Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Nov 9th, 2015 ~ 12 posts

Federal Judge Upholds Mexican GM Ban after over ‘100 Appeals by Bio...

Federal Judge Upholds Mexican GM Ban after over ‘100 Appeals by Biotech’.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, November 9, 2015 Opponents of growing genetically modified corn in Mexico, the country known for over 30 varieties of non-GM maize, has prevailed. A federal judge upheld a GM ban that was put in place years ago. Mexico is known for its biodiversity, which supports numerous varieties of maize. It is in fact considered their birthplace, and if GM corn had not been banned, corn developed over thousands of years would be in jeopardy of cross-pollination. Fortunately, fe... more »

How Could I Have Missed It? ~ Steve Beckow.

How Could I Have Missed It?By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 9, 2015 There seem to be steps to this process we’re all going through. I don’t think the steps are the same for everyone. And I don’t think the existence of steps necessarily means more than the need to step up and then rest and regroup. I just passed through what feels like a huge step for me. It’s hard to talk about it because I fear being misinterpreted. I could be called a narcissist for this next share. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m pretty sure I’m telling the truth. Here goes. I’ve just fa... more »

In 5 Minutes This Man Helps Blind People See. ~ Joe Martino.

In 5 Minutes This Man Helps Blind People See.By Joe Martino, Collective Evolution, November 9, 2015 “If you are blind it’s the same as dying” says one Nepalese woman who was blind. While this is only her perception of it, it illustrates just how difficult or challenging that reality can be -especially in poorer countries where fending for yourself is a much greater task than in the western world or in more developed countries. What if a man could not only bring your eye sight back but do it very quickly and for incredibly cheap? That’s what Dr. Sandut Ruik does for his patients a... more »

7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection & Spirit Communi...

7 Sensational Herbs for Dream Recollection & Spirit Communication.By Stephanie Lucas,, Thanks to 9, 2015 Herbs and plants are an integral part of the life that exists on our planet on every level. Plants are our food, our medicine, and are also catalysts to the expansion of ourconsciousness. Throughout our daily lives we are more likely to coast by using our automated behaviors and modes to experience our reality, but at night those boundaries are broken down and our spirits fly. These 7 plant allies can stimulate our consciousness to expand... more »

Gifts. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Gifts.The Creator Writings.transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/PractitionerNOVEMBER 9, 2015. Strange and lovely gifts are presented to you every day. The Universe sends them to remind you of who you are. Creator *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually you can be helped to ... more »

The Source Within You. ~ Beloved One via Lytske.

The Source Within You.Teacher: The Beloved One.Message received by Lytske.Urantia, October 23, 2015. The Beloved One: “Today we come a tiny step closer to the Source of your being. This always happens when heart and soul are engaged in the process and the mind is willing to take a few instructions so new insights may come. It’s like writing a letter to God and hearing the answers from a depth you cannot plumb. “This sacred rendezvous, when regularly engaged in, can become a most useful and blessed habit that shall strengthen your days immensely whatever happens. Life is like that... more »

Special November 09, 2015 ~ Nancy Tate.

Special Wake up Call, November 09, 2015Through Nancy Tate. *Last night I woke 2 or 3 times from a 'dreamlike' energy with the thought to pay attention to a message from January 2004. I wasn't able to see or 'hear' the message, only that I needed to go there and pay attention to it. The last time I received this vision, just before I awoke to get up, I felt strongly that I needed to share it with the world. It was then that I felt it could be a WUC from January of 2004. After I got up this morning, fed Cassie, etc. I came to my computer and went to my files. When I saw the one from E... more »

Montague Keen - November 8, 2015. ~ Veronica Keen.

Message from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen.November 8, 2015. My friends, someone must state the facts as they are, without embellishment. Even those of you with just a modicum of information regarding the state of affairs on Earth must realise that unless you take action to protect the human race and Earth itself, you face extinction. You still follow blindly the dictates of those who are determined to rid the Earth of you. There is no honour in war. There is no honour in killing of any sort. Those who engage in war destroy their own humanity. Open your hearts and minds to th... more »

Wisdom Pills: The Salt Doll.*" class="DY0BBXD-W-b" height="310" width="497" />
The Salt DollFrom Wisdom Pills, November 8, 2015 “By constantly keeping one’s attention on the Source, the ego is dissolved in that Source like a salt doll in the sea.” ~ Ramana Maharshi The doll of salt had been walking in the desert for longer than it could remember. It didn’t know from where it had come, nor how long it had been travelling. It was simply alive, and walking, beneath the hot sun, in the sand-filled winds, in the icy moonlight of the night. Day after day. At a certain point it came to the sea, though it could make no sense of it. This new type of land, shifting a... more »

Time Twisters!! ~ Lisa Gawlas.

Time Twisters!!By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, November 8, 2015 Can you feel the daily increase in the energies. Holy melt my mind batman!! I swear I have got to put my running shoes on every morning just to keep up with the shear changes every single day. Higher and higher we go!! It’s becoming harder and harder for me to put into words and be accurate in the wording, both in these sharings as well as in the readings. I swear spirit has a hook at my vocal chords and the words are removed before they even find air to be used. HEY!!! Not nice, I need my words lol, a... more »

Positive Thoughts: Be Grateful For Who You Are.

Be Grateful For Who You Are. From Positive Thoughts, November 8, 2015. Just because you might think differently or be different from others, doesn’t make you wrong. Stay focused on your own individuality and dare to express your own uniqueness. If others can’t accept it or adjust to whom you really are, then it’s up to you whether you allow yourself to have them share in your life… Don’t change your true colors of who you are to keep in the expectations and comfort zone of others. Maybe the reason why you may not be happy is because you’re trying too hard to fit into someone else... more »

The Higher Mind, Nonlocal Intuition & Divine Synchronicitie...

The Higher Mind, Nonlocal Intuition & Divine Synchronicities. What Does It All Mean?By Keith R. Holden, M.D., Thanks to The Mind UnleashedNOVEMBER 9, 2015 Here I want to introduce you to the part of human consciousness I call the Higher Mind. Some call it the Higher Self or Soul Self. Your Higher Mind is an energetic aspect of you that projects out of your physical body like an antenna, and connects with the unified field of energy. The unified field of energy is what scientists are hoping to explain one day by a Unified Field Theory, but haven’t yet developed a mathematical ... more »

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