Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Nov 12th, 2015 ~ 17 posts

Archangel Gabriel, November 12, 2015 ~Marlene Swetlishoff.

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2015.Through Marlene Swetlishoff.November 12, 2015 Image Source Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as boundless. Divine love is boundless love, it is a love that knows no limits. At the core of each individual is a spark of divinity which is their true essence. Through this divine spark, each individual is connected to everything in the universe. They, as a soul, are a boundless and endless expression of the divine. When an individual listens to the still small voice that guides them from within, it inspires them to envision an expan... more »

Meat Linked to Cancer for Second Time this Fall. ~ Julie Fidler.

Meat Linked to Cancer for Second Time this Fall. By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, November 12, 2015. Yet another study has linked eating meat to cancer, but this time chicken was also linked to the disease. However, scientists were able to tease out more details about the association. Dr. Xifeng Wu and colleagues at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston studied 659 patients just diagnosed with kidney cancer and compared them to 699 individuals without cancer. The researchers wanted to verify the link between meat and cancer, as well as determine what other ... more »

The Resurrection Phase Part One. ~ Sandra Walter.

The Resurrection Phase Part One. By Sandra Walter. Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.November 12, 2015. Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, This is a difficult topic to address in writing; perhaps you can feel into the light codes presented here. The phase of resurrecting the True Self is affecting thousands in the Light Tribe at this moment, and we now understand why it is generally not discussed with the collective. Since we are taking the mystery out of the Mastery school, we attempt to describe the indescribable in linear terms. The Resurrection Phase The Resurrection phase presents... more »

Bottled Water Industry and National Parks Clash Over Plastic Waste ...

Bottled Water Industry and National Parks Clash Over Plastic Waste Ban.By Carolanne Wright, Wake Up World, November 12, 2015 In a move praised by conservationists, as well as those who care about human and environmental health, 20 national parks in the U.S. have sworn off bottled water sales within their boundaries — including the Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Zion and Bryce Canyon. Considered a “sustainability success story” by park administrators, Zion and other national parks have taken a major step towards reducing plastic waste. In Zion alone, the park has put an end to th... more »

Your Pastels Of Peace. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Your Pastels Of Peace. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.November 12, 2015 Your world will always be colored by your perceptions. Right or wrong…..there it is. (Smiling) Do not be dismayed by this, my beautiful child, because it is what you came to your Earth –plane for. However, with time, the colors will become more transparent. The blacks and whites will fade, the hot reds and envy greens will not matter as much and the deep blues will never be quite as deep as they were in the beginning. And held in those muted, past... more »

Flawed Messages and the Reasons Why. ~ Samuel via George Barnard.

Flawed Messages and the Reasons Why.*Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.* Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, October 30, 2015. *Teacher Samuel:** “*This is Samuel the Panoptian. As a horticulturist and bio-engineer I redesigned common food plants to be more all-round nourishing. My co-workers were Life Carriers who had once been employed in ‘evolving’ some of the species I ‘upgraded.’ Much preparation and long hours saw to it that my life’s work, so aided by my esteemed helpers, benefitted many, many hungry Panoptians. And yes, my Urantia friends, those fo... more »

Interconnected by Plant Consciousness. ~ Inge Kuijper.

Interconnected by Plant Consciousness.By Inge Kuijper, Waking Times, November 11, 2015. A look at the recent conferencet Plant Consciousness: Revolutionizing Our Relationship with Plants. When I decided to join the Plant Consciousness event in London, I was still enjoying the traveling life in Peru. As I had slowed down to become more sensitive to the subtle life of nature, I was excited about these topics of consciousness, quantum physics, the amazing intelligence of the plant world and teacher plants such as Iboga and Ayahuasca. Plant Consciousness, set in the beautiful Re... more »

A Vision for Our Soul's Intention.

The Vision Alignment Project. A Vision for Our Soul's Intention. We see a world where we are living in alignment with the bigger Intention we made before we came into these bodies, before we came to this Earth; where we have realized that our daily intentions are in us because of desires we brought with us when we were born to this life; and that our comfort or discomfort here on Earth is caused by whether we are moving toward or away from our bigger Intention - our Soul's Intention. We see a world where all people have discovered their individual calling - their Soul's Intention... more »

Inaction in Action. 11/11/15. ~ author unknown.

