Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Did you know?....

The trees know you exist...but they do not always know you want to you walk around your daily routine find all the trees around your routine and touch EACH and everyone of them...for we both Co-Exist alongside eachother...we breathe in and they breathe out...and so on and so forth...we are eachothers lung and they just want us to know that they are here with us as as you walk around and see a tree next to your window or at the park close to you and the bench you are sitting on...walk up to it and touch it...and tell it thank you for putting up with us...for no matter how much pollution we have put in the air they have always made sure we can take our next breathe...all our plants feel this way...and they just don't know we can sense or care for them this way...because remember...Love is all...and everything is Love...I need no more to say because all you have to do is experience it once for yourself and understand this...feel happiness when you see one...for it is happy we are here...They are all happy we are here to help them live on...

I love you all...and walk in the Goldest of light...Namaste...<(-.-)>

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Comment by RL on January 4, 2009 at 2:44am
thank you for reminding me..........i need to water my plants. hahaha
Comment by Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda on January 3, 2009 at 7:14pm

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