Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 1, 2016 ~ 22 posts.

PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT (5) ~Pleiadians; Suzanne Lie.





By the Pleiadians.

Through Suzanne Lie.




Sharman’s First Transmission to Earth

Greetings from our Pleiadian Starship,
Within your NOW we are beginning a series of transmissions from our Ships, which are just beyond your atmosphere. We send these transmissions to those inhabitants of Earth who are ready to expand their consciousness, and thus their perceptions, into the “Transitional Reality of Earth.”
For those who are able to attend to and accept the many writings, movies, blog posts and human communications that remind you that something...

Tags: pleiadianssuzanne lie

Posted at: 18:40 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Three Minute Meditation with Archangel Michael ~ Melanie Beckler.


Three Minute Meditation with Archangel Michael.

 By Melanie Beckler.



Free 3 Minute Meditation with Archangel Michael

Whether you are journeying towards spiritual awakening or simply trying to improve your quality of life, you will find that integrating a meditation practice into your daily routine is one of the most effective steps you can take.

Meditation empowers you to connect with the light of your soul and helps you to realize your true purpose. It also benefits your health and well-being by reducing stress, slowing down the aging process and improving your concentration.

And yet, with all...

Tags: archangel michaelmelanie beckler

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Expectations. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



The Creator Writings


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner






Expectations are interesting things; they set one person up for failure and the other for disappointment.

Why have them at all?


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @
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Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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The Healing and Transformative Power of a Spiritual Shower.


The Healing and Transformative Power of a Spiritual Shower.

 Por Melanie Beckler.

June 1st, 2016. 


Spiritual Showers
I love when inspiration hits. And it’s a funny bit of common knowledge that lots of us have our most inspirational ideas in the shower!
This isn’t just your imagination. Water has incredible spiritual and healing properties that promote clearing and therefore allow those sparks to manifest and come into your conscious.

Water is also a powerful way to cleanse your aura, and here’s why.

The Spiritual Properties of Water


The Power of Negative Ions

Water is made up...

Tags: melanie becklerspiritual showerwater

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Cedella Marley: An Opportunity to Learn and Grow.


 An Opportunity to Learn and Grow.

Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time



See each challenge or mistake that you encounter this week, as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Don’t allow yourself to be discouraged, rather evaluate why they occurred and see the positive side. Take steps to keep them from happening again and you will become empowered by your positive action.

One love…


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective...

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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Prepare For Change - 2016/06/01



Prepare for Change

Operation Disclosure: 220 Points of Fact as of May 2016
2016-05-31 03:11:52-04

Submitted Anonymously on May 27, 2016 Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking system began with creation of the Vatican Historical Asset Trust Accounts, today known as the Global Collateral Accounts. These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families. Certain sovereign families of Asia ...Read more

2016-05-31 14:58:57-04

ARJUN WALIAMAY 31, 2016 Religion is a controversial...

Tags: prepare for change

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Blossom Goodchild, June 1st.2016.


Mesage from Federation of Light.

Through Blossom Goodchild, 

June 1st.2016. 


Hello Happy Humans.
Here is this week's channelling. Hope you can follow it!

Good morning and welcome to my world. A question for you if I may? Folk write in asking many diverse questions. A recurring one is ‘Is the Earth flat?’ and the other day  ‘Is the sun cold ?’. All things they have been reading about on line. I instinctively know that this is not the sort of question you choose to answer. Can you elaborate on why, as it may help many to understand...

Tags: blossom goodchildfederation of light

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These Are Changing Times. ~ Sananda; George Barnard.



These Are Changing Times.

The Damascus Scribe (Sananda).

Message received by George Barnard.

Illawarra District, Australia, May 17, 2016.





The Scribe: “These are changing times, my friend. Firstly, these are times when, potentially, you may become stressed about your Midwayer Friends leaving you when they are otherwise directed to perform their tasks. Secondly, another situation requiring your thoughts is the number of receivers that are now transmitting their Thought Adjuster (TA) transmissions. We will deal with this question first, although the two matters are related. 

“The question you might ask about the Urantia Papers...

Tags: george barnardsanandathe damascus scribe

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6 Signs You Have Found Your Path In Life. - Anna LeMind.



6 Signs You Have Found Your Path In Life.

 By Anna LeMind, Learning Mind 

Thanks to


June 1, 2016

From one of my favorite authors in this field, Anna LeMind!

Finding one’s path in life is not an easy task. It takes years of trying, failing and searching.

It’s sad that most people never find the right path and end up spending their life surrounded by wrong people and doing things they don’t enjoy. In today’s society, it’s particularly easy to get confused as to what we want...

Tags: anna lemindlearning mind

Posted at: 18:27 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Be committed to your Vision. ~Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.




Be committed to your Vision.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

June 1, 2016

Focus your every thought, word and deed towards your vision. Focus your energy on creating the life you have been dreaming about. Hold steadfast to your ideals, even if those around you say it will never happen. Avoid these people and all other negative energies that are around at this time. Keep your thoughts and feelings focused on the knowing that it will happen. Trust that it will happen. 
Use positive affirmations each day to help you keep this focus....

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

Posted at: 18:26 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Here’s a Crazy Idea: Honor Fallen Soldiers on Memorial Day by Creating Less of Them.



Here’s a Crazy Idea: 

Honor Fallen Soldiers on Memorial Day by Creating Less of Them.

By Claire Bernish, Anti Media




(ANTIMEDIA)Op-Ed“When we send our young men and women into harm’s way,” Barack Obama asserted at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, “we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they are going, to care for their families while they’re gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never, ever go to war without...

Tags: anti mediaclaire bernishmemorial day

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Mindboggling Video: UFO Filmed Hovering Near Military Base.



