The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
THE SEA PEOPLES (Thirteenth century BCE) Egyptian names (Likely origin) Dardany (Dardanians - Trojans from England, Dardanus being an ancestor of King Priam) Denyen (Danaans - Danes, people from Scandinavia) Tjekker (People from England, Teucer being an ancestor of King Priam) Peleset (Pelasgians - "who dwell on the sea" people from the Low Countries) Shikala (Sikule - "who live on ships", people from western France).
Isle of Skye Scotland Home of The Sun God (''Lugh Lamfada Apollo'') Belenos. Isle of Skye, Scotland (''The Kingdom of Skythia'') Real Location of The Kingdom of Scythia, the Isle of Skye, Scotland was known as the Ancient Kingdom of Skythia ''Scythia''. This is the Correct Location of the Skythians (Scythians) and Their REAL HOMELAND and where they actually ORIGINATED FROM is the the ''Isle of Skye, Scotland'' the Location of the ''Skythian Peoples''.
The Ancient Druid Spiritual Leadership of the ''Yews'' A Group of People Named After the ''Sacred Yew Trees'' The Druids Would Lead Them Spiritually. The Yews were of a Chosen Group of People named after their Namesake the ''Sacred Yew Trees''. (''THE MAGI, CHALDEANS, DRUIDS'') . (''THE MAGI, CHALDEANS, DRUIDS'') who were the Spiritual Leader of the Ancient Celts they were the ''Ancient Hyperborean (''Hebiru / Apiru'') Hebrew Spiritual Caste System of Spiritual Leadership'' and Directed all Spiritual Authority and Leadership among the Peoples.
They were also known as the ''Apiru = Hebrew'' the ''God Like People of Apollo'' ie the Hyperboreans. Ap- means Apollo and Iru- means Hebrew ''The Hyperborean / Hebrew God Like People of Apollo'' the Atlanteans of the ''Kingdom of Hyperborea'' the ''12 Olympian Tribes of Gods''. Apollo would Later be Replaced by Yahweh by the CHURCH in fact it was Christianity that Replaced Apollo the SUN GOD with that of Yahweh later on. They were ''12 DIVINE TRIBES of GODS and GODDESSES'' they where ''Divine Powerful Hyperboreans who Ruled Their Part of Hyperborea ''Atlantis'' they divided up ''Atlantis'' into 12 Parts and or 12 Kingdoms and or Sections.
The Greek God Apollo had Strawberry Blonde Hair and was a Hyperborean from the FAR-NORTH and Belonged to a Group of Ancestors who would be the Forefathers of the. ''Germanic Norse Scandinavian Vikings and Celtic Gaelic People of Ancient Celts'' and that his Territory covered much of ''GREAT BRITAIN and SCANDINAVIA''..........!!!!!!!!!! The Greek Apollo was Known with Many of His Different Names that his People had for him, The Ancient Irish called him LUGH, The Ancient British called him BELENOS and The Ancient Scandinavians called him BALDUR. The Irish, the Scottish, the British, the Norwegians, the Swedes, the Finnish, they are the People of Apollo the Sole Survivors of the ''Kingdom of Hyperborea''. Apollo was indeed was one of the ''Tuatha De Danann'' and was Mainly known as ''Lugh the Shining One'' and was one of the Sons of Nemed and the Children of the Goddess Danu they were a group of ''Hyperborean Nemedians''.
Here is an Interesting Twist to Our Clan's History and Our Ancient Origins this here has a little bit more Information Regarding the Name ''Aoidh or Aodh'' and links it to our Clan ''Clan MacKay''. The Pagan Origins of My Clan's and Family Name and here it is right here ''I BELIEVE THIS TO BE OF HYPERBOREAN ORIGIN''. The Legendary High King ''God Aodh'' was said to have been apart of the ''Children of Lir'' and the ''Children of Lir'' happens to be the symbol of the ''Swans''. Lir himself was said to have been One of the Legendary ''Tuatha De Danann'' of Ireland the ''Ancient High Kings and Pagan Gods of Ireland'' and that the ''Children of Lir'' comes from ''Lir'' one of these ''Tuatha De Danann's''.
