Let’s get into harmonics and the physics of our vibrational reality. Obviously since the first split then took on limitless “splits” thereafter, (much like the cells replicating in your own body) our beloved Twin Flame has been replicated in holographic form as many times as have we. God is a hologram and everything that exists in the vastness of your being, exists in the microscopic cell. In a hologram there is no end. We are limitless cosmic beings choosing to send forth our energies through layer after layer of creation. It is exponential-- as exponential as familial replication as we understand it in our earth lives.

Therefore, what you consider the “self” sitting in that chair is but a splinter of the vast cosmic multidimensional being that you truly are, dwelling here in a time/space continuum of education based in duality consciousness; a place where you could grow with the assistance of ego to claim your individualized co-creative ability by learning to use Thoughts and Feelings to vibrationally magnetize your reality. Duality affords the swiftest method of education for it provides extreme contrast between constructive and destructive thoughts and feelings.
Because nothing can exist within your field of experience (be magnetically attracted) unless you hold that frequency or resonance within your own field, your Twin Flame may literally overshadow any person who is in your field of experience. What you are calling into tangible experience is the pure vibratory signature of your beloved other half that originates from the purity of the First Split and it can infiltrate by spirit, much like food coloring can be dropped in a bowl of water and infiltrate every molecule of the water. The minute you accept the other’s existence, and the possibility of the Twin Flame’s manifestation, you begin to move toward each other.

The ego’s agenda is always about “getting.” This is anti-love, for love is always about “giving.” Love must express itself, must bathe everything and everyone within its path as it gives and gives and gives again.
“You have always heard, ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears.’ On the same note, when your heart is ready, your Twin Flame appears. Not because they have not been there! But because you have been unable to recognize them.”
---Yael Powell, Messages from God
At any given moment, everything in our experience, including every single relationship, is out-picturing our inner beliefs. When our relationships are less than harmonious or if we are proving that love hurts, abandons, or disappoints, it is only an energy form from within us that is reflecting without. You could be with your beloved at this very moment and not know it, for they may be reflecting only the symbols of your inner landscape for you. Do not assume that they are unworthy or that too much water has passed under the bridge of your relationship. You must be willing to see your current partner as your Twin Flame, and unconditionally pour forth your love to them “as if.” They will act as your perfect mirror. Remember, as you move in pure love and make the call for your Twin Flame, that energy will be drawn from the First Split and will overshadow the one who can contain it. Your Twin Flame will respond magnetically by resonance with your specific individualized vibratory signature. As your Twin Flame is acknowledged, and nourished with your love and purity, your heart will begin to broadcast the signal of this vibrational resonance to bring your Twin Flame into full manifestation before you.

As your Twin Flame is brought into embodiment, it means that you heart is pure enough and loving enough to have this reflected to you in form. This means you must live from the heart and that takes effort in the face of mass consciousness, for you cannot see that for which you are not ready. If something is out of your range vibrationally, it simply cannot enter your consciousness, even if you are standing right in front of it. It requires perfect trust and faith in Love that is so powerful that it will displace the ego’s view.
This does not mean abandoning the relationship you are in to go searching for your true soul’s mate who is “out there somewhere.”
Twin Flame love will never break up another relationship. If the relationship is out of reach, it merely means the energy is tantalizing you, but far enough away for safety (usually because of some fear you are harboring.) It means you are not allowing the manifestation of your Twin Flame. Never allow ego to use its games to justify any action that is out of integrity with love and life, for a relationship begun at the expense of pain to another with someone who has not completed the lessons where they are, cannot ever be the basis for the true Twin Flame reunion or Sacred Sexuality.

