Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 2, 2016 ~ 20 posts.

Raise Your Vibration - Melanie Beckler.



Raise Your Vibration.

Melanie Beckler 300w, 768w, 1024w, 200w, 287w" alt="Raise Your Vibration" width="373" height="269" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 373px) 100vw, 373px" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 1100w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 200w, 287w" /> 

What Your Vibration Is… 

And How to Raise It Now!

Everything in this universe vibrates at one frequency or another. Even objects that seem completely still, and solid like a rock, or a wooden chair, are actually made of millions of subatomic particles that are always in a state of constant movement.

Everything you can see, touch, taste, or experience in the world around you vibrates at one frequency or another, and so do you!
Learn a simple process to raise your vibration… Right here, right now…
Check out my short video...

Tags: melanie becklervibration

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Posted June 1, 2016 


One of the participants on the WalkWithMeNow platform, Julien Drouin, has written this interesting piece about the connection between living in a state of fear and what effects it can have on the body. He is a Medical Doctor living and practicing in Marseille France.

As a member of, we have to do an exercice each week. Meditation, visualisations, readings etc…  One was to read Anita Moorjani’s book: “Dying to be Me – My journey from cancer...

Tags: dane arrinelia benzjerry draggjulien drouinprepare for change

Posted at: 21:34 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Israel and Saudi Arabia: Best Friends Forever. (Zionism/the Rothschilds Created Both States)


Israel and Saudi Arabia: Best Friends Forever.

(Zionism/the Rothschilds Created Both States)


Israel and Saudi Arabia have a snug and cozy relationship. They are, indeed, BFF or best friends forever as a typical Western teenage girl might label them.


by Makia Freeman

At first glance, it admittedly seems extremely odd that the Zionist regime of Israel, holding such an antagonistic presence towards Arabs in the Middle East, would be friends with arguably the most powerful Muslim nation in the region (alongside Iran). However, that is precisely what makes...

Tags: edward morganisraelmakia freemanrothschildsaudi arabia

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Ready To Hear. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley,



Ready To Hear.

The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner






It does not matter if most like or want to listen to what you have to say.

The ones that are truly ready to hear and understand will be there.


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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AN Conversion.



AN Conversion


Posted June 2, 2016

AN conversion is a major process that our whole reality is going through. It is the process through which the Source, the One original creator, is bringing the whole of creation back into unity.

The universe was created as a reflection of the One in which the One is exploring itself. The One is omnipresent in the universe, and yet at the same time it is beyond. The universe is only a mirror image of the One, which was created with a basic template : quantum dyamics....

Tags: colaboramauniverse

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Ascension Image Ascension Conference Notes Pt 1. Glarus, Switzerland. April 16-17, 2016.



Ascension Image Ascension Conference Notes Pt 1.

 Glarus, Switzerland.

 April 16-17, 2016.


Posted June 2, 2016 

The following conference notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote these notes. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra and Isis.

Notes taken by Antares during the conference, translation Pippa, edited by Nova Biscotti and Cobra

Cobra on Saturday, April 16th

Cobra welcomed us and emphasized that we all made this ascension conference a reality. He said this was a reflection of the showing progress....

Tags: ascensioncolaborama

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Betwixt and Between - Journal Entry 216/06/02 ~Eliza Ayres.




Blue Dragon Journal Entry.


Betwixt and Between.

by Eliza Ayres.

June 2, 2016


Journal Entry 06.02.2016 – “Betwixt and Between”

Last night I had a dream where I was standing in a canyon speaking to another man (yes, I was male in the dream) when I noticed a line of archers pointing their arrows at us, about to let fly. I quickly moved behind the curve of the canyon out of range. Then I found myself in a cliff-side house, the house of a stranger. I was enjoying the beauty of the house...

Tags: blue dragoneliza ayres

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Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System. (Video)



Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

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PT: a chama ~ Israel ou Cazária!? ~
EN: VioletFlame ; CPLP ; Light a Candle for PEACE ; Alternative...

Tags: danell gladesolar system

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How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?




How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need? 

 From Body Mind Soul Spirit

June 2, 2016." alt="" width="400" height="225" />

Each person has different sleeping needs. Some people operate at their best after 9 hours while others seem to need just 5 hours each night. However, people who sleep the same amount of time each night, live longer on average than people who adjust their schedules, to either add or subtract hours from their nightly slumber (2007, British study) 

Finding your own ideal sleep/wake cycle – and staying consistent – is key to healthy sleep, agrees Carol Ash, D.O.,...

Tags: body mind soul spiritmessagetoeaglesleep paralysis

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No Longer A Conspiracy: Reporter Shows Us The ‘Convenience’ Of An RFID Microchip Implant.



No Longer A Conspiracy:  

Reporter Shows Us The ‘Convenience’ Of An RFID Microchip Implant.

 By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

For years believed to be yet another crazy conspiracy theory, human microchips are now making their way onto the market. The implanted Radio Frequency Identification chip, more commonly known as the RFID chip — thought of by many as the Mark of the Beast — is here, fully functional and ready for use.

What Is An RFID Chip?

An RFID chip is a tiny microchip, usually smaller than a grain of rice, which can...

Tags: alanna ketlercollective evolutionimplantmicrochip

Posted at: 21:24 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Ascension Conference Notes Pt 1 – Glarus, Switzerland – April 16-17, 2016



Ascension Conference Notes Pt 1.

 Glarus, Switzerland.

 April 16-17, 2016.


Posted June 2, 2016


The following conference notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote these notes. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra and Isis. In an unedited form these notes were already published on PFC.

Notes taken by Antares during the conference, translation Pippa, edited by Nova Biscotti and Cobra

Cobra on Saturday, April 16th

Cobra welcomed us and emphasized that we all made this ascension conference a reality. He...

