Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Greetings and Salutations;

This is from an excellent album I heard many years ago and would compliment anyone's library if they had it right now. It was from a music mix they called jazz fusion, in the early 80's.

The full circle of all that was created over 2,500 yrs ago is finalizing. The purpose well intact, the owners have come together, and are in the act of engaging the purpose and the 'plan' of the ages. This is bigger than anyone's ego and those who thought they were 'in control' are getting their's severely crushed. Humility should be quickly embraced, as the mode for survival.

The world is about to have it's history rewritten. Much of we have been schooled on, whether it be in grade school or a high fancy university, is patently wrong. Some of our core assumptions, will be laid bare, and we will be challenged to look at things a whole lot differently. Now, those who have been feeding the public the crap, will have no choice but hide from public anger and ridicule, and I'm not sure that will even work for them, there's just no place to hide. Even the locations of the under ground bases are well known and the ships that had the ability to leave the vicinity of the earth have been grounded. People you thought were powerful and could do anything they wanted, are looking for 'depends' right now because, they know beyond a doubt, the end has come to their reign. This is what happens when you don't own the only real power there is on this planet and no one will renew contracts. There's a whole lot of 'emperors' out here that are butt naked before they who do have the juice to make this a better world.

No one cares about politics, they know it's opium for the masses, stuff to make you feel like you have some kind of power. The power resides within you, and what is being put on your lap to use, you and I will have to use what the good lord gave us to make our futures. The guard rails and the training wheels are disappearing. This is what the miscreants feared the most, regular people getting their freedom from the mechanations they created for them. This is why they fought so hard to keep this from happening. For all their public speeches about freedom, it was never yours' they were talking about, it was their own, to continue using the public like serfs on the plantations. What the public didn't know is, 'they' had a landlord, too! The rent is overdue and there's no offer to renew the lease.

Full blown reality is hitting and I mean right now. So it will be very important to get out of whatever haze you have been living matter how uncomfortable it may be. If you really believe there's a God and I don't mean that woshy stuff that feels good when you go to church. I mean full blown intellect beyond science and 'smart' people. If you catch my drift, you'd know the mind can be a trap, all by itself. You have to embrace a part of yourself that goes past the mind, the figuring out of stuff. No, now the human will now have to embrace 'knowing'.... jeeze what a scrarey thought. Step back, watch this reality change right before your eyes. What is going down right at this very moment will challenge every held belief for the last few thousand years, I joke not. Stand in front of the huge machinery is you dare but don't whine to me when your cushy believes are blown apart. This planet is barely a pimple in the immense reality around it and folks are up and running to make sure no one remains ignorant, unless they act like little kids and stuff their fingers in their ear holes. Get over it, we have been lied to by they who we trusted.

The world before us is beautiful and it's not going to take as long as al gore thinks to make it right. The tech is already here and only awaits the act of pulling it off the shelves. It's bigger than gobal warming folks. It's bigger than gobal's about growing up and taking responsibility. Never mind the smarty pants with the a whole bunch 'crendentials', it's about each and everyone of us using the sense we've had for years, that no one would listen to. A much maligned thing called 'common sense'.

I'm just going to go ahead and shut up now and let 'they; who can do what they have engaged, do it. If anyone has noticed, the idiots who have tried to shut me up, have failed drasticly. Wonder why? It takes fear to shut up truth and I am a non receptical. Pehaps, when the fear mongers receive what I have been speaking about for 10 yrs, they'll either shutup themselves, or they'll loose it for being stupid. If you are worthless in this transition, have no ability to adapt, you will be kicked to the curb, not needed. It may sound harsh but who wants to reinvent sliced bread? For god's sake there are the elderly out here that have better new ideas than some of these so called smart people! Honor the grey/white hair, you may learn something. Ahoooaa!!!

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Love and Kisses,


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Comment by Besimi on December 14, 2009 at 1:35pm
''The world before us is beautiful and it's not going to take as long as al gore thinks to make it right. The tech is already here and only awaits the act of pulling it off the shelves''
....:):):) wonderful,I really feel positive changes are coming fast. People are waking up and nobody can lie to us anymore ,cause we are ''embracing knowing '' as stated above, and no fals belief systems anymore. ...Love.
Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 14, 2009 at 11:41am
Good prediction on the world leaders are going to be looking for depends (diapers)in the very near future.

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