by Angelina Heart
The Twin Flame relationship is the ultimate balancing of the two primal forces of creation: the divine feminine energy and the divine masculine energy. These are not genders, but rather, forces or charges. This dynamic bond is present in every act of creation, from the origination of star systems right down to the most minute subatomic levels.
What follows is a rather in-depth expose about this relationship as the ultimate physics lesson. Although I recommend reading the entire dissertation, you may also click on any of the following bullets to "jump" to an area that holds particular interest for you.
Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies
Atomic holographic replication
The return to unity consciousness
Morphogenetic resonant fields in a hologram
Connecting to the Ongoing Moment of Creation Love Generator
Recycling energy forms
Stargate within the torroidal field
The delivery of highly charged (resonantly qualified) LIGHT
(The ultimate physics lesson)
by Angelina Heart
There is a relatively new billion dollar business of finding one’s soul-mate through “scientific” psycho /spiritual analysis and matching of co-equivalents. In fact, in 2005 alone, over 5 million people took advantage of this type of service in the US. It is hawked on television commercials, in our magazines and on our internet… “Just complete our questionnaire and we will find your one true mate in 72 hours --- guaranteed, or your money back!” Were that it were so easy.
Our history, religions, legends, myths, and fairytales are laced with archetypal tales of the two who are one. They are ever represented by the complementary energies of the divine feminine and the divine masculine principles that when united create a force of love so powerful that they become the ultimate tale of ecstasy and joy (the much longed for “happily ever after.”) It has been said that this duo unveils in flesh the Alpha and the Omega.
Is it possible to find that one person who will love us in the way we have always dreamed we wanted to be loved? Are the fairy tales true, or are we just setting ourselves up for some hugely disappointing fantasy and the ultimate reality is “life is hard and then you die.”
When we live in a world of duality, overcome with ego, selfishness, limitation, terrible lack of vision, pain, disillusionment and the loss of marriage as a true spiritual contract, loss of spirit as the center of human life, it’s hard for most to imagine any kind of “True Love.”
But Earth is only a little theater of struggle and limitation that we created ourselves, lived out in form by characters we have created from ourselves. In fact, the fairy tale is truer than the illusions we have created. AND the reason your heart is ever longing for and searching for your true mate, is because you actually have one and this knowledge is encoded in your very DNA.

All human beings long to be truly seen, known, embraced and loved; to be cherished for the truth beneath our stories, knowing deep inside that our stories are only ways in which we grow. Every single incarnate soul longs to join with his complementary energy – the other half of his heart. This longing is actually encoded within our DNA to ensure our conscious reunion.
You may think you are in love with someone, but you are not. You are in love with what others mirror back to you about yourself. As we return to a higher consciousness, all will understand that the union we seek is, absolutely and only, the merging of the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of SELF.
Relationships in duality consciousness in this third dimension have merely provided an educational platform. A relationship with any person, condition, place or thing only mirrors facets of yourself back to you. So, looking for love outside of yourself or seeking another to validate you or add meaning to your life is a waste of precious time. Romance is about romancing the ONE and the One is God. And as Twin Flames reunite, they become One.
It is a dichotomy, a grand paradox of life, but this is how it works in our reality.----as soon as you become the fullness of the Twin Flame energy, giving forth God’s limitless love continually from the conduit of your heart, your Twin Flame will appear before you as a SYMBOL in the form of another.
Sounds like applying for a loan. You can only get one if you don’t need one, eh?

Regardless of how diligently you search for this essence, this identical essence within the opposite body of soul energy, you will never find it, for the search will lead you only right back to your own soul. There is not a single method, exercise, or initiation that can bypass the mirror that reflects you back to you!
Your Twin Flame is not LIKE you, It IS you, and all intimate relationship with another entity is a relationship between yourself and God.
The journey here is about two things:
1) Self discovery in RELATIONSHIP to others, and
2) Learning how to manage and balance the divine feminine and masculine creative energy in a way that reveres ALL life and inures to the benefit of the Whole.
Mother-Father God / Source / All That Is (the ultimate unity consciousness,) can be expressed as the originating force of creation. That primal force of creation is present on every level of life and is sexual in nature as it involves the combining of two primal energies. Every planet, star, and every life in every galaxy is born of sexual union. The truth of our beings encompasses the entire spectrum of creation.
A. One of the primal energies is the divine feminine principle, the ocean of the substance of creation we refer to as Love, and the other, the divine masculine principle, the bolt of lightning, the WILL, the THOUGHT which penetrates the substance of creation, creating the pattern or energy mold.

