Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


  By Andrew C. WallaceJuly 27, 2011
The ESTABLISHMENT has taken over, Looted our Republic and our People into bankruptcy,
effectively denying us of our Constitutional Rights while preparing to make War
on “We The People” for total Marxist One World Order governance.
Our Corrupt Officials are Usurpers, paid by the ESTABLISHMENT who have been caught red handed
sending thousands of illegal guns to Mexico and other countries for no legal purpose
so they could say that the guns and resultant killings were caused by legal gun sales in America.
This was then a major gamble to create public support for ongoing efforts to promote gun control
that back fired.
The ESTABLISHMENT cannot tolerate the fact that as long as we have guns
to defend ourselves when they attack us.
The ignorant cowards among us who have not prepared for survival and self defense will mostly die
at the hands of the Marxist ESTABLISHMENT just like the Jews in Hitler’s Germany.
For self defense details read Greg Evensen's article.
The Obama Stimulus Program funded this treason that resulted in the deaths of two Federal Officers
and countless others.
Attempted cover-ups at the highest levels of government consisting of spin, lies,
retribution and additional restrictions on gun sales with records of gun purchasers is ongoing.
William Hoover from the ATF started the lies by falsely testifying to Congress in 2008
that 90% of firearms recovered in Mexico were from civilian sources in the United States.
The ATF later admitted that the 90% figure only applied to their much smaller data base, WND 7-13-11.
The highest levels of government have been exposed for this treason by their own words,
Congressional Hearings,
and reported as Operation Gun Walker, Gun Runner, or Fast and Furious in the media.
Mike Vanderboegh, a courageous patriot, with the help of whistleblower Federal agents
brought this to light and continues to report on it in great detail.
I believe that God had a hand in exposing this most evil preparation for war on the people
by ESTABLISHMENT usurpers so that we could expose them and take back our country.
All available facts attest that the ESTABLISHMENT is preparing to make more war on the people.
For us to win, we must know our enemy.
This is a factual polemic outlining how our freedoms have been denied,
and our resources looted for over 100 years by our enemies, the corrupt Super Rich Families,
also known as the Ruling Class, Global Elites
and the “ESTABLISHMENT”; who control Corporations, Unions,
Government Officials in both parties, Media, Tax Free Foundations,
Universities, Private Federal Reserve Bank and Think Tanks.
These Members and Underlings of the ESTABLISHMENT are enemies of the people responsible
for the looting and destruction of our Republic. Most people find this truth hard to accept.
The ESTABLISHMENT’S ultimate objective is Marxist Global Governance (One World Order),
Ultimate Power, and control of all the Money without any freedoms or Constitutional Rights for the people.
Even the Bible allows us to hate and detest the ESTABLISHMENT
for their heinous crimes which are second only to those of Judas Iscariot.
The Democratic Party is now a “self proclaimed communist organization,”
but like the Republicans are also subordinate members of the ESTABLISHMENT
and totally subservient to it as well.

People working for any part of the ESTABLISHMENT are dirty rotten traitors,
or ignorant brain dead slaves deserving of the enmity, contempt and loathing of all Patriotic Americans.
As you are learning this is a powerful, well established, comprehensive and complex treason.
I will not bore you with all of the thousands of unlawful attacks and depravations
of our constitutional rights by the Marxists.
It is an ongoing death by a thousand cuts, so we will defeat the ESTABLISHMENT they serve
with a few strategic actions in accordance with the Tenth Amendment and the Rule of Law.
because Contrary to Marxist propaganda we can quickly have Full Employment with Unlimited Prosperity,
and Freedom in a few months by reverting to Proven CONSTITUTIONAL procedures used prior to 1913.
As one example, we simply end the income tax, IRS, any alternate federal taxes,
tax free foundations and the Federal Reserve Bank. We then use tariffs as was done in the past.
This would take our wealth out of the hands of the ESTABLISHMENT and return it to the people.
I think the ESTABLISHMENT would attack us for ending their plunder, but so what,
they detest and want us dead anyway.
Our primary objective must be to defeat most elected officials in both parties who are Marxist subordinates
of the ESTABLISHMENT, and therefore, by definition, Absolute Enemies of the people and our Constitution.
Many Judges, if not most, as Lackeys of the ESTABLISHMENT deny citizens their constitutional rights
and must be prosecuted.

