Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!

Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!

Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!

Vatic Note:  If this below is true, then we have domestic traitors like no other country in history.  We should be solemnly outraged and angry about this, but then that is what they want, isn't it?  A revolution is essential for a loss in WW III to weaken us.  The problem with these guys is they use the same strategy every time and it becomes history and for those that know history, its like a preamble that leads to conclusions about the objectives of their actions.

This is a must read so we understand fully, just exactly what is going on, what they plan on doing to us, and how they see us and whether we can overcome, which I believe we can.  Its just going to take courage and a sense of nothing to lose and everything to gain, since I can assure you, under the thumb of these animals, you would much rather be dead.  So, get ready, and if they come after us and the guns WITHOUT USING A FALSE FLAG, then we will know what to do.   

We have told you about the Russian Revolution and who funded and conducted it, and this speech by Putin confirms it.  Its the bankers, and their paid, or blackmailed or threatened minions in our government.  We certainly will need to clean house once this is over and we prevail.   No WW III.   Let them fight it, we can let their children die for their profits, not ours.  So revolution, maybe, but definitely no WW III.  The Russian people are as innocent of any wrong doing as we are, except we waited too long to stop all this.  WE are guilty of that much. 

This is very educational and well worth the read.  

Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!
By Admin,  Political Velcraft, October 17, 2013 

Russian Cathedral

Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!

Soviet Communist Mikhail Gorbachev. He had to resign because the people were getting fed up with Rothschild's communism bilking operations.
Soviet Communist Mikhail Gorbachev. He had to resign because the people were getting fed up with Rothschild’s communism bilking operations. 
Sovietism aka; Communism aka; Rothschildism fell When Gorbachev Was Ousted In 1991. Now This Son Of A Bitch Is In The U.S. Attempting To Institute Depopulation Like Mao Tse Tung’s China did & The WWII Ukraine’s Holodomor did Through Agenda 21. 
They must destroy our Bread Basket In The Middle Of The U.S. This was set up using BP’s ecoterrorism in The Gulf To Rattle The Salt Domes Which are Used To store Butane. It is also being implemented by deconstruction of our dams and water sources. Now I ask You, why in the hell would anybody put highly explosive butane, natural gas, nuclear waste etc etc. in Salt Domes near the Mississippi Delta and call it America’s reserve? (VN: listen to the weather and that is exactly what is happening in that part of the country, during planting season which is early spring.  So we know this must have some truth in it. Its also happening in California that is one of the biggest producers of fresh fruit.  A coincidence?  I don't think so.)
The Earth itself is already a “natural reserve”.  Just read up on Louisiana’s Sink Holes, If These Domes explode there goes America’s ‘bread basket’ and then comes starvation like Mao Tse Tung’s China & Stalin’s Ukraine. Why is this done? Well less for you and more for them. And also, Offense is better than a Defense ~ the defense caught Mussolini, but not Rothschild, he still hides and uses others for under the bus episodes.
Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that Jews made up “80 to 85 percent of the first government of the Soviet Union” following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
Putin’s speech, made on June 13 2013, was reported by the official Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an article six days later dealing with Putin’s visit to the Moscow “Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.”
According to the JTA report, Putin said with reference to a library belonging to Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, that he “thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish.”

Russia Federation’s President Vladimir Putin.
Russia Federation’s President Vladimir Putin.
According to the official transcription of Putin’s speech at the museum, he went on to say that the politicians on the predominantly Jewish Soviet government
“were guided by false ideological considerations” and supported the arrest and repression of all faiths.”
On this latter point, Putin is of course incorrect, and he was probably avoiding the truth so as not to stir up a hornet’s nest against himself.

In reality, the [Misnomer] Jewish [Was Actually Zionist Khazars] Bolshevik government ruthlessly persecuted Christians in particular, and protected Jews [Zionist Khazars].
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One of the most deceptive U.S. traitors to date is John McCain. ~mccain, lieberman, rothschild ~
One of the most deceptive U.S. traitors to date is John McCain.
~mccain, lieberman, rothschild ~
Anti-Semitism was made illegal and punishable by death, and the only time Lenin’s voice was ever recorded was to make a widely distributed record denouncing anti-Semitism as “counter-revolutionary.”
ADL = Anti Defamation League aka; anti semitism
1913 – Jacob Schiff sets up Rothschild’s Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States.  This organisation is formed to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as, “anti-semitic.”
Rothschild is not a practicing Jew by Judaism or By Blood Line. He is a common khazarian thug, but he likes to hide behind the word Jew as the coward he is when absconding people’s wealth.
In addition, the early Soviet government actually gave special privileges to Jews, which included the creation of a separate homeland meant for Jews only, called the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, situated in the Russian Far East.
The Bolsheviks established the autonomous oblast in 1934 to provide the Jewish population of the Soviet Union with a large territory in which to pursue Jewish culture.  According to the 1939 population census, 17,695 Jews lived in the region (16% of the total population). The Jewish population peaked in 1948 at around 30,000, about one-quarter of the region’s population.

