Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Clear White Light
by Master Subramuniya

A Western Mystic's transcendental experiences


The experience of the clear white light is a mystical vision seen with the mind's eye as vividly as one would see with the physical eyes. We are always seeing light with the third eye in some degree. Close your eyes and envision a large tree standing alone upon a hill covered with flowers bursting out of lush green grass in the field around. Imagine the scene taking place on a sunny day; the clear crisp air in the high altitude brings forth the images distinctly. Put a cloud in the sky for contrast.

The light you have been seeing, as you have been creating these suggested images, one at a time, with your thoughts inspired by what you have been reading, is the inner light flooding through the external mind. Remove the cloud from the picture - the flowers, the grass, and the tree. Inner light alone would remain. This inner light intensified one thousand times would be called "the clear white light".

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Comment by Trudy on February 9, 2010 at 4:33pm
Dear Vaddix
1 = Experienced
2 = Understand
I've seen your topic which asks you to learn.
While reading your question, my heart was bursting open.
Around February 2009 I also felt so helpless... just like you now at this moment.
At that time at SoE I had little connection with what Brad and Clinton were all suggested. I understood no word of it then. Often I felt that I was fooled by some proposed topics. Where the hell they were talking about ??

Then in April, I experienced the LIGHT ( for me I reach my Higher Self , but records say I move up to the 5th dimension)...
Since that time, my dear Vaddix life ... not just deep valleys followed... but high peaks were in sight...
How deep were my valleys... and WHY did I received the white LIGHT... I will answer this to u in your topic... but please give me time... because I must dig up some bad bad memory's.
But for your sake I accept the bad energy that goes along with it... At this time I am very strong in my Being my confidence is at a high level... so please dear Vaddix let me do this for you.
Maybe after you have read where I am coming from , you understand the experience, and I think then it will be easy for you to reach your inner White Light ...
Stay in touch with your breathing through the days ahead ... Please... this will calm you down for a good meditation ...Love you son, stay cool...
Comment by Vaddix on February 9, 2010 at 3:03pm
i read it. It felt like too much jargon to understand. I couldn't wrap my head around it.
Comment by brandy rox on February 9, 2010 at 1:46pm
YAY I m soo soo happy :D :D!!! I felt like that too when I found it. Happy to share it.
Comment by Trudy on February 9, 2010 at 4:54am
Brandy girl come over here so I can hug you and kiss you. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
At first when I opened your topic it was a mystery. I didn't see any text so after selecting the text a new world open up for me. My search for the answer for the white light comes to an end. Here it is ...everything the answers and the explanation of your consiousness and how to improve it. It is realy magnificent, you make me a very very happy girl...
Namaste Brandy Rox

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