Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Caucasus dolmens are considered to be places of power and amongst more than 3000 dolmens spread along the Black sea shore there are a few that are famous for their great energy which almost any person can feel. One of this dolmens is located close to Pshada village and is proudly named by the people "The Patriarch".

Thousands of people visit this dolmen every year as they believe that this dolmen may help your wish to come true. And many of them come again next year to express their true grattitude to the spirit of dolmen for realisation of their wish...

It is very rare when a spirit of a dolmen shows itself on a photograph but this year we were lucky to cupture the spirit of The Patriarch dolmen on two different cameras. The photos look different because one camera had the flash light on and another one - flash-off. I hope it is clear which one is which. )))
More about dolmens here:

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Comment by Yuri Smirnov on October 21, 2016 at 1:45am

The similar structures are found in many countries in Europe and Korea, India. But the Caucasus dolmens are unique, most of them consist of 6 slabs: 4 walls, bottom and top.

Comment by Yuri Smirnov on October 21, 2016 at 1:42am

Comment by The Spiral on October 21, 2016 at 12:49am

These structures are all over the world?

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