State of Israel Is Born2
By then however, the closely-allied Zionist movement had decided firmly in favor of establishing a Jewish homeland by stealing Palestine from the Palestinian people, and the Jewish Autonomous Oblast saw a slow and steady decline in Jewish inhabitants.

rothschild zionist start david al-roy

Rothschild Too Big To Jail? Russia, Iceland, Iran, China, & Hun...

Rothschild’s ~ real surname is Bauer
During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers’ in Hanover, Germany.  He is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.
Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father’s business. Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”).
Rothschild Finally Purchased This Property In 1948 In Palestine And Called It Israel Contrary To The Torah.

Rothschild Had Plans To Purchase This Property [For Jews] Well Before The Hitler Excuse In The Balfour Agreement. Rothschild Was Having His Difficulties Parasitizing Off Of Gandhi’s India And Ultimately Lost To Gandhi ~ Therefore The Cabal Needed A New State Host To Parasitize Off Of ~ Israel.
Rothschild Bank Dick
Rothschild Bank Dick

The Balfour Declaration of 1917

Israel In Reality Is Sentient And A People Not Land.
Rothschild Used His Red Hexagram And Simply Made It Blue For His Property Israel. He Called This The Star Of David But It Is Not Biblical. It Is The Star Of David Al-Roy A Zionist Khazar.

Israel’s Star of David (interlaced triangles) symbol, is 2 overlapping triangels known as the Morgan David or Star of David. Not the David of the Bible or Qu’ran, but of David Al-roy a 12th century false prophet. It is also used by the Masonic Temple. So to better understand you could say Morgan Al-roy wine or Star Of...
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“I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9
“I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes ofcriticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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Comment by Besimi on April 27, 2015 at 3:20pm

Benjamin Fulford - April 27th 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash

Benjamin Fulford - April 27th 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash

Added links below. 
- Justin

Source - Benjamin Fulford

The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C. and Greece (therefore the EU) from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue.

To bolster is bargaining position, the Pentagon is undertaking some large scale moves against China. Pentagon sources say last week’s earthquake in Nepal was generated using high energy electronic waves. The aim was to send a message to both China and India prior to US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s planned trip to India next month, the sources say. The basic message was “only the Pentagon can defend India against China.”

This demonstration was part of a concerted push by the Pentagon to get India, Russia, China and Japan to see recent Chinese moves in the South China Sea as evidence China is an aggressor that needs to be contained. As a part of this push, the Pentagon is about to announce an end to its arms embargo against Vietnam and the construction of 8 US military bases in the Philippines, the sources continued. The Pentagon sources say that deep seated Russian fears of the “yellow peril” are coming to the surface again and that Russia will cooperate with them against China militarily.

The background to all this bluster is the fact that Washington D.C., the Pentagon’s current paymaster, failed to make a payment due to the rest of the world at the end of March (as mentioned in this newsletter last week). Now the corporate media and the US Treasury Department have confirmed the US has been pretending its debts have stopped increasing since March 15th.
Related: The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The ...

In other words, they are cooking their books.

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The same is true of the Eurozone where the Greek crisis continues to fester on the back burner in order to prevent the Euro from collapsing.

The background to this is ongoing top secret negotiations between Western and Eastern secret societies, At these talks, according to White Dragon Society, US and Asian sources, there has been a lot of movement and a basic framework based on setting up a new meritocratic agency to take over the functions of the IMF and World Bank has been agreed to. There is still a lot that cannot be revealed to the public in order to prevent the negotiations from being sabotaged. However, the British Commonwealth, the Vatican, the Chinese, the Pentagon and the BRICSagree on the broad principles.

Confirmation of this can be seen at many levels now. As mentioned last week, the Vatican will be discussing this issue at a high level forum starting April 28th. Now Alcuin and Flutterby, a site believed to be linked to British Intelligence, has come out with a detailed essay explain how democracy in the US was taken over by oligarchy and proposing meritocracy as a solution.

