Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Tools [for discernment] - The Trivium Method

Tools - The Trivium Method

Many questions have been regarding tools to help sort through the abundance of information that exists on the subject of the Illuminati and their orders, projects, programs and agendas.  

Your writer's first thought is something you've likely heard of already.  It is called The Trivium Method.

Some of your researchers have identified this method as being something occultists use, and keep away from most of the public.  They are correct.  Illuminati members are trained in The Trivium Method at a very early stage of their progression through the various orders and programs.

Order is often very important.

It is a very simple idea:  Think, feel, and then act.

Some have called this: Input, Processing, Output.

The staples are:  Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric.  There are several variations, my preference is the simple variation.

The first step - Grammar - Involves collecting information available.  All the raw and factual data you can find, and bringing all of that together as a coherent body of knowledge.

The second - Logic - is understanding the information as fully as possible and removing any contradictions.

The final - Rhetoric - is finding a way to express this understanding in an objective form.

Too wordy perhaps?  Fair.

Your writer brings this back to:  Think, Feel and Act.

Think: Collect the information available.  The "Who, what, when, and where" of whatever topic or situation you are looking to process.

Feel: Examine all of that information and remove the contradictions while understanding interrelations that exist.  Attention to how you feel about the information can be used in this step. Or, the "Why?" of the topic.

Act:  How you respond to the information or situation. How you communicate what you've learned.  The "How?" of the topic or situation.

This is important to adopt because too often we humans make the mistake of ACTing on our FEELings without THINKing about what we are doing.  This leads to all sorts of major and minor mistakes.

"I can't listen to her because she gives me an uneasy feeling."  This would be a potential mistake.  "I listened to her and after processing the information felt the information was not valid as it has too many contradictions and so I am not going to repeat this or act on it."  Would be much more ideal.

This method is meant to teach an individual to teach themselves without the little or no aide from a teacher or instructor.  Your writer is unable to become a teacher of this method for you readers, unfortunately.  So..

Two researchers and speakers your writer feels are good sources,  who you readers may know, for understanding the Trivium Method are Mark Passio and Jan Irvin.  (If you are using the Trivium while listening to either you will be able to absorb the information just fine.  This is said only because some find these two speakers Abrasive.  Both men have done great work, however, in understanding and teaching the Trivium Method.)  There are also many websites available via Google. (Email for my personal favorite link - I do not wish to post it here in case the author would prefer to avoid any kind of association with this blog)  There is much more to the Trivium Method than your writer has explained here.

This method will help you understand concepts, others, and yourself.  Learning how to think instead of looking for another to tell you what to think.

Not only will this help your discernment, it will improve your confidence and self-responsibility.  No system is perfect, but this is a valuable one.

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Comment by CHRISTINA on May 15, 2018 at 9:04am

This method will help you understand concepts, others, and yourself.  Learning how to think instead of looking for another to tell you what to think.

Comment by CHRISTINA on May 15, 2018 at 9:02am

Two researchers and speakers your writer feels are good sources,  who you readers may know, for understanding the Trivium Method are Mark Passio and Jan Irvin.  (If you are using the Trivium while listening to either you will be able to absorb the information just fine.  This is said only because some find these two speakers Abrasive.  Both men have done great work, however, in understanding and teaching the Trivium Method.)

Comment by CHRISTINA on June 22, 2015 at 4:19pm

Question More

I too read through all of his blog material over the weekend. I think you’ll find also within his material the idea that the truth is not final, therefore, he cannot and does not claim that anything he writes is the absolute truth. He also alludes to the fact that those who believe they are at the top of the power structure have a weakness to exploit because they believe in their own superiority and knowledge as ‘final’. The ‘facts’ as many quantum physicists have demonstrated, are changed by the influence of the observer.

The more knowledge we have of how this grand experiment works and the more we are able to sort the wheat from the chaff by using tools like the Trivium Method the more our consciousness expands and by default our vibration. It is this vibration we then allows us to see other dimensions, open portals and invite the assistance of our ET cousins. A victim remains a victim as long as they refuse to help themselves. Have any of you tried to help someone stuck in victim programming? It’s impossible to help those people! No wonder Humanity on Earth has been cut off from the rest of the Universe for so long.

Many people here have obtained great knowledge but how many of you have had the courage to take action on your knowledge to see if it contains truth? When you were sick with a scary illness did you sidestep your fear and apply the things that you learned to get a positive result which you could then share with others or did you give that responsibility to a brainwashed doctor? When you were unjustly arrested and knew that their laws are false, did you attempt to find a solution on your own or did you give over that responsibility to a lawyer who is employed by the very same controllers that arrested you? When you discovered that your birth certificate is the source of the consent for your indentured slavery did you take action to correct that through the proper channels or just sat back and accept that there is nothing you can do? It is only through acting on our knowledge that we gain the experience to confirm whether our knowledge is wheat or chaff.

I’ll leave you with this video from Winston Shrout here who talks about the importance of the information his students have learned in helping to ‘raise the vibration’ of the planet. For those that don’t know he teaches everything to do with the control structure on the planet and it’s origins and history and provides the tools to nullify that control by taking responsibility.You’ll note there is very little ego in this man. You can take what he offers you or you can leave it. He doesn’t care. It isn’t about him, it’s about you. He also talks about ET’s and why learning the information he presents aids in providing us the consciousness to communicate effectively with sovereign individuals.

Comment by CHRISTINA on June 20, 2015 at 4:18am


Comment by CHRISTINA on June 20, 2015 at 4:13am


sod off with the illuminati :)

Comment by Lord Ferdinard on June 20, 2015 at 4:09am
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Comment by CHRISTINA on June 19, 2015 at 2:31pm


  1. The illuminati have such superior knowledge, How did they justify all the infanticide? Were they "forced" or "tricked" I dunno, my guess is they would like us to believe they were, if we believe it they may be allowed to live. 

    Humanity divided by itself timesed by an aeon of dis-illusionment equals Spontaneous Global Apotheosis....equals..I go last.

    1. They were not tricked or forced. Perhaps not fully informed of the consequences but this is no excuse for them. They made a poor choice. They have continued to make poor and selfish choices.

      Yes they would love us to believe otherwise. They would love you to blame it all on the Draco, or even one of their own branches, rather than the whole.

      Your last statement makes an important point. Even without them, humans still have work to do of their own.

      with respect,

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