Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Nov 10th, 2015 ~ 15 posts

Sheldan Nidle, Nov, 10 2015

.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation. 2 Ix, 7 Xul, 12 Manik [Nov, 10 2015] Selamat Balik! The new reality is beginning its final stage of manifesting. Long ago, in ancient Atlantis, you started to realize that you had been mysteriously reduced to a mere toy of the dark Atlantean cabal. This group of leaders, princes and kings was doing the heinous work of the Anchara leadership on Orion. They had limited the abilities of their opposition to a level where they no longer posed a threat to their vile policies. This dastardly deed was to be re... more »

Nothing To Fear. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Nothing To Fear.The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/PractitionerNOVEMBER 10, 2015. When you truly love yourself there is nothing to fear within or without you. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is d... more »

Sacramento Water Utility Hid Carcinogens in Drinking Water.~ Julie ...

Sacramento Water Utility Hid Carcinogens in Drinking Water.By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, November 10, 2015 In 2013 and 2014, Sacramento residents were exposed to a carcinogenic chemical in their drinking water called aluminum chlorohydrate, a local news network has reports. During those 2 years, Sacramento tested aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) at its main water treatment plant and according to ABC10, red flags went up almost immediately, but the city didn’t warn locals or take action for a year. Sacramento residents were apparently exposed to disinfection byproducts (DBP) whic... more »

Are you Still Picking up Seashells? ~ Ophelius via Chris Maurus.

.Are you Still Picking up Seashells?Teacher Ophelius.Received by Chris Maurus. Michigan, USA, December 21, 2014. Ophelius: “The message we have for you today is about exploring the unknown. There are far too many souls that are splashing around in the shallow waters of life where it is safe and warm — never knowing what it is like to be completely submerged in the cool deep water where danger, mystery, and treasure lay buried. Whole lifetimes are spent picking up seashells, which are only the dead and washed up skeletons of creatures whose time has passed. They become like the emp... more »

This Is What We Came To Do. ~ Steve Beckow.

This Is What We Came To Do. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 10, 2015. Credit: Credit: I noticed, out of the blue, this morning that I was feeling the quality of trust. That was pretty new to me. Trust has never been my strong suit. Trust actually comes with a feeling that’s very endearing. I liked the way I felt. In the face of it I was peaceful and carefree. Long ago now, it seems, I used to be worried and careworn. This was marked by their absence. I noticed that trust comes along with Fifth-Dimensionality. The reason it was so hard to ... more »

100 Plus Studies Concur – Cannabis Beats Cancer, Yet It’s Still Not...

100 Plus Studies Concur. Cannabis Beats Cancer, Yet It’s Still Not Legal.By Phillip Schneider, Waking Times, November 10, 2015. In 1996, California was the first state to legalize the use of Cannabis for medicinal purposes. Since then, the past decade has been ripe with research into the potential medicinal benefits of Cannabis. During this time we have learned that Cannabis can potentially treat such an enormous list of illnesses that the justification for its status as a schedule 1 illegal drug is being called into question. Proponents of medical marijuana claim that cannabis ... more »

Does Creativity Make You Happy? ~ Main Path.

Does Creativity Make You Happy?By Main Path, Collective Evolution, November 10, 2015. What does being creative mean to you? Is it about finding the time to sit down with a sketchbook and draw your latest imaginings? Are you the kind who plays an instrument in a jam band on weekends? Or do you spend your spare hours immersed in the theater scene? However you define “creativity,” there’s no denying the fact that being creative adds spice to our lives — plus, if you actively make the time to pursue creative ventures, you may find that your own personal happiness will grow. Fostering... more »

Nancy Tate. November 10, 2015 ~ Nancy Tate.

.Wake up Call.By Nancy Tate.November 10, 2015 After yesterday's WUC, I have been inspired to share more about what the message from Enki inspired in me. There is a video of a message brought forth from Bashar about the Annunaki, of whom Enki was a pivotal being. Enki was a direct part of our evolution into the duality human, with which we have been growing and evolving to the ultimate understanding of what it is that brought us to this expression, which we are not destined to remain in. This whole expression of that which Enki gave some information about in the Wake up Call of Jan... more »

A Vision for Angels.