Calling forth your Twin Flame means you have said “Yes” to love, that you know and own your own sovereignty and willingly surrender and give all the love you have to your beloved. Pouring this forth ceaselessly forms a magnetic attraction from a vibrational level that cannot be resisted and as it is returned magnetically to you, it is increased tenfold from your complementary pattern. If you give forth this love without limit, if your current partner cannot contain the energy, they will harmoniously leave your field.
The goal of Twin Flame union is to reconnect to the NOW MOMENT OF CREATION through the conscious and balanced union of sacred sexuality, and re-qualify the vibration of light of the electron, then deliver this “amped up” love to all creation (including all New Creation brought forth through the Twin Flame union.) It changes, illumines, raises in vibration, everything to which it is delivered!
The Twin Flame dispensation is the most important thing that has happened for humanity since the coming of Jesus and his accomplishment for humankind, for through their union they tap into this all-inclusive Love and generate more Love through the Twin Flame heart. Then as they give forth this Love, which is the substance of what they are, the very essence of life, this Love, will then draw unto them its reflection as abundance, as beauty, as integrity of alignment, as everything that reflects Love and life in the symbols of the world.
Why would you want to do this and how can this possibly serve the whole?
Light equals actively moving love. It is originally transmitted from the higher sources with purity and intensity, but is re-qualified by everything to which it is delivered. One of the greatest services Twin Flames can provide is to draw atoms of light which have been reduced in their vibrational quality (from any condition, person, place or thing) into their Twin Flame heart as it connects to the ONGOING MOMENT OF CREATION, to be “refilled OR recharged,” then amplify them and send them forth to do their work again.

Energy cannot be destroyed. The only thing that can be done with an existing pattern or form is to transmute it into a different form.
This combined with the conscious use among the LightWorkers of the Violet Transmuting Flame, can shatter these old energy forms that no longer serve the consciousness of mankind and literally recycle the energy back into its highest frequency. This eliminates the emotional charge associated with the energy form and therefore the electromagnetic attraction, yet, it still allows for the wisdom garnered from the experience to be retained. The New energy is then ready to be qualified by mankind in a constructive fashion with reverence and honor toward all life – ALL THAT IS.

The term, “lovemaking” used to describe sexual union between partners is actually a literal cosmic translation. But to fully comprehend the implied scope of this and how it relates to sacred sexuality, a physics lesson woven within the language of spirituality is appropriate.
Electricity has a positive and negative charge (div. mas. & div. fem). However, there is not a FLOW of electricity until the two merge their balanced polarities in harmony. This is an orgasm – A SURGE OF ENERGY INTO THE LIGHT, INTO THE EXPLOSION THAT WE UNDERSTAND AS ILLUMINATION. This is what occurs when the two complementary forces of a negative and a positive charge come together in physicality: THEY CAUSE AN EXPLOSION OF ORGASMIC UNDERSTANDING. Your life was intended to be an ongoing ecstasy and joy which is orgasmic in nature, as a replication of the COSMIC ORGASM, or the “Ongoing Moment of Creation.”

Balance is the requirement for the energy exchange of the polarities and
the continuity through the completion of the circuit is a requirement.
Any relationship in this dynamic explosion of energy on the physical level creates an understanding of the passionate expression of God, which is the creation of the universe.
The surge to merge is the desire to know GOD, to know God outward of you in order to complete your awareness of third dimension. Passion is joy.
Passion in ANY area of your life is the fervent desire for love to be expressed through creation. AND PASSION has everything to do with becoming aware of GOD.

It is actually not IMPORTANT that you exchange this energy with a physical partner. It is wonderful and divine, but not something which is necessary. WHAT IS NECESSARY, HOWEVER, IS TO RECOGNIZE THE WHOLE OF LIFE AS YOUR LOVER.

