coming into Full Power, us being completely conscious of our divinity and power and all of us co-creating an amazing life for ourselves and an amazing world! Time for rebirth!!!!
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