Hi all !. My real name is Kreemly. I am 26 years old. I was born in Dominican Republic, it is an island located in the Caribbean Zone. Since child I knew that I feel different from others. I had this inner feeling of joy and happiness that was unusual from other kids. I did not understand what was it.
When I was approximately ten years old I overcame my inner ego. I had the memory yet in my mind until now, I just felt like a “dark” fog, a feeling of evil around me. It was an incredible feeling I had that I could feel this evil in myself.
I have never been in a fight, always was a inner sensation that stops me from doing it. After I overcame my Ego, I entered into the spiritual realm, I crossed this spiritual barrier from our World to spiritual realm (called Malhut by Kabbalistics people).
I just had this feeling of pure love and light. That I felt like an eternal and wonderfull feeling of joy..just Wao!..i wish I could be in that moment for eternity!.. but I was not completely conscious about what was it.. I understand it now because of Kabbalah studies.
One day after playing with my friends, I went into my bedroom and remember to have closed my eyes for a moment, then I saw in my mind a image of a castle surrounded by nature. After that my Dad called me and then opened my eyes surprisingly. I tried to close my eyes after that moment but did not work twice.
After all this happened inside of me(at that age!), I realized that I was not this body, I was not this character or person. I comprehended that I could be whatever “character” or person would like to be.
All stages that kabbalistics people explain I passed through these ones.
In Each stage I consciously experimented this light coming into my head and with each light brought me knowledge inside of it. It was like with each phase The light brings me new knowledge and became more consciously.
I think that now I am one of those ahead in Ascension process. I can feel my aura sometimes around some parts of my body. But always have been depended of the continuously variable flow of energies.
A lot of thanks for sharing your time reading my story :)
Remember that WE ARE ONE…You are a Divine being of light…”Playing” this “game” on Earth
Infinite L<3ve and light!
Namaste all !
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