 Mindboggling Video: 

UFO Filmed Hovering Near Military Base.

By Ivan, Earth We Are One


The mysterious UFO has been spotted in three different locations and some say; it even bears a resemblance to the enigmatic Black Knight Satellite. 

What do you think? 

The bizarre UFO footage has gone viral. A video showing a mysterious UFO floating ‘with the clouds’ has the internet in a frenzy. The strange ‘alien’ craft was seen floating in the sky near the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base familiar for many unexplained sightings since the end of WWII....

Tags: earth we are oneivanufos

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Over Half of Every Tax Dollar You Give to Uncle Sam is Spent on This.



Over Half of Every Tax Dollar You Give to Uncle Sam is Spent on This.

By Phillip Schneider, The Mind Unleashed


Are you aware of just how Uncle Sam is spending your tax money?

Most people probably don’t think too much about this, but are you aware of just how much of your income is being used to fuel the military industrial complex?
Conveniently omitted from the corporate/state-run media organizations is the fact that some 53 percent of your tax dollars are spent on the military. That’s right, more than half...

Tags: phillip schneiderthe mind unleashed

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Everything is Coming Up Angels.~ Archangel Gabriel; Shanta Gabriel.



Everything is Coming Up Angels.

Archangel Gabriel.

Through Shanta Gabriel.

June 1, 2016.

There are times when the Heavens open so the Angels come closer to the Earth to bless all of humanity with deeper communication and connection. This is one of those times.

The Archangels have a vested interest in the evolution of consciousness on the Earth. They want to help each and every one of us to find our way through the density of this time and create a life that works in more strategic and sustainable ways, enabling us to thrive in the new 5D...

Tags: archangel gabrielshanta gabriel

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More Americans Killed by Police Since 9/11 than Soldiers Killed in War.


Shock Report: 

More Americans Killed by Police Since 9/11 than Soldiers Killed in War.

In a Memorial Day speech at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford praised the 40 million Americans who’ve served in the military since the revolutionary war. He also noted that 5,000 soldiers have been tragically killed in military action beyond US borders since America’s war on terror was launched after 9/11.

Thousands of families grieve daily for their fallen loved ones and the war...

Tags: 911edward morganpolice

Posted at: 18:19 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |




Below is a video of James Osborne, a farmer from Ainsworth Nebraska who appeared at the Nebraska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission hearing held last year. It was a hearing on out-of-state companies who were to export fracking wastewater into Nebraska, moving 80 truckloads that carry 10,000 barrels per day of pollution to be dumped into a disposal well in Sioux county — effectively transferring all the risk onto Nebraskan farmers and ranchers.
Below is...

Tags: arjun waliaedward morganfrackingfracking water

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Religion is a controversial topic, and I’d like to preface this article by saying that it is not my aim to belittle or diminish anyone’s beliefs. My problem is not with faith but with religion as an organization, which has been used as a means of control, to pit people against each other, and to incite terror and war. Religion in this context serves the purposes of many various global elitist agendas.

Religion is also confusing, to say...

Tags: arjun waliaedward morganreligion

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Operation Disclosure: 220 Points of Fact as of May 2016


Operation Disclosure: 220 Points of Fact as of May 2016


Submitted Anonymously on May 27, 2016

Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking system began with creation of the Vatican Historical Asset Trust Accounts, today known as the Global Collateral Accounts. These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families. Certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secretive ​off-ledger​ private banking trust accounts. The monies were intended for humanitarian...

Tags: anonymouslydisclosureedward morgan

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05-26-16 Cobra/Prepare for Change: May Interview.



05-26-16 Cobra / Prepare for Change: 

May Interview.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light...

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The end of chemical medicine: Superbug discovered in America that resists ALL known antibiotics… blind faith in failed pharma will soon cost you your life.



The end of chemical medicine: Superbug discovered in America that resists ALL known antibiotics… blind faith in failed pharma will soon cost you your life.


It’s always interesting to study how civilizations collapse and eras of seemingly great human ingenuity come crashing to an end. Since the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Flemming in 1928, the chemical medicine industry has promised humanity that all our ills will be cured by prescription medications. We’ve been promised that cancer, diabetes, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s will all be cured once the...

Tags: chemical medicineedward morgan

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This Memorial Day, Remember The ‘Used & Betrayed’ Veterans Subjected To Horrific Experimentation.



This Memorial Day, Remember The ‘Used & Betrayed’ Veterans Subjected To Horrific Experimentation.

It felt like you were on fire,’ recalled one black Army veteran who was deliberately exposed to mustard gas by the U.S. military during World War II.
File: An unidentified Canadian soldier with mustard gas burns, photographed during World War I. (Wikimedia Commons)
AUSTIN, Texas — Every Memorial Day, American leaders make passionate speeches about their love and admiration for the sacrifices made by the country’s brave military veterans....

Tags: edward morgankit oconnellmemorial day

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417 Hz – 9 Hours of music to wipe out all the negative energy.



417 Hz – 9 Hours of music to wipe out all the negative energy.

I would love some of you to listen and then respond to how this helps you and your environment.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @
Like this! please bookmark. It is...

Tags: 417 hzdanell gladeenergy

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Why have we stopped protecting our daughters.



Why have we stopped protecting our daughters.



(comments – Simply put.  Thank you Jacqueline.  This is engineered behavior to not only confuse the masses but to continue to harm the divine feminine, cause competition and “cat fights” and leads way too many people into sex too early, sex slavery and causes the boys/men to only see body parts and aid and abet in the in-humanity.  Boys and men – WAKE UP  – We need HEROS not ‘Johns’.  Mothers & fathers – don’t compromise your daughters.  It’s a dangerous...

Tags: danell glade

Posted at: 18:04 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

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