It is impossible for self proclaimed Marxist/Progressive Officials and Judges
to owe allegiance to our Constitution.
They are Traitors by the very definition of their self proclaimed Marxism which can’t coexist
with our Constitution, or the Bible.

Based upon the information in this article, recent experience and the history of Marxism,
there is almost a certainty that the Marxists will attack Patriotic Americans with violence
when they lose the elections, or when they think they could lose the elections.
American Patriots in complying with the rule of law will not initiate violence,
but will defend themselves in kind, with great determination,
this is known as the Doctrine of the Three Percent.
Now hear this, ESTABLISHMENT controlled government officials (Traitors),
and the ESTABLISHMENT owned Federal Reserve Bank have forced most Americans, their parents,
grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents into eternal poverty
by the Treason of Usurping our Republic and Looting.
When these traitors are lawfully removed from power we can take back much of our stolen wealth.
Fully two thirds of all government expenses by our treasonous government officials
are unconstitutional looting of We The People.
Gold and Silver money is required by the Constitution because it retains value and cannot be printed
which makes it difficult to manipulate and steal as is now being done.
We must cut our losses by terminating the Private Federal Reserve Bank and its Fiat money at once.
Most Americans would be very well off today if our government officials were not traitors
using Unconstitutional Laws to impoverish us.
Read papers by the following writers, if you want to know in detail how the criminal ESTABLISHMENT
has looted us for 100 years and continues to do so, Devvy Kidd, Edwin Vieira, Cliff Kincaid,
J.K.Ryter, Lynn M. Stuter, Andrew Wallace, and many others at
There are also millions of brainwashed clueless people of several races, who deprived of proper FAMILIES,
EDUCATION, AND RELIGIOUS TEACHING by elected officials are doomed to exist as slaves and criminals
in ever increasing poverty, crime and depravation.
They are Inmates living on the dole in the Marxist Inner City Utopias as proscribed by the United Nations Agenda 21
(Sustainable Development), also known as ‘Stack and Pack.”
For specifics go to Tom DeWeese, they believe the communist lie that they have a constitutional right
to do nothing but rut, producing fat, dumb, and lazy people who prey on, and intimidate decent citizens.
Residents in Marxist Utopias will be allowed to live by the Communists only so long as they assist
in destroying our Constitutional Republic.
Marxists will then kill the non productive troublemakers for they contribute nothing to
Marxist income redistribution (Social Justice). It is no accident that Communist officials in large cities
refuse to allow citizens to have crime reducing firearms.
Recently we have seen how the self proclaimed Marxist Union Thugs have attacked innocent people,
reminding us of the hundreds of millions killed in the name of Marxism.
The Fealty of Senior Military Officers to our Constitution and Republic is in serious doubt
due to their waging of unlawful war,
being incapable or unwilling to protect the lives of our military from terrorists in this country,
forcing members of our military to live with dangerous Sodomites, and denying due process to those who
had the courage that Senior Officers did not possess to question legitimacy of orders.
Those who face death on the battlefield deserve Senior Officers who have the courage and integrity
to back them up even when it puts their careers at risk.
The average man will tolerate Sodomites meaning them no harm,
but not in their personal space, and if seriously accosted by one will instinctively
and without thought attack them instantly in a great rage over which they have no control.
You can only verify this fact by asking men who have had this experience,
not some politically correct professional with limited life experiences.
We should never allow any member of our families to serve in the new Sodomite Military.

