Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

When I was a child the song "This little light of mine" was a personal favorite. I am remembering today a dream or vision I had as a child.

I remember sitting in my moms bedroom, I must have been 5 or 6 and but I remember Light all around me. Ever moving forward pulling me forward, full of love and peace. So bright was the light and so whole was I, because as I was bathed in light, so to was I the light.

So immense was this light compared to the tiny candle flame we hear in the song. So vast and powerful the rays of white were.

I remember singing that song and know what it meant to let that light shine. To not let anyone blow it out and to protect it.

I knew that this light of mine was special, precious and pure. That it dwells within me.

Even today as I type this, I can imagine this candle burning within my chest, so bright and brilliant that it can not be contained, this mighty flame burning in my bosom, safe from any prevailing winds or flood. Safe and dry in this temple beneath the flesh.

It is that light that I am sending to you today, my beloved, this light and a memory of a child:

This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.


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