B. The interaction causes heat, (FEELING) which then causes motion as it excites the electrons with increased vibration. These excited electrons then begin to spin, following the pattern of the spiral, creating a vortex.

C. The faster they spin (with e-MOTION, OR ENERGY IN MOTION) the larger the vortex becomes.

D. As the electrons are pulled into the vortex they collide, creating massive amounts of holographic energy. The key is this: Whatever is held as the thought mold in the center of the vortex is given LIFE as this e-motion is multiplied. In science we call this process “Fusion”.

God is always More. God is always a YES to creation.
The only resulting energy of the atomic union of the male/female energy is love. That’s all there is. Whether it be frozen or fluid --- it is still only Love, qualified through conscious direction of the creator(s), out picturing in symbols of this dimension. It is only light vibrating at different rates of speed and it gets frozen (more solid) when the symbol moves away from its true nature. There is no true duality --- only love and a world of ego dreaming it could be separate from Source –playing out limitless possibilities of that dream.
God, in its endless Love, the great size, strength and depth we can only imagine, realized that it was the greatest beauty and most magnificent Love with no object upon which to lavish itself. Then arose the idea of the other; the exploration of how to give Love, how to express who and what God is.
As GOD moved upon itself with Will (Thought) and sparked the ethers of its substance of love contained within, giving it direction, it made its FIRST SPLIT OR FIRST DIVISION; its first fusion reaction, creating more of itself – more love in holographic form within countless “cells.” This was the first experience of Separation and density known as light.

This FIRST SPLIT is referred to in the scientific literature as the Big Bang. The Judeo /Christian religions have termed it Genesis. In spiritual terms it is commonly referred to as the Ongoing Moment of Creation. In this holographic expansion of the Source, each “cell” created from this union now reflected perfectly these two divine principles; the two who are one, re- creating the first moment of creation. A pure hologram of God, yet with unique individuality and just enough of a degree of separation to reflect God’s perfection back to one another in complementary energy. This is represented within our religious literature SYMBOLICALLY as the DIVISION OF ONENESS FROM ANDROGYNY TO MALE/FEMALE.
These “identical” frequencies exist in opposite bodies of energies. These are definite charges, definite energies, with the female being negative and the male being positive, and are everywhere present in nature, the cosmos and every creation. These two energies, who are in fact one being (for one cannot exist without the other), have also been referred to historically by many names: Twin Rays, Twin Souls, Soul Mates, Split-aparts, Divine Counterparts, Celestial Marriage Partners, etc. --- but rather than argue semantics, I’ll refer to them as Twin Flames. You have only ONE Twin Flame; a unique, identical vibrational signature that is common only to individual Twin Flames from the First Split.
Within the joint womb created by the Union of these principles, any desire held as a thought mold will draw the atomic energy from their fusion and will coalesce into the symbol of that form.

You have only one Twin Flame, though it has many manifestations within the multidimensional divisions of itself. TWIN FLAMES ARE NOT GENDERS, but rather, complementary energy forms.
These are the very heart cells of God, as they became the vehicle through which God expanded self, experiencing new and wonderful creation by ex-pressing divine love into new molds. As these cells passionately created More Love through the same atomic process of Love-Making, they created worlds without end and billions of forms, which became worlds and dimensions of the radiant emergence of Love in relationship to that which is the Source. Since they are holographic, God is the giver, God is the gift and God is the receiver in this great Circle of Life. All of their creations existed within them, as even they, existed within God. This is referred to archetypically through Judeo/Christian faiths as Adam and Eve creating in the Garden of Eden.
Let’s call this History of the World, Part I.
But there came a knowing in the consciousness of God that in this state of holographic perfection, the “children” of God were not becoming individualized or sovereign powers with co-creative abilities due to the proximity of their relationship to the source. The only way to achieve this sovereignty would be to distance these “children” from the Source in a safe place where they would not be tempted to magnetically rush back into the Source’s perfection. (Just as we send our children from our orbits to gain their sovereignty.) So the children of the First Split (Twin Flames) began to extend PARTS of themselves into lower, slower, more dense levels of consciousness whose vibratory frequency literally create a veil of forgetfulness while each came to understand how to assume his creatorship and sovereignty individually.