*The Vision Alignment Project.* *A Vision for Angels. * We envision a world where a partnership based upon mutual caring and trust between humanity and the angelic realms is established; where humanity has evolved to the point where we have broken through the barriers, lifted the veils, parted the mists, and glimpsed through into the dimensions where our angelic neighbors reside. We see us living in a world that is so beautiful, so abundant, so heavenly because of the strong connection we now share with the angels. The angels, ancestors, and ascended masters are helping us every ste... more »

Ask The Masters, 10 November 2015. ~ Toni and Peter.

.Ask The Masters.By The Celestial Voices. Through Toni and Peter. 10 November 2015 A preview of the Masters' teachings. Childhood sexual abuse is always so sad, but important lessons can be learned from it. In our first question this week, the Masters counsel an American woman on how to deal with lingering fear stemming from what she suffered when she was very young. An Australian woman asks about an energetic experience that awakened her. The Masters explain the nature of the occurrence and its positive ramifications. Sometimes, suspicions about a mate's activities are unfounded -... more »

Ancient Kazakh Earthworks Defy History: Will NASA Tell the Truth? ~...

Ancient Kazakh Earthworks Defy History: Will NASA Tell the Truth? By Wes Annac.November 10, 2015 Credit: *Note from Wes: I wrote this piece for the website *Era of Wisdom,* and I figured I’d share it here for those of you who are interested. Enjoy! * *(Era of Wisdom) *NASA recently turned their attention to a set of ancient earthworks discovered in Kazakhstan, the oldest of which are believed to date back 8,000 years. Their complexity and sophistication have people scratching their heads, and they serve as potential evidence that our history is nothing like w... more »

Smoking Marijuana Causes Complete Crohn’s Disease Remission In 45% ...

New Research Says Smoking Marijuana Causes Complete Crohn’s Disease Remission In 45% of Patients. From Higher Perspective, November 8, 2015 In the United States, according to the Controlled Substance Act: *“[W]hen it comes to a drug that is currently listed in schedule I, if it is undisputed that such drug has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and it is further undisputed that the drug has at least some potential for abuse sufficient to warrant control under the CSA, the drug must r... more »

Scientists May Have Just Discovered a Parallel Universe Leaking Int...

Scientists May Have Just Discovered a Parallel Universe Leaking Into Ours.By Heather Peirce, Upriser, Thanks to The Mind Unleashed.2015.11.10 *We may have just, for the first time ever, caught a momentous glimpse of a parallel universe bumping against our own.* *Scientists say that signals from the furthest reaches of space suggest that the fabric of our universe is being disrupted by another universe. The discovery could provide proof of the multiverse theory, which says that there are many alternate universes.* [image: Dr. Ranga-Ram Chary examined the noise and residual sign... more »

Who You Are Becoming. ~ Arcturians via Meredith Murphy.

.Who You Are Becoming. Message From The Arcturians,Through Meredith Murphy.November 9, 2015. It’s a great joy to connect with you. When we are in this kind of conscious communion, we know more of our wholeness, so we thank you for that. Today we wish to speak with you about the leading edge of your experience. We offer reflections of your emerging experience to help you to identify with who you are becoming. It’s beneficial for you to learn to see the qualities of your life that are taking on form, for the essence of you, in your embodiment, is always ahead of this and leading you... more »

IV Vitamin C Will Stop Growth of Aggressive Forms of Cancer. ~ Dave...

IV Vitamin C Will Stop Growth of Aggressive Forms of Cancer. By Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease, November 9, 2015. High-dose vitamin C has been studied as a treatment for patients with cancer since the 1970s. It can completely shut down specific types of tumors. According to a new study from Weill Cornell Medicine investigators, scientists could one day harness vitamin C to develop targeted treatments. Vitamin C has a broad spectrum antioxidant function with the ability to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage. It is remarkably safe even in enormously high d... more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: Agitated by Belief.

 Agitated by Belief J. Krishnamurti Online, November 9, 2015 So, your religion, your belief in God, is an escape from actuality, and therefore it is no religion at all. The rich man who accumulates money through cruelty, through dishonesty, through cunning exploitation believes in God; and you also believe in God, you also are cunning, cruel, suspicious, envious. Is God to be found through dishonesty, through deceit, through cunning tricks of the mind? Because you collect all the sacred books and the various symbols of God, does that indicate that you are a religious person? So, ... more »

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