TWO TRIBES OF ONE FAMILY OF ''HYPERBOREANS'' The Vanir and The Aesir the Celtic Gaelic Peoples are of the ''Vanir Tribe of Hyperboreans'' and the Viking Norse Scandinavians are of the ''Aesir Tribe of Hyperboreans'' we the Celtic Gaelic Peoples of Northwestern Europe and the Viking Norse Scandinavians we are of ''TWO TRIBES of the SAME ARCTIC HYPERBOREAN FAMILY OF THE NORTH''.
Irish folklore has preserved the old account of Balar and his grandson Lugh. Balar has a daughter, Eithne, whose son is destined to kill her father. So Balar locks her away, but MacIneely, or Cian, comes to Balar in pursuit of a cow which Balar has stolen. He succeeds in seducing Eithne, who bears three sons. Balar casts them into the sea, but MacIneely saves one of them, Lugh, and fosters him with his brother, or with Manannan or Goibhniu. Balar kills MacIneely, but Lugh kills him in turn with a red-hot iron or sling-stone through his single eye at the battle of Moytirra.
The fullest account of the Celtic deity Lugh (Celtic ‘Lugus’) is found in an eleventh-century Irish text Cath Maige Tuired (‘the Battle of Moytirra’), which records the origin and development of the conflict between the divine race the Tuatha Dé Danann and the demonic race the Fomhóire. Lugh was the grandson of the Fómhoire leader Balar (Bailcbhéimneach ‘strong-smiting’) who had given his daughter Eithne to Cian of the Tuatha Dé Danann in an attempt to make peace between the two races. But in the course of the battle Lugh – known by the sobriquet Lámhfhada (‘long-armed’) – who had become the champion of the Tuatha Dé Danann, killed his grandfather Balar by casting a slingstone at his venomous eye which had been opened in the course of the battle. This drove the eye through the back of his head causing destruction to his own army (1).
In a variant account of the death of Balar in circulation since the twelfth century, Balar is said to have survived the battle and was later decapitated by Lugh after a long pursuit to the southwest of the country. Instead of placing the severed head on top of his own as suggested by Balar in order to gain his powers, he laid it on a rock which was instantly shattered (2). In a further literary version of the Battle of Moytirra from around the fifteenth century, Goibhniu, a smith – mythical smith of the Tuatha Dé Danann and represented in folklore as the smith Goibhleann, the reputed owner of a marvelous cow called Glas Ghoibhneann (3) – works in his forge during the battle and using his tongs, he flings the heavy sling-stone to Lugh with which he kills Balar (4).…/si…/the_birth_of_lugh.html
by DaRC
This summarizes the conclusion below which defines the details of my thoughts. The main thrust here is that the Celts were amongst the earliest European tribes to smelt iron, their culture thus heavily influenced those tribes around them, particularly the Norse, Northern or Germanic tribes. Loki provides the echo of that Celtic influence on early Northern culture within the Norse mythology. As Lugh or Lugus was one of the primary Celtic deities, I think that Loki can be identified as the Norse view of Lugh.
This depends upon Loki and Lugh being identified together for which the argument is that both were fostered in the legends. They both have a close association with mistletoe and provide gifts to their friends. They are lightning Gods rather than Sun, Earth or Water gods and can both be associated with killing, via a thrown spear, a Sun god. This is just what inspiration points to me as obvious and that the demonization of Loki is the influence of Christianity in misinterpreting the Norse mythology for its own ends.
The Beginning of Norse Mythology -The Early Northern Iron Age (c. 500 BC)
The knowledge of the early Norse iron age is limited to archaeological evidence and comments from classical authors. Evidence suggests that the late Bronze Age (ca. 700 BC) was a time of cultural change when the language(s) spoken earlier may have been replaced by the Germanic language.