The re-circulating of orgasmic energy into your own field will rejuvenate and expand your essence energy. The Egyptians symbolized this re-circulating of energy as the Ankh. Or if it is used to magnify divine love and send it out into creation, it will return on the great circle of life magnified and bless not only yourself but the whole. If you spew forth this energy with no conscious direction, it is squandered. You will feel momentary contentment, but you will also experience exhaustion of your essence energy, because you are not replenishing yourself with your own fountain.
You CAN turn on this spigot of essence energy without the complement of another being in physicality. You can turn it on by joining with your Twin Flame in consciousness.
The combination of Power and unconditional love in harmonic union equals sovereignty.
Sacred Sexuality and Orgasm are atomic in nature, CREATING CONTROLLED NUCLEAR FUSION. Sacred Sexuality is the Sacred Alchemical Marriage, the Holy Grail. To achieve this state is to touch in perfect love, to see in perfect love, and completely open every particle of your being to the giving of perfect love. Sacred Marriage is meant to sanctify your relationship and firmly establish God at the apex of your union.

Now, allow me to speak through the language of science what has just taken place.
Atomic power is the greatest force of love, because the atom is the closest to the Source, closest to the Ongoing Moment of Creation. In the atom are electrons moving around a center, an energy that holds them in place. The core of that atom, that central energy is LOVE. The atoms are living beings. The central core is their heart: it is Love. The central cores of the atoms of your bodies are connected directly to the core of GOD, the core of All That Is, while Source is exploding forth in the glorious Love-Making that is creation. When you connect all of your being to that Moment of Creation in the balanced exchange of the divine masculine and feminine forces, the window to which is the central energy of your very atoms, you will be returned to the Eternal Now. It can be achieved through sacred sexual union with your Twin Flame and only then will your energy match the energy of creation.

There are four primary forces at play in this universe: strong nuclear, weak nuclear, gravity and electromagnetic. The Twin Flame union embodies all four and is therefore absolutely and powerfully creative. The strongest magnetic field on Earth is the awakening Twin Flame heart!

When you make love together you create the Christ Twin Flame Heart Womb. It is the same as the StarGate within the atoms of your body. (Every life form exists within a torroidal field, from a cell, to a planet. to a human

If you’ve heard the phrase, “the great circle of life,” it is describing the way energy moves out through a 3 dimensional torroidal field, how it magnetically attracts similar energy, and returns to the creator magnified) In both the center of the atom and your heart womb lies the opening … the center through which you can travel home.
Electrons, as they dance in vibrant joy around this StarGate, are conscious beings. These too are living solar systems. For as you are within God, so are they within you. They are another dimension, intelligences or beings who occupy the universe that is within you. You are responsible for the upliftment and spiritual, as well as, physical well being of these inner universes.
Only by matching your frequency to that exploding Ongoing Moment of Creation may you enter the vortex without having the explosion scatter your atoms. You are emitting ionizing radiation which knocks off orbital electrons --- and if the flood of electrons is not consciously directed, it causes cell death and genetic mutation in any living thing.
The atomic bomb is an example of this activity for it utilizes UNSTABLE or undirected nuclei and the result is destruction of matter.

To create stable nuclei, you must be LOVEMAKING. And to be LOVEMAKING, you must have your TWIN FLAME. For when you are joined together, your electrons actually exchange places so your entire being is one flesh in the miracle of Sacred Marriage.
When every electron is vibrating higher and higher in the ecstasy of your union, and the joined being is experiencing the glorious union, the climax of your LoveMaking, your body will become light of the highest order. When this occurs your electrons that are light in motion will go through the central core of the atoms – the opening into the NOW and you will be Home. Your body literally becomes your vehicle of warp-drive back to unity consciousness and ecstasy. Imagine that! Ecstasy – held in reverence in the cup of the humble electron!
Dynamic feelings are what direct the speed of the electrons. When they move to the speed of true light, the atoms of your two bodies must come together--- they must collide, just as happens at even the lowest atomic level as the fusion reaction of the atom bomb. The resulting energy released will power your shift through the center of the atoms of the all of your joined being. But it MUST BE DIRECTED, and what directs it is your THOUGHT. Feelings of ecstasy are the highest form of energy in creation, and they are your natural state of being.