There was too much energy to be contained within one physical embodiment, so the atomic holographic replication of the Twin Flame energy was “split and split and split,” so to speak, with some fragments retained in physicality and some in non-physicality, as all the parts of God went forth to garner intelligence and wisdom.
This has been referred to SYMBOLICALLY as the leaving of the Garden of Eden, wherein we chose to clothe ourselves in density and participate in an education of duality. Tasting of the tree of Good and Evil.
We refer to this safe space as the third dimensional schoolroom of planet Earth --- a frequency held in a Time/Space continuum. But – the hologram of the Source still exists within our individualized DNA patterns, and within this – the memory of not only our at-one-ment with Source, but also with our divine complementary pattern – our Twin Flame.
Each half of the whole, the two who are one, were destined to always carry the vibratory signature of their original complementary pattern. Therefore, even if you cannot see your Twin Flame, they are always with you. (These are symbolized by the Yin Yang sign – the complementary dot in the other half.) Because of the atomic nature of the creative potential when these two halves are joined physically, the two halves were separated in embodiment until such time as they could raise their individual frequencies to a certain level of consciousness. Their untimely joining in ego consciousness could otherwise result in atomic destruction; destruction that can actually destroy soul matter.

As these separated beings fell lower and lower into slower and more dense levels of consciousness (the fall of man) they each experienced multiple incarnations in both the male and female gender, though each being always retains the primary vibratory pattern of either the divine feminine principle or the divine masculine. This allowed them the experience of balancing these forces within themselves and assisted in attaining their full power and individualized sovereignty.

In this experience of education where individualized ego was intended to assist soul to evolve, the density became so congealed, so slow, that, for the most part, the soul lost conscious contact with the higher dimensional aspects of its multidimensional self and ego practically became the sole ruler of the identity. The ego was never intended to create selfishness and negativity. In a world disconnected, however, belief in separation from source, our Twin Flame, one another and all life became the accepted mass consciousness. Survival became the ego’s playground.
Let’s call this History of the World, Part II.
This mutually agreed upon expansion of God was called the great “out-breath”.
Now God has made the clarion call for the Homecoming, for Love is the true nature of our beings. The great “in-breath” has begun. The lower dimensional aspects of the “children” of God are being awakened from the dream in the theater of duality for the encoding within our DNA for unity consciousness has been activated.
During our sojourn we have indeed achieved our individuality, and now understand our Thoughts and Feelings create our reality and that we are responsible for our creations and how they affect the whole. We have played every role: sinner and saint, villain and hero. Our creative power will be expressed by the completely unique beings that we have become, with a strong awareness of ourselves that nothing else could have afforded save our sojourn through ego and back into spiritual individuality.
However, during this education, we have created countless destructive energy forms which need to be recycled back into their primary substance for re-use in a constructive fashion. Also, the vibratory signature of the belief in separation created by ego is still strong. The energy required to shatter these energy forms is atomic in nature.

Hence, God is asking for the return in consciousness of Twin Flames. This is a special dispensation for they have never been allowed to join until such time as each complementary half had risen to the pure vibration of love. Those beings called to this reunion will be of a certain level of consciousness who have agreed on some level to restore the cosmic DNA patterns-- the original divine blueprints of the immaculate concept-- and anchor it in this dimension. The birth of the Real Twin Flame energies on Earth is the most important, most critical ingredient to the transformation of this world, for they are on the leading edge of returning the Christ consciousness to the individual soul.

Take a holographic image, like a flower imbedded in a glass pendant…smash it with a hammer and pick up any of the smaller pieces and look--- the entire image exists in any shard of the previous whole. As above, so below, as within so without. WE ARE THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND IT EXISTS WITHIN US AS WELL. ALL OF IT. NO PART IS LEFT OUT. WE ARE WITHIN THE CREATOR AND YET THE CREATOR IS WITHIN US. IT IS COMPLETE, WHOLE, TOTAL AND ONE WITH ALL. Mother/Father God is omnipresent, as a hologram of the very creative force: Divine Feminine/ Divine Masculine – wave and particle – will and love.