It seems that there were organised villages and the gradual change to a more sophisticated, stratified society started around 500 BC right at the beginning of the Iron Age. Many finds have been found in bogs. The oldest war booty offering, known as the Hjortspring find, contains the remains of the oldest prehistoric Danish boat. It is of the same type as the craft known from Bronze Age rock carvings. The weapons found with it, however, are of Celtic origin.…/gods-go…/norse-loki-and-celtic-lugh
Originally you will get the idea that it is from Camelot that the celts create the god Dagda’s (the good god’s) temple and thus you can easily deduct that this god is replaced by King Arthur after the arrival of the anglosaxons, because Dagda (Nordic Frey) was the king av war, wisdom and magic and had been the specific divinity of the ancent celtic warriorpriests, the druids. The name of Druids means “shooting down” in celtic, not “oak” as origanilly was believed. This should be set in comparison with with the corresponding Nordic valkyrjer wich means “those who fall down in the struggle shall be selected”. It seems that the celtic word Dagda has been traslated to nailposts or dayposts, i.e. Camelot (protruding calendar posts). Dagda’s mother Danan (planty) is synonymous with nordic Nerthus (Frey’s mother).
Atlantis has been Ireland
Olof Rudbeck’s daring theory that Atlantis (outland) originally was situated in Sweden, or the Nordic countries, seems to me be obsolote, though I admit it was an intresting thesies. I would rather locate this mythical land to Ireland or Isle of Man. Atlantis has its roots in the present name Ireland, but also in it’s antique name Hibernia. These names originate from the Latin words ebairo and ebrios which means “bythe side [standing] and “the drowned [land]”. These meanings are very Well suited to the tales concering the location of Atlantis. Furthermore is their golden Poseidon temple connected to the Irish seagodManannan’s peculiar island, i.e the Isle of Man. The ancient Irishmen especially worshipped this seagod Mannanan Maclir (Manannan the son of Lir) and they believed he was catering his guests in the temple of his island with great luxury as did his Nordic equivalent Äger (the island owner), actually a strange figure in the Nordic myths of gods.
A Selection of Celtic Deities and HeroesNotes by Dr. Honora M. Finkelstein(Synthesized from Celtic Myth & Legend: An A-Z of People and Places by Mike Dixon-Kennedy and The Illustrated Dictionary of Mythology by Philip Wilkinson)The following gods and heroes are representative of some of the figures found in the various mythologies of the Celtic tribes. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it has been put together here to show some of the differences between the Celtic myths and those of the other Western European cultures we have examined.Albion (Britain)—a legendary giant who was reputed to have been the first ruler of Britain; the island itself was called Albion before the coming of Brutus.Andarta (Gaul)—a bear goddess who, like her counterpart Artio, paralleled the Greek goddess Artemis; all of these goddesses could assume the form of a bear at will.Andraste (Britain)—a goddess of victory to whom her opponents were sacrificed in a sacred grove. She is said to have been invoked by Queen Boudicca when she revolted against the Roman army in the 1st century A.D.Anu (or Danu) (Ireland)—the earth mother.Arduinna (Gaul)—a goddess, possibly of the hunt, or a protectress of animals, who is associated with the wild boar.
Gives her name to the Ardennes in FranceArianrhod (Wales)—a star goddess of time, space, and energy, associated with the constellation of corona borealis and with the aurora borealis, the northern lights. Her name means “silver wheel” or “queen of the wheel” or “high fruitful mother.” Possibly connected with the Greek princess/goddess Ariadne, who like Arachne, the spider goddess, is associated with weaving and with the 13th sign of the lunar zodiac, which existed before the time of the solar zodiac.Artepomaros (Gaul)—a deity whose name means “possessing great horses,” this god may originally have been a horse or solar deity that became assimilated with the classical Apollo during the Roman occupation of Gaul.Badb (Ireland)—goddess of war, her name means “scald-crow”; she is depicted as a raven or hooded crow.Balar (Ireland)—a one-eyed giant, king of the Fomorians, whose power lay in his eye; compare with the Cyclops. He was killed at the Second Battle of Mag Tured by a stone form the slingshot of Lugh.Bel (Gaul and Britain)—a solar deity, the son of the power of light, and patron of the festival of Beltane. All gods with the word “bel” (meaning “shining”) in their names suggest the idea of light. The version named Belanus was sometimes associated with the god Apollo.Belatucadros (Britain)—a horned Celtic god of war, whose name means “fair shining one”; he was often equated with the Roman god of war, Mars.Beltené (Ireland)—one of the names applied to the god of death. (Not associated with the feast of Beltane.)Bendigeid Vran (Bran the Blessed) (Wales)—a giant son of Llyr. He led the Britons to victory against the Irish and was wounded, but his severed head continued to lead and entertain the people for 80 years.
