Saviors Of Earth

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Seeking truth to be Free! - Nov 11th, 2015 ~ 9 posts

Synchronicity: A Message from Your Inner Universe. By Wes Annac

Synchronicity: A Message from Your Inner Universe. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.November 11, 2015 Credit: Since today is November 11th (11/11), let’s discuss synchronicity. I started to notice synchronicities with numbers everywhere shortly after I learned about them, and I think one of their purposes is to confirm that what we’re thinking or doing the moment we receive them is in alignment with our path. If we have a thought regarding our work, our spiritual evolution or anything else important, a set of matching numbers (111, 222, etc.) can appear seemin... more »

Truth has to be Experienced Personally. ~ Adjuster via Anyas.

Truth has to be Experienced Personally. *Teacher: Thought Adjuster. *Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, January 28, 2015. *Thought Adjuster:** “*Dear child, those among you who are searching for a personal connection with the Divine are truly the Pioneers of the New Era — of the New Age. They are the torch bearers; their torches diffusing the precious light of enlightenment. “The more you receive, the more is yours to share with others as you, too, stand on the foundation of the research of others. Whenever you do your assigned homework, things get personal to you as your... more »

Reflections on 11.11.2015. ~ Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal Reflections on Eliza Ayres. "November Reflections" *Eliza: “Reflections on 11.11.2015”* I send blessings to all on this day of great significance to some. In Europe and North America, it is the anniversary of the Armistice signed at the cessation of hostilities at the end of World War II. In the subcontinent of India, it is Deepavali, the Festival of Lights, an age-old celebration celebrating the triumph of good over evil. Last year, during the same festival (which varies from late October to mid-November according to the Hindu Lunar calendar) m... more »

This Bill Will Shut Down SeaWorld’s Shamu Exhibit, End Killer Whale...

This Bill Will Shut Down SeaWorld’s Shamu Exhibit, End Killer Whale Captivity.By Claire Bernish, Anti Media, November 9, 2015 *(**ANTIMEDIA**)**Los Angeles, CA —* On Friday, Representative Adam Schiff of California introduced the *Orca Responsibility and Care Advancement (* *ORCA**) Act*. The proposed federal legislation would end the wild capture, breeding, import and export, and needless captivity of killer whales, and as a result, would effectively end SeaWorld’s long-lived and highly controversial Shamu exhibition. *“The evidence is very strong that the psychological and phy... more »

18 Signs That You’re Here To Transform Human Consciousness. ~ Lissa...

18 Signs That You’re Here To Transform Human Consciousness By Lissa Rankin, Thanks to November 11, 2015 For many years now, a lot of people have been talking about “The Shift,” this mysterious transformation of human consciousness that is supposedly underway. Ever since the end of the Mayan calendar in December of 2012, New Age types tend to twitter away about the evolution of the species, the revolution of love, and other hopeful but fuzzy seeming changes in what it means to be human. I want to take a minute to help us all ground this floaty notion a bit. See if any... more »

GMO Tomatoes May Soon Be Back on Supermarket Shelves. ~ Natasha Longo.

GMO Tomatoes May Soon Be Back on Supermarket Shelves. By Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease, November 10, 2015. The beloved tomato is the one fruit many still think is a vegetable. Few also realize that tomatoes were one of the first commercially available genetically modified (GM) crops ever. Under the guise of incorporating healthier and concentrated natural compounds, GM tomatoes are about to make a comeback on new research that aims to pack in the same amount of resveratrol as 50 bottles of red wine into one tomato. Earlier forms of this GM crop included the transgenic tomato (... more »

Destruction Underway as The New Creation of Our Lives Inlays. ~ Lis...

Destruction Underway as The New Creation of Our Lives Inlays. By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, November 10, 2015 Creation and destruction, one and the same energy. Every new beginning comes from the destruction of something old, something released in our lives, in our world and serves as the fuel for something new. So too, does the energy system of our lives. It took me a while to fully understand what I was witnessing yesterday, but once I did, I felt beyond privileged, in awe really, humbled to the core to witness this amazing time in our evolution. I woke up real... more »

Why Do We Daydream, and Is It Good or Bad For Us? ~ Laura Sciarpell...*" width="584" height="389" />
Why Do We Daydream, and Is It Good or Bad For Us? By Laura Sciarpellette, Wisdom Pills, November 9, 2015 In a society pushed by the expectation of productivity, daydreaming tends to have a negative reputation. Anyone who watched after school specials as a child remembers the “weird” kid being chastised for daydreaming—all of his or her peers laughing after the teacher snaps them out of it. Perhaps this is why the more athletically inclined children (the jocks) had such merit in these films—they were active, ‘in-the-now’ children with outgoing personalities. But science has show... more »

Benjamin Fulford, November 10, 2015. ~ Israeli Nazionist regime doo...

Israeli Nazionist regime doomed as fuhrer Bush negotiates surrender. By Benjamin Fulford. November 10, 2015 *George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist faction are negotiating surrender, according to CIA sources. The Nazionist regime of Benyamin Netanyahu is also doomed, as are their Saudi proxies. * The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist cohorts. The result is that, at age 91, Bush, who said he was retired and no longer talking to the press, felt ... more »

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