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There are now high level financial documents and hand-written notes being passed along on a strictly analogue basis to prepare for the announcement of this new organization and system. Analogue communications, however, while secure from snooping eyes, are also slow so, it is still too early to try to put a precise date on when all this will become public.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon run site Veteran’s today has been providing very detailed and continuous intelligence dumps about the Khazarian mafia oligarchy that stole the Republic of the United States of America from its people.
Related: The Khazarian Mafia (Part II) | The Babylonian Cabal

The Khazarians are therefore fighting for their lives so, there are also now more undeniable signs of a civil war within the US military industrial complex. This has been noticed by both the Pentagon and the Russians. There are US military factions fighting both for and against the Syrian government, for example, according to both sources. Now Egypt, having been ordered by the Pentagon not to defend Saudi Arabia, is preparing to invade Libya, according to Mossad sources. The Europeans have offered the Egyptians control of Libya’s oil fields in exchange for getting their help in stopping massive floods of African refuges from entering Europe courtesy ofISIS. Then in Iraq as well, there continues to be a complex game unfolding with Western mercenaries fighting both for and against the Israeli/Saudi ISIS proxy army.

The end game is expected to be a moderate Sufi Muslim federation in the Middle East and an end to the ancient Sunni/Shia split. This split, by the way, had been mostly resolved until the 20th century when the Khazarians started picking at old scabs in order to divide and conquer the Middle East.

This week will also witness a performance in Washington D.C. by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He was invited to speak at a joint session of both the US Senate and Congress by the same Khazarian puppet masters who arranged for Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s recent speech there. Abe was invited to read a speech (written by his puppet masters Michael Green, Richard Armitage, Gerald Curtis et al) as a reward for stealing money from the Japanese National Pension Fund, Postal Savings and the Agricultural Bank (Norinchukin) in order to stave off his Khazarian master’s bankruptcy.

However, we are hearing that Abe was prevented by Japanese nationalists from fully signing over Japan’s sovereignty by agreeing to place oligarch controlled courts above the Japanese government as stipulated by the TPP agreement the Khazarians are trying to foist on Japan. In other words, Abe’s visit will be high on performance and low on content.

South Korea, meanwhile is moving far more decisively against the Khazarians than Abe’s Japanese slave government is willing to. There were more than mere financial interests (Chinese money) behind their decision to defy the US and join the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. April 16th was the first anniversary of a ferry disaster that led to the disappearance of close to 300 elite Korean high school students. Korean Royal Family sources say almost no bodies were recovered from the ferry. If we recall the incident, early reports said the sinking started with an explosion. Later reports failed to mention this.

Furthermore, there were reports of unknown submarines in the area at the time. The Nazis are known to have retained a worldwide submarine network after World War 2. The Nazis also took several thousand scientists and many blonde women between the ages to 16 and 24 to some secret destination in the Southern hemisphere during World War 2. What follows is speculation but, there is a good chance these young Koreans were kidnapped for breeding purposes by the Nazis. It would make sense since the original Nazi obsession with “pure Aryan blood” would have led to inbreeding and genetic decay. Someday all this should come to light.

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There was another X-files type incident last week in the United States. According to this article

police in Colorado reported that a man “killed” his computer. This article may be a spoof but, it is a fact that at this point in development a police officer might well consider that shooting a computer was equivalent to “killing it.” In other words, we are entering an unknown ethical world as we deal with relations between humans and increasingly human like artificial intelligence. At what point will abusing a robot or sex doll be put on the same legal level as animal abuse? When will it be considered murder to shoot a computer? These are issues we need to take seriously as computers begin to overtake humans on more and more levels.

The Chinese have also entered a hitherto taboo zone recently when, for the first time, they tried to alter the genes of a human embryo. While computers double in processing power every two years, humans are forbidden from improving their own genome. If the Chinese start manufacturing super geniuses in large quantities through genetic engineering, will the rest of us be condemned to follow the fate of Neanderthals and be replaced by genetically enhanced homo Sinensis?

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The world needs to rapidly come up with new organizational structures to deal with the unknown new world we are entering as the old system continues its inevitable collapse. These are the sort of issues a meritocracy could cope with but our current systems cannot.

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Views: 9

Comment by Besimi on April 23, 2015 at 12:07pm

This is very good post, ..yet discernment is very highly advised too. So we don't get any other worse form of control and fall in a bigger hole again.
.....before any big changes in systems and such, people always get that ''feel good/equality for all'' speeches ,just to find-out later that only facades/colors/packages have changed,but certain few that know how to control always,maintain their  'parasitizing' in the future system too, ...having worked behind the scenes to achieve it ,by using You to fight their wars & such.
...I know people are more aware than ever now ,about these deceptive ones, but still they have to be very cautious ,cause by now they are still very dangerous .

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