In the mythologies of Indo-Europe (and not only), there is an archetypal story of struggle with the demons of the gods of light. Indian maidens and asuras, the Greek Olympians and the Giants, the Scandinavian aces and hrimtursy mountainous giants - they all fought for power over the world. In Irish legends the Tuatha De Danan - Tuatha De Danann (or simply tuath) fought with Fomhoire - one-eyed, one-armed and one-legged sea giants. Saga, which best reflects the topic is "The Second Battle of Mag-tured," It describes the invasion and victory fomorians Tuatha De Danann. The central point of the battle - a fight between Lugh (the guardian of secret knowledge, "Mr. hundred crafts, typologically close Odin) and a monstrous giant Balor, King fomorians. The strength of this Balor was his disastrous eye, kotoroyj servants raised threaded through the eyelid stick (like Gogol Vey). But only giant opened his eyes as Meadow struck him with a spear.
In the background we see kaptiny racing chariots De Danann, and even further - megalithic structures such as Stonehenge, the Druids (Celtic priests, praying for victory and Morrigan ("Great Queen") - the goddess of war.
Irish legends tell that the Tuatha Dé Danann were defeated by the people and settled within the sacred hills. Henceforth, they were called sidhe, or, in recent times - the elves. The picture shows the supreme god oxides - wise Dagda, the attribute which was a magic cauldron of plenty. Dagda can be identified with the ancient Gauls deer god Cernunnos . (For the argument: "The Indo-European mythology: the genealogy of the gods" and "Indo-European mythology: the structural core of the pantheon in the historical and social aspects" ).
Ramheaded snake was a symbol of the latter.
Three egrets represent Brigita - daughter of the Dagda, and the white dog is a sign of "the other world". Harper is a generalized image of the Celtic bard Ossian is possible.
"Daghgda." (A. Fantalov 1998)
On thic picture we can see the suprime Irish god Daghdha ("Good god"). He was god of plenty and magic wisdom. His atributes were cudgel and claudron. He lived (as other gods) in marvellous hill. Three herons symbolised Brighid, the Daghdha's daughter. White dogs are features of the otherworld in Celtic myths. A harper is asimbolic percinage (Probably Oisin). Daghdha can be Identified with Gallic Cernunnos , god with STAG 'horns (the ramhorned serpent is an atribute of Cernunnos). (See: "Indo-European Mythologies: genealogy of gods" and "Indo-European Mythologies structure in social-historical aspect" ).
"The second Battle of Maige Turedh." (A. Fantalov 1996)
This a great battle between Celtic gods (Tuatha De Danann) and daemons (Fomhoire). There are a god of light and mystery knowledge Lugh is fighting against a Fomhoire king - Balar (with malevolent eye). On the cecond plane the battie chariots of Tuatha De Danann are shown. Farther it can see Stonehenge, and a war goddess - Morrighan.
Dagda, Celtic Mythology. Dagda, the kindly god
Texts from the internet. Then I will review them and complementarei.
The supreme god of the Celtic pantheon is Dagda (but in certain regions and seasons his consort Danu seems to occupy this position). The Dagda is a father figure, protector of the tribe and the "basic" god which other male gods would just variants. Celtic Gods are not very specific entities and perhaps should be viewed more as preferences of each clan than as a formal pantheon. In a way they are all similar to the Greek god Apollo who was a god connected to multiple areas.
Irish tales depict the Dagda as a figure of immense power, armed with a club and associated with a cauldron (the Cauldron of Blood, which contained various magical properties).
Although Dana and son of Bile, "the God Kind," Dagda is the patriarch of the gods, the most powerful and significant of them.
