Have any other world leaders besides Berlusconi and Obama been sent this message?
What are these messages?
Today a "crazed" man hit the President of Italy in the mouth with a statue. He broke Berlusconi's nose and knocked out two teeth.

A few weeks ago, two Virginia socialites crashed the state dinner that President Obama was giving for the President of India.

The woman could have inserted something into her vagina that would never have been picked up by the sensors. It wasn't when a woman smuggled a vial of plague into the United States several years ago. She was caught for some other reason.
What if the party crasher had taken something that made her immune from catching whatever it was that she and her husband were spreading? What if she had a vial of plague in her vagina. Shortly after entering the dinner, she excuses herself, goes to the women's room. Pretends to be changing a tampon... when in actuality she is pouring plague all over her hands.
BTW... in case you didn't know... all high level installations that have top secret information have cameras in the toilet stalls as well as the rest of the bathroom. In other words, if you are a guest at the White House, every move you make is watched.... even changing a tampon.
I know this because of my stay of Offutt Air Force base when one of the most top secret meetings in the world was going on there. The lead-up to invading Kuwait. That meeting was held there because there was another Above Top Secret meeting going on that would give cover for all the bigwigs being there... The Closing of the Looking Glass Command.
If the vial in her vagina carried a powerful chemical that could be activated when put in water, she could have wiped out the entire guest party, all the staff, then opened up the White House command center to her colleagues.
I am just wondering if any other leaders have had similar messages sent to them...
Berlusconi is center right. Obama is far left tending to communism.
Why have these two, who are almost polar opposites been targeted?
I halfway remember something happening to Russian President Medvedev. Did I dream that, or was there an accident or something that looked like an attempt on his life.
Who else is going to be sent a message like this... and who is sending the messages?
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