Tags: ascensioncobradane arrnova biscotti

Posted at: 21:23 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

US On Nuclear Weapons: Do As I Say Not As I Do. ~ by Michael Hicks



US On Nuclear Weapons: 

Do As I Say Not As I Do.

 by Michael Hicks


Posted June 2, 2016


Obama recently made another call to end nuclear weapons during his speech at Hiroshima; while I’m sure the words were well-intentioned they start to lose meaning when you look at the actions our country has taken on this issue in recent times. If we really want to pursue a world without nuclear weapons we should lead by example and not just preach what other countries should do while we do it ourselves.

Obama recently said...

Tags: edward morganmichael hicks

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Free Your Mind by Detoxing from Heavy Metals. ~ By Laura Halliday.



Free Your Mind by Detoxing from Heavy Metals.

 By Laura Halliday, Waking Times


June 2, 2016.

Toxic Heavy Metals

Detoxification is big news these days. From special drinks to diet programs, there are now ways to rid your body of a host of different toxins. Toxins can come from a variety of sources and understanding what you’re most vulnerable to and what the effects can be can help you identify toxins which may be affecting you and devise a plan to deal with them once and for all.

Heavy metals have been getting plenty of attention as we learn...

Tags: laura hallidaywaking times

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The New Self: Unity, Truth and the Ascension Timelines. - Sandra Walter.



The New Self: Unity, Truth and the Ascension Timelines.

By Sandra Walter, Golden Age of Gaia


June 2, 2016.


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The energetic shift of the June 4-6 Gateway is upon us. Gatekeepers, we are opening Wednesday, which should be powerful paired with our Wednesday Unity Meditations. This leads us into four months of new, new, new; the New HUman, the New Earth, the New Paradigm reveals itself more clearly than ever.

The Christed Ascension timelines will be empowered, energized and accelerated to align with the 2017 influx (the three flashes...

Tags: golden age of gaiasandra walter

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How GMO agriculture unleashed a dangerous wave of chemically-resistant superweeds and pests…



How GMO agriculture unleashed a dangerous wave of chemically-resistant superweeds and pests… 

Nearly all promises of GM crops revealed as FAILURES.

(NaturalNews) A new landmark study has refuted many of the claims of the genetically modified organism (GMO) industry, demonstrating that many of the promises of GMO agriculture remain unfulfilled decades later.

The study by the National Academy of Sciences concluded that GMO farming practices have created pesticide-resistant insects and herbicide-resistant superweeds that now constitute “a major agricultural problem.”

The research also found that herbicide-resistant GMOs have led to increases,...

Tags: edward morgangmo agriculturegmos

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Fracking wastewater causes cancer.


Fracking wastewater causes cancer.


by Stepy

June 1, 2016



Posted June 2, 2016 by Edward Morgan


Fracking wastewater causes cancer

Fracking wastewater causes cancer, according to new research fromToxicology and Applied Pharmacology. It is the first study of its kind to confirm the many suspicions that fracking wastewater could be carcinogenic.
What is fracking?

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is technology that is used to help enhance the flow of energy from wells after drilling. Water, sand, and additives are sent through deep rock formations at high pressure. After the...

Tags: canceredward morganfracking stepy

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A major study is destroying drug war fear-driven propaganda – As States Legalize Marijuana, Teen Use Plummets.


A major study is destroying drug war fear-driven propaganda. 

As States Legalize Marijuana, Teen Use Plummets.

Posted June 2, 2016


In this Friday, Dec. 18, 2015, photograph, LivWell store manager Carlyssa Scanlon shows off some of the products available in the marijuana line marketed by rapper Snoop Dogg in one of the marijuana chain’s outlets south of downtown Denver. LivWell grows the Snoop pot alongside many other strains on its menu. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) 

A curious thing is happening as the war on weed crumbles before knowledge and reason. The propaganda campaign orchestrated during...

Tags: drug waredward morganmarijuana

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Your Divine Life-Plan. ~ Beloved One; Lytske.



Your Divine Life-Plan.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske.

Urantia, May 11, 2016.





The Beloved One: “I have followed your thoughts as always and I wish to comment on your deliberations about personalities and Life plan preparation. And yes, you long ago had a vague idea that there was something you were to do in this life — like a ‘pre-cognition.’ 

“This idea I would like to discuss as it pertains to each human ever born and all those still to be born in all future time on all the worlds of...

Tags: beloved onelytske

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Monsanto Must Pay $46.5 Million in Damages in PCB-Lymphoma Case.


Monsanto Must Pay $46.5 Million in Damages in PCB-Lymphoma Case.

 By Julie Fidler, Natural Society


June 2, 2016


Last week, a St. Louis Circuit Court jury awarded $46.5 million to 3 plaintiffs who alleged that PCBs made by Monsanto caused cancer. The plaintiffs alleged in the suit that Monsanto and the other defendants – Solutia, Pharmacia, and Pfizer – were negligent in their handling of PCBs.

PCB stands for polychlorinated biphenyls, a highly toxic and carcinogenic group of chemicals. Decades ago, PCBs were used in many different products, including electrical equipment, surface coatings, inks,...

Tags: julie fidlerlymphomamonsantonatural societypcb

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Prepare for Change - 2016/06/02



Prepare for Change

2016-06-01 18:51:19-04

One of the participants on the WalkWithMeNow platform, Julien Drouin, has written this interesting piece about the connection between living in a state of fear and what effects it can have on the body. He is a Medical Doctor living and practicing in Marseille France. As a member of, we have to do an ... Read more

Israel and Saudi Arabia: Best Friends Forever (Zionism/the Rothschi...
2016-06-01 20:12:04-04

Israel and Saudi Arabia have a snug and cozy relationship....

Tags: prepare for change

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