His name means "that strikes with great effectiveness" since carries a hammer with which gives life, resurrects and kills. It is a God of abundance. She wears a short tunic, reflecting both authority and benevolence. It was and remains the most venerated god of the druids. Lord of the elements (water, fire, air, earth and electricity), of wisdom and divination, master of music, art, poetry and eloquence, great warrior, simple and pleasant that God has the task to ensure the transition during the different stages of life and then to the "afterlife". Anyway, Dagda is a good party. Has a magic cauldron which can raise the dead in battle (Freya, Hades and Odin does not like it at all). Their union with Boann had Oengus Mac Og, god of love, conceived and born in one day (it premature boot). Owner of great deeds and adventures of war, it is said that once caught with one hand a being with four legs and 100 heads. Also symbolizes fertility, abundance and regeneration. Sometimes a picture is almost grotesque, but even so, is liked and respected. Eat large amounts of food (rivaling Thor). With Morrigan formed a couple. It has a magical harp with which controls the start and end of the Celtic seasons. Brigitt father was the goddess, god Oghma, the god Mider, the god Angus Og Mac and Bodb, Red, who succeeded him as ruler of the gods.
It mythology as Gala contains more than one hundred deities the range is ensured. That is, which side of the previous, considered by the narrators of myths as bloodthirsty when there are other radically opposite characteristics.
Dagda was known by the attribute of the cauldron of plenty. Among the Celts, the cauldron was one of the charged objects of magical and mythical symbolism, for in his background were kept the essence of knowledge, inspiration and extraordinary thaumaturgy, with which all creatures fed. And not only were satisfied so material, but also those who acudiam the generous cauldron of Dagda, felt satiated their appetites for knowledge and wisdom.
Another quality of the god Dagda was their direct relationship with the music and with its evocative power. One of his attributes was precisely the harp, an instrument wielded with skill and art and that served him to summon the seasons. Also pulled so smooth melodies of this instrument that many mortals passed from this world to the other as in a dream, and without feeling any pain, not even repair it.
In a similar way to the Roman Jupiter, despite not find, like this, only at the summit of Olympus, he is Eochaid U Oathair, better known by the nickname Dagda, "the good god". It is a powerful deity and somewhat good-natured represented mainly by a large hammer - which took like the Gallic Sucellos, literally "he who strikes hard" with his hammer - and sometimes by a magical spear from both ends: with one killed and the other was able to raise the dead. This ability was also attributed to magic cauldron in which bathed overnight warriors killed in battle during the day to recover life at dawn the next day. The same pot was inexhaustible source of food for his troops.
Union Dagda Boann with the wife of the god of water, Nechtan, Angus was born, or Mac Og. He is the closest thing to a god of love that we find among the Celts. Later, his mother violated the prohibition to visit the source of Nechtan and, accordingly, appeared drowned. Og metamorphosed aiming to become the Boyne, the river model of Irish mythology.…/dagda-mitologia-celta-…/
The ''TERM'' ''ASGARD'' is NORSE for the ''TERM'' ''ALTANTIS'' Asgard is Atlantis and Atlantis is Asgard. The ''House of Aesir'' was the One who Built the Pyramids all around the World and Even Europe it was the ''House of Aesir'' who had built all of the Ancient Prehistoric Pyramids around the World the Related House of the ''House of Vanir'' of Asgard ''Atlantis''. TWO TRIBES OF ONE FAMILY OF ''HYPERBOREANS'' The Vanir and The Aesir the Celtic Gaelic Peoples are of the ''Vanir Tribe of Hyperboreans'' and the Viking Norse Scandinavians are of the ''Aesir Tribe of Hyperboreans'' we the Celtic Gaelic Peoples of Northwestern Europe and the Viking Norse Scandinavians we are of ''TWO TRIBES of the SAME ARCTIC HYPERBOREAN FAMILY OF THE NORTH''.