At our current level of density, the movement of Love is congealed and thus requires dynamic FEELING to push it along, amp it up.
Only under these conditions can it move fast enough to return to its more normal fluid state and become available to us for experiencing and spreading. When the atoms become filled with ecstasy, the center of every atom is beyond time, beyond form. Those atoms become God, vibrating at the highest rate. This is light. The explosion of Love that is creation.

As more and more of your being becomes made out of atoms whose center is already HOME, the more God you become and the more light you are and the less you identify with the smaller version of yourself. As these atoms pour through both you and your Twin Flame, you will attune your own beings to this new energy.
Combining two high energy atoms into one stable atom through the Power of Love equals NUCLEAR FUSION. And in this fusion, two nuclei of the same species lead to a doubling of genetic information: This Unity of Love creates MORE LOVE.
So the atoms become enlightened. Then of course, so do the cells of which they are part. As this happens your very cells will be reconnected in a new way to their original blueprint and each cell will be freed from the illusion (which marks the end of death as you know it.)
The movement of love, especially in its true fluid state, puts off a flood of electrons. Each electron carries the actual brightness/light or heat equal to what was generated by the Love from which it came. This heat is energy as you know it because it creates change. The electron delivers its heat to whatever it touches, but then the fact of delivery cools the light, which then must be heated back up again.
Light is embodied. Absolutely every energy in creation is held within a consciousness. The embodiment of light is the electron. Because the electron is a conscious being there is much for us to understand about being in relationship with electrons.
A. Since it is conscious, it is affected by other consciousnesses. In fact they are meant to be a deliverer of energy, so faithfully delivering their packet of energy as directed by other conscious entities, they deliver them and then wait to be refilled and sent forth to deliver yet again.

B. Light can and does become degraded as it moves into and out of another conscious life form. Electrons constantly “read” their environment and Thoughts constantly direct electrons. It is the Thought that magnetizes the energy field around us. Electrons conform to the consciousness of the experimenter, just like magnetic iron filings conform to a magnet – they have no will of their own. MATTER MUST OBEY CONSCIOUSNESS.

C. The only thing that can ever alter this flow of degraded light is for a co-creative consciousness (like you) to send it back to the Ongoing Moment of Creation to be essentially regenerated. This brings it back into the very highest vibration. So to send the electrons that come into your field of energy back to the Ongoing Moment of Creation charges them way up and brings back the purity of their energy. Obviously this is a way that you can lift and bless and bring the love here back into a more molten state through the union with your Twin Flame.
Your Twin Flame sexual union and connection to the Ongoing Moment of creation creates a wormhole, a bridge between dimensions through which information can be transmitted outside of time and space. These are for the purpose of hyper-communication. Once created it leaves a typical wave pattern even when your consciousness is not present. In other words, energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after that which causes the pattern is removed. This will start happening again as we stabilize in our individual consciousness. You are literally ANCHORING the flow of the immaculate concept or divine pattern of perfection into this dimension.

When you heat up your love, which is your essence, in conscious lovemaking, you are sending forth a great fountain of electrons that are filled, or charged, with highest light, thus delivering the light of the Moment of Creation to those they touch. First deliver to yourself Ð to grow you quickly back to the ability to reconnect, so that even when you are not physically making love you will be completely connected. Thus connected there is an open channel through which these electrons can pour continually and not only when making love.
First wake the cells, for the cells are the communities that process the energy delivered by the electrons. You do this for each other best, but those not yet with Twin Flame physically can definitely still call forth their assistance on the higher levels and bring the energy into your own bodies. After waking the cells, you will find that your sexual experience now encompasses your entire body. Your sexual organs are not more or less sexual than any other part of your body. Your lovemaking becomes a complete and amazing full body experience. Then Consciously move love through each chakra, connecting to the corresponding chakra of your lover and allow it to climb the spiral of the double helix made between you. As you pour forth this love, it will return to you from your lover as it crosses over your energy stream in a figure 8. The electrons are traveling in this figure :