Inaction in Action. 11/11/15. November 12, 2015. Sent by Wes Annac. Submitted via email, author unknown. Credit: Shopify Let it flow, Love, and let go interstice unassuming ethereal Spirit freedom, into sublimation’s corolla opening Prescience, expanding within Ascension’s Atonement, to welcome Love Ocean’s energetic benevolent refreshing mist, along with Mercy’s enlightening new BFF authentic interstellar magnanimity. Inter cellular the very concrete illusion we all pitifully cling, too strongly to, and have Mercy on the ONENESS crumbling of anxiety, so long intended to stop L... more »

WHO Soon To Classify Aging As A Disease... ~ Marco Torres.

WHO Soon To Classify Aging As A Disease, Opening The Flood Gates For New Pharmaceuticals. By Marco Torres, Prevent Disease, November 11, 2015 We have new pharmaceuticals being introduced every year for fictitious and nonsensical diagnoses such as Mathematics Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Orthorexia Nervosa (healthy eating) and so many other inventions called diseases for the sole purpose of selling more drugs. In what many critics are calling lunacy of unimaginable proportions, The World Health Organization (WHO) now plans to lay down ... more »

Study: ‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Long Term Psychological Well-B...

Study: ‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Long Term Psychological Well-Being. By Alanna Ketler,, November 9, 2014, Thanks to Collectively Conscious According to John Hopkins of the school of medicine, psychedelic mushrooms or what are commonly known as “magic mushrooms” or “shrooms” may have long-lasting psychological benefits. The active ingredient in these mushrooms is called psilocybin. If you have experienced it yourself or have heard stories from those that have then you probably already know that it has the ability to trigger intense spiritual states,... more »

Time Is a Funny Thing. ~The Council via Ron Head.

Time Is a Funny Thing. Message from *The Council*. Through Ron Head. Oracles and Healers, November 11, 2015 Time is a funny thing, is it not? Well, first let us remind you that it does not really exist. And that is why it can be such a funny thing. So let us examine it and see why we say something like that. It is time to have a little fun. Have you noticed lately that time is racing by like a runaway train? Most of you have. Have you noticed that things are happening so slowly that time seems to be standing still? Yes, you have. Now this is preposterous, right? How can it be ... more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: The Screen of Belief.

The Screen of Belief. J. Krishnamurti Online, November 11, 2015 You believe in God, and another does not believe in God, so your beliefs separate you from each other. Belief throughout the world is organized as Hinduism, Buddhism, or Christianity, and so it divides man from man. We are confused, and we think that through belief we shall clear the confusion; that is, belief is superimposed on the confusion, and we hope that confusion will thereby be cleared away. But belief is merely an escape from the fact of confusion; it does not help us to face and to understand the fact but to ... more »

Sleep Schedules of 27 of History’s Most Creative Minds.

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Sleep Schedules of 27 of History’s Most Creative Minds. From Wisdom Pills, November 10, 2015 Well, it turns out that some of history’s most creative geniuses actually weren’t as eccentric as previously thought. At least when it comes to their sleeping schedules, anyway. The popular idea of the tortured creative genius slaving away all night and basically giving no thought to their sleep hygiene in general could be somewhat of a myth, it appears. According to this infographic by New York based on Mason Currey’s ‘Daily Rituals: How Artists Work‘, a handful of the most brilliant min... more »

Would Cannabis Legalization Confuse Kids About Drugs? ~ Wes Annac.

Would Cannabis Legalization Confuse Kids About Drugs? By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.November 12, 2015 Ohio governor John Kasich opposed a recent marijuana legalization measure in his state because he was worried it would confuse children about drugs. Credit: Ohio recently rejected a measure to legalize marijuana and allow just ten producers to grow and sell it commercially. The latter part of the measure drew understandable criticism, but I’m sure any change in the state’s marijuana law would be a welcome alternative for some residents. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, wh... more »

Truth has to be Experienced Personally. ~ Adjuster via Anyas.

Truth has to be Experienced Personally. *Teacher: Thought Adjuster. *Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, January 28, 2015. *Thought Adjuster:** “*Dear child, those among you who are searching for a personal connection with the Divine are truly the Pioneers of the New Era — of the New Age. They are the torch bearers; their torches diffusing the precious light of enlightenment. “The more you receive, the more is yours to share with others as you, too, stand on the foundation of the research of others. Whenever you do your assigned homework, things get personal to you as your... more »

Reflections on 11.11.2015. ~ Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal Reflections on Eliza Ayres. "November Reflections" *Eliza: “Reflections on 11.11.2015”* I send blessings to all on this day of great significance to some. In Europe and North America, it is the anniversary of the Armistice signed at the cessation of hostilities at the end of World War II. In the subcontinent of India, it is Deepavali, the Festival of Lights, an age-old celebration celebrating the triumph of good over evil. Last year, during the same festival (which varies from late October to mid-November according to the Hindu Lunar calendar) m... more »

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