God is both plural and uniquely singular in its omnipresence.
Because there is a quantum nature to our interconnectedness, such things as telepathy or psychic phenomenon work OUTSIDE the apparent laws of time and space. So if we work through the pre-existing interconnectedness of the holographic reality inherent in the Universe, communication is immediate.
When this planet was first formed, electricity in the primal form of lightning struck our atmosphere, forming in conjunction with sunlight, the four basic amino acids: adenine, guanine, thiamine and cytosine. These in turn became the sugars and phosphates present in every DNA structure in the body. These utilize the basic molecules of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon to combine together and build the body at a rate of 50 million cells per second. Not only is your DNA a crystalline based matrix, but every system in your body is one as well. These are the computer components, but what binds this all together and drives it all in a never ending, organized direction is what we call God – the unifying force which is primal and eternal.

The DNA transmits not only physical characteristics or predispositions, but also our concepts of time, space, energy and matter, and our conscious and unconscious filters. It transmits our receptivity to the inward impulse of God.

Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation. There have been controlled experiments in which certain frequencies were modulated through the sound vibration onto a laser like ray which were proven to influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Even WORDS created a reaction. (This is why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like, have a strong effect on humans and their bodies.) This is the science of wave genetics. THE BODY IS PROGRAMMABLE BY LANGUAGE, WORDS AND THOUGHTS (WAVE FORMS) BUT THE FREQUENCY HAS TO BE CORRECT AND CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION WITH THE DNA MUST BE ESTABLISHED.
DNA is an organic superconductor that works at normal body temperature, as opposed to artificial superconductors which require extremely low temperatures. They are able to store light and THUS information.
Resonant patterns in the DNA in a species responds to holographically communicated information when it reaches CRITICAL MASS.

There are carrier circuits within the DNA that transmit and even form an intelligence through a reality membrane that is sub-quantum. It’s a tributary ingredient of the unification force that propagates NEW traits and Understandings in the few to the many. From the master to the student, from the adept avatar to the masses.

It’s like an auto-down-load of information from a satellite transmission sending information on broadband that shows up on everyone’s home page.

It’s what enables the transmission of a new insight or a potent trait across a spectrum of species that resonates with the insight or trait and it does it without physical interaction. This is called the “Quantum Consciousness Shift Theory” or (100th Monkey theory).

It is not transmitted like a broadcast tower. It’s transmitted SELECTIVELY to resonant DNA and the effect it has isn’t dependent on whether the recipient is like, or even similar, to the donor. It’s dependent on the receptivity of their DNA. (how they are wired) Some people open their DNA up to new innovations, new experiences, new learning, new thought, new techniques, and others don’t. This is the critical factor in whether the new trait or idea is successfully transmitted to their field.
When even one being EMBODIES a new consciousness or paradigm, they establish and anchor the pure pattern in the dimension in which they exist. This information is then transmitted to RECEPTIVE DNA within their species. When 4.7% of the species connect, the resultant exponential expansion overcomes inertia and critical mass is swiftly reached, thus interpenetrating the entire species with the New Consciousness or trait.

Twin Flames are the lock and the key that together open the way to humanity’s transformation and transcendence beyond the ego. The moment of conscious joining (on any level of consciousness) turns the key in the lock. The moment you connect, whether together physically or in higher consciousness, you are eligible for direct delivery of pure light. Those who feel this powerful magnetic tug from the heart are now being instructed to put forth their individual call for their beloved NOW for several reasons:
1) To awaken humanity,
2) To use this conscious union to assist in transmuting the energy forms on this dimension within the agreed upon time frame and
3) To return this Earth to its true reality of rich, verdant life and beauty, to abundance and ecstasy in perfect pattern and form.
But it’s not as simple as saying “I choose you to be my other half because the computer matched our personality profiles as compatible beings!” Until the heart is open there is no access to the Twin Flame. As your heart becomes centered in love, vibrating in Love, that Love will (must) manifest before you. If you do not recognize God within you, you will not recognize God outside of yourself as your Twin Flame. Through Twin Flame love you may truly know yourself as love in form, as love in action, as God’s Love and as God’s child in the world. If you call your beloved and cannot see them, then you can be assured you are still caught in the illusion.
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