Our Constitution requires that the American people must be protected from
unlawful invasion and occupation promoted by the ESTABLISHMENT TRAITORS
for cheap and subsidized workers.
OVERWHELMING DEADLY FORCE must be used to repel invaders at our borders and to root out
and deport the illegal occupiers who are causing death, destruction and unemployment in our country.
Presidents Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower deported illegals so Americans could have jobs.
Unconstitutional citizenships given to children of illegals must be reversed.
Greedy ESTABLISHMENT corporations hire illegals at slave wages
and the government taxes every man woman and child in this country about $100 a month to support them.
This theft is in addition to the cost of welfare for Americans who are not employed because of illegals.
When illegals are deported there will be a major reduction in crime and jobs for every American
who wants to work.
Those Americans who can work, but refuse to work will starve when the dollar is worthless,
or government benefits are withdrawn.

Any elected Official supporting Amnesty or anything else for illegals is an ESTABLISHMENT traitor
to their people and is just like the Blacks who sold their own people into slavery in the first place.
The amazing fact is that disadvantaged Blacks and Whites continue to vote for these very same slavers,
Democratic progeny of the KKK, who throw them under the bus by supporting illegals for profits of the ESTABLISHMENT.
Any politician, regardless of party who is supported by the Marxist Media
is most likely a subordinate member of the ESTABLISHMENT and should be defeated.
WE CALL THIS TREASON. Two thirds all federal government expenditures are unconstitutionally supporting
unlawful departments, programs, edicts, laws and actions not allowed
by the tenth Amendment to the Constitution.
Most Judges believe “the law is what they say it is,”
and ignore our Constitution depriving Americans of the Rule of Law.
These rogue Judges must be impeached and prosecuted.
This will not be easy because the whole corrupt system is controlled by the ESTABLISHMENT.
Newly elected officials must impeach and prosecute corrupt judges and other official supporters

We must assume that many of our newly elected Officials will be corrupted by the ESTABLISHMENT.
All of our efforts to peacefully remove the Traitors will fail if they mistakenly think they can
start a guerilla war against three hundred million Americans.
Trust fund recipients, Ivy League graduates, professors and other worthless progeny
of the ESTABLISHMENT and their Quisling followers would only be targets of opportunity
for Patriots who have been attacked.
We can only pray that the ESTABLISHMENT knows they would lose much that
they had looted from the people, but might save their lives if they did not attack the people.

Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are based upon teachings in the Bible.
It is impossible by definition for a Marxist (Progressive, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, et al)
to believe in God or to support our Constitution. Marxists believe in Social Justice,
Mass Redemption and Redistribution.

The Bible and the Constitution are based upon Equal Justice, Individual Redemption and Charity.
We were the first and only country in the world where people were free to govern themselves
and prosper to unheard of levels with capitalism under our Constitution.
Marxism on the other hand has killed hundreds of millions of their own people
while forcing them into slavery and poverty every time, it has been tried.
Watch “Third Reich, The Rise,” a movie on “History International”
of real people showing how they were led into death and destruction
in almost exactly the same way it is being done here and now
by our Marxist usurpers in government under the ESTABLISHMENT.
Many Americans are just as uninformed as the Germans were under Hitler,
and most of our Jews support this ideology that killed six million Jews and destroyed much of the world.
For a broader understanding read Sheriff Jim Schwiesow's article.

Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government are controlled by Marxist Heathen Traitors who,
without authority, pass and enforce unconstitutional laws,
decisions and edicts resulting in the loss of our God given rights to Life, Liberty and Property. Anon
Complying with Political Correctness is Cowardice. Passing or enforcing unconstitutional laws is Treason.
Our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land and any attempt to Compromise it is Treason. Anon
The purpose of the UN was originally to stop war and end transgression by nations.
That purpose quickly morphed into world economic and political control over sovereign nations.
Then the objective immediately became creation of one world government under control
of the wealthiest global political elite and their global corporations.
Anon Mark Lowry said it best, “The wealthiest global political elite and their global corporations
( The ESTABLISHMENT), seek a centralized Marxist One World Order which will not tolerate the rights
of the people to self determination and self rule.”
It is my prayer that this tightly written paper will inform and guide Patriots in the process of
taking back their God given rights and freedoms from Marxist Heathen Traitors.
© 2011 Andrew Wallace - All Rights Reserved

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