When the chakra energies merge with each other, giving forth God’s perfect love, a double helix is created (a precise duplicate of the DNA) that completes an encoding sequence that acts like a tumbler on a bank vault security system, unlocking joint spiritual potential. The Christ Heart Chakra (the median, central chakra which unites all of the chakras) acts as a central womb. This Christ Twin Flame Heart Womb begins to pulse powerfully as the electrons cross at the center point of the figure 8, and when enough heat (e-motion or feeling) excites the electrons, the spiral spin begins to take place within this center, drawing the electrons down through the vortex that is created. As the electrons collide in the vortex, there is a nuclear reaction in which floods of electrons are freed from their orbit, holographically creating MORE love.

creating from a Twin Flame Heart. Not man using Christ energy, but rather you are the very Christ energy – the perfect electrons, pure, crystal clear. Your beings, the love you are, begin moving the rate of creation. This is where you can change everything with a thought – a touch.
The moment you intend to create MORE love, even as God creates, it begins to happen.
Within this womb this dynamic duo can place any mold or thought and fill it with this atomic substance of love, then cool it down and instantaneously manifest their creation. There is always creation, even if only as light forms. Hence the need for each heart to be in a place of pure love in order to join. Whatever you think about and move with feeling is created! It becomes your reality.

Conscious and deliberate Twin Flame manifestation happens instantaneously.
As I said earlier, the moment a person joins with their Twin Flame on any level whatsoever, they are eligible for direct delivery of light, INSTEAD of having it transduced by the hierarchy of light.

This light comes to you in many ways. It comes directly from the beings that are your SUN and these beings in turn are continually receiving even higher or faster light from a greater Sun being. Light is also consciously poured to you by those beings who are the tender caretakers of humanity – from the archangels to those ascended ones who have walked your same path and become one with the Christ Light. These beings then must step down or transduce the light, often way, way down to deliver it to humanity. Light is also drawn within humanity for their use from Lightworkers.
With this direct delivery of pure light, you can amplify that light even more, consciously asking for its increase, (a very good thing to do while and after making love.) You can then refill the delivering electrons and send them forth to transform someone or something else. Even a tiny portion of this perfect light greatly uplifts the vibrational sum of your two lives as they become one.
If one calls only for their own light, they will get it, but they could have accomplished the same AND lifted humanity for the same effort.
The only time you should not focus on giving forth to the rest of All That Is, is when you are together with your Twin Flame, awakening your cells. To initially place your Will and attention there, on yourselves, will increase YOUR ability to give forth more than a thousand fold easily.
This is why you must control your feelings. Feelings are energy. You do this by controlling your thoughts, for thoughts direct your feelings absolutely. Controlling thoughts and feelings are the most important single thing a human being can do.
Make continual decisions to feel ecstasy, love, and gratitude for if you do nothing else, these decisions will change everything. Give forth, without limit, God’s perfect love from the river of life. The “getting” will take care of itself as what you give out multiplies and is returned to you. You need not put any attention at all upon the “getting.”
What a miracle it is to be alive!

Until you live in praise, continual praise for that miracle, you will not be in right relationship to life.
When the light within you becomes as great as this glorious light that God/All That Is continually sends to you, then the Circle of Life is complete. There are worlds within worlds within worlds, within you, every one of which will then be free, free to live the ecstatic expression of giving life.
This is freedom. This is what it means to be home in God, to recognize life and honor it.
You and your Twin Flame are the generators of the substance of Love. You’re the heart cells of GOD. You are meant to accept God’s living love from the Moment of Creation – a never ending explosive expression of who and what God is. You are meant to accept this love, to take it and feel it and then amplify it – to CREATE MORE LOVE. The Great Love-Making. Then this love pours forth from you to nourish all within your keeping, giving God’s love to feed all creation the substance of life.

I hope you enjoyed the presentation, and also hope those of you who purchased The Teaching of Little Crow will be fully blessed as it lifts your hearts and minds to new places of knowing. Remember, Only Love is Real!

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