Both ''Asgard and Mount Olympus'' is One and The Same City of the Gods the ''Immortal Hyperboreans'' of the North. The City goes by Two Names by the Vikings it is called Asgard by the Ancient Greeks it is Called Mount Olympus. Every time the God Apollo flew Down and Visited the Mortals in Ancient Greece he Always Flew down from the Northern Heights of Northwestern Europe the Location of Scotland and Ireland. Every time the God Apollo Flew back to the City of the Gods he Flew back all the way toward ''Northern Scandinavia'' near Northwestern Siberia Russia. Ireland is Atlantis apart of Ireland aka Atlantis was Destroyed during the Destruction of the Doggerland Shelf when it was Destroyed between 12,000 to 8,000 Years ago when Doggerland was Destroyed apart of Ireland aka Atlantis was Destroyed destroying the Atlantean History and Part of Ireland itself.
The Nation of Sweden is the Real Location of Libya and the Island of Gotland is the Real Location of Cyprus and ''Northwestern Russland'' is the Real and Correct Location of Phoenicia and the Island of ''Bornholm'' is the Correct and Real Location of The ''Island of Rhodes'' and ''Southern Finland'' is the Real Location of the ''Kingdom of Hellas''. This was the True and Real ''Bronze Age Classical World'' this is the True and Original Location of the ''Ancient Classical World'' and happens to be the Real and Original Locations of these Ancient ''Bronze Age Kingdoms'' of which is Located in ''Northwestern Europe''.
Scylla's Cave aka (''The Kolhellaren ie Refsvik Cave'') of ''Hyperborean Northern Norway'' This Gave in ''Northern Norway'' is The Cave of Scylla and it Goes by the name (''The Kolhellaren ie Refsvik Cave''). (''Refsvikhula Cave Is The Cave of Homer's Scylla'') of Homer's Odyssey.
Homer's Odyssey
In Homer's Odyssey XII, Odysseus is advised by Circe to sail closer to Scylla, for Charybdis could drown his whole ship: "Hug Scylla's crag—sail on past her—top speed! Better by far to lose six men and keep your ship than lose your entire crew," She also tells Odysseus to ask Scylla's mother, the river nymph Crataeis, to prevent Scylla from pouncing more than once. Odysseus successfully sails his ship past Scylla and Charybdis, but Scylla manages to catch six of his men, devouring them alive.
"...they writhed
gasping as Scylla swung them up her cliff and there
at her cavern's mouth she bolted them down raw—
screaming out, flinging their arms toward me,
The Arctic Ocean Between The Norwegian Sea and The Barents Sea, Bjørnøya (Bear Island) Svalbard (''Closer Towards The Center of The Northern Arctic Ocean'') Not To Far From Northeastern Greenland. (''MYSTERIOUS ENTRYWAY INTO A CAVE'') (''This is The Island of Aeaea the Home of The sorceress Circe. In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus tells Alcinous that he stayed here for a year on his way home to Ithaca-(''Denmark'').
Before leaving Aeaea, Odysseus was given instructions by Circe about how to cross the ocean and assisted by North Wind to reach the underworld: "When your ship has traversed the stream of Oceanus, you will reach the fertile shore of Persephone's country with its groves of tall poplars and willows that shed their fruit untimely; here beach your ship upon the shore of Oceanus, and go straight on to the dark abode of Hades-(''Northern Tip of Scandinavia'')." (Odyssey 10.505, tr. Samuel Butler)
The Greek God Apollo had Strawberry Blonde Hair and was a Hyperborean from the FAR-NORTH and Belonged to a Group of Ancestors who would be the Forefathers of the. ''Germanic Norse Scandinavian Vikings and Celtic Gaelic People of Ancient Celts'' and that his Territory covered much of ''GREAT BRITAIN and SCANDINAVIA''..........!!!!!!!!!! The Greek Apollo was Known with Many of His Different Names that his People had for him, The Ancient Irish called him LUGH, The Ancient British called him BELENOS and The Ancient Scandinavians called him BALDUR. The Irish, the Scottish, the British, the Norwegians, the Swedes, the Finnish, they are the People of Apollo the Sole Survivors of the ''Kingdom of Hyperborea''. Apollo was indeed was one of the ''Tuatha De Danann'' and was Mainly known as ''Lugh the Shining One'' and was one of the Sons of Nemed and the Children of the Goddess Danu they were a group of ''Hyperborean Nemedians''.
I did not write this it was sent to me
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