Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 31, 2016 ~ 19 posts.

What Happened to My Dream? - Suzie Daggett.


What Happened to My Dream?

By Suzie Daggett, The Master Shift

May 30, 2016.


My dream began with wonder on 11-11-11 at 11-11am (no kidding!) and ended 13 months later in frustration, tears and sadness. On that fateful day, my inner guidance directed me to a quiet spot of beauty overlooking a large pond with geese, ducks, and warm sun.

I sat with no specific intention, just silently drinking in the space when I heard two words in my left ear – Seekers Central.  Wow! What a cool name. I raced home and checked...

Tags: suzie daggettthe master shift

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Taiwan Recalls Quaker Oats After Finding Traces Of Glyphosate. ~ By Julie Fidler


Taiwan Recalls Quaker Oats After Finding Traces Of Glyphosate.

 By Julie Fidler, Natural Society



Taiwan has recalled Quaker Oats after a random inspection by the country’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) detected glyphosate in amounts exceeding the nation’s legal limits in 10 out of 36 products.
It has been a rough month for Quaker Oats. The company has been under intense public scrutiny since trace amounts of glyphosate, the toxic ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, was detected in its products. A class action was filed in early May over the discovery by consumers...

Tags: glyphosatejulie fidlernatural societyquaker oats

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Sheldan Nidle - 2016/05/31


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.

9 Cib, 9 Pax, 12 Manik (May, 31 2016)

Selamat Jalwa! Some great changes are on the horizon! 

Those who are swiftly putting the new NESARA republic together are very close to completing this arduous project. It is the goal of these diligent patriots to accomplish this as quickly as possible. So far, the first part of a general two-part funding is now finished. The next part is hopefully to be completed shortly. According to those in the know, once all administrative funding is complete,...

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

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Psychic Protection Made Simple. By Melanie Beckler.


Psychic Protection Made Simple.

By Melanie Beckler.


1. Wear An Orb of White Light and Love.

Published with permission from Melanie at


Imagine you are surrounded in a pulsing orb of white light and love. This orb of light serves to release any negative energy within its field… Into the light.

Visualize negative energy, entities, memories, and stuck or stagnant energy being released from your mind, body and spirit. Know and visualize the presence of your angels who take negativity in all it’s many forms, and release it into the light.

Practice wearing the orb of light throughout your...

Tags: melanie beckler

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Lisa Gawlas: …As May Closes and We Ready for the June-July Energy Field…


…As May Closes and We Ready for the June-July Energy Field… 

 By Lisa Gawlas,  

The Shift of Time and Energy

May 31, 2016.


Well, holy system shut down batman!! The one thing I was absolutely sure of yesterday, my body was not happy with me, at all!! My mind stayed in the exhausted fog all day long. 

My legs grew lead inside them, my digestive system didn’t know if it was hungry or stuffed, and for the first time in my entire life of awareness, every time I thought about going to the...

Tags: lisa gawlasshift of time and energy

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History of Mercury Dental Fillings: Industrial Era Snake Oil (Video)


History of Mercury Dental Fillings:

 Industrial Era Snake Oil (Video)


May 31, 2016

From Era of Wisdom

(Era of Wisdom) The relevant history of mercury amalgam dental fillings is rooted in quackery. Born from an industrial era of con artists peddling snake oil, this is the story of modern “medicine.”

From the Crawcour family of dentists to the American Dental Association’s foundation in support of mercury amalgam, this topic can expand a perception of industrialized medicine.


This article (History of Mercury Dental...

Tags: era of wisdommercurymercury dental fillings

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Your Brain’s Role In Love: Find Out Why Love Is Intoxicating.


Your Brain’s Role In Love: 

Find Out Why Love Is Intoxicating.

By: Jacob Devaney, Uplift

Thanks to Conscious Life News


May 31, 2016

couple in fire love

Love has an intoxicating effect on us and understanding this mysterious effect from a scientific perspective may help us navigate relationships with a little more clarity. Meditation, self-awareness and good communication skills are paramount to having a successful relationship, but there are biological factors to attachment and separation that can easily override even the most level-headed person.

For millennia nature has conspired to evolve complex neurological impulses that underly our desire for...

Tags: conscious life newsjacob devaneyuplift

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This Syrup Is 10x More Powerful Than Penicillin. Kills All Infections And Bacteria From Your Organism.


This Syrup Is 10x More Powerful Than Penicillin.

Kills All Infections And Bacteria From Your Organism.

 via HealthyWorld365

Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit


May 31, 2016." alt="This Syrup Is 10x More Powerful Than Penicillin – Kills All Infections And Bacteria From Your Organism" width="482" height="257" />

The winter season is almost over but unfortunately the flu season is still very much present. As the weather improves all the bacteria and infections start rampaging our organism and our immune system just can’t fight it any more. 
Antibiotics are always an option but even they can’t stand up against some drug-resistant viruses and have a long list of side effects. It’s always better...

Tags: bacteriabody mind soul spirithealthyworld365infectionspenicillin

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Why I Meditate. - By Tom Bunzel.


Why I Meditate.

By Tom Bunzel, Collective Evolution


content young man sitting meditating in comfy chair on white

I have been searching for “answers” most of my life and have written about an epiphany in 2007 when I watched a TED video in which geneticist Juan Enriquez spoke of DNA not as “like” software, but as encoded instructions.

At that time I was struck by the reality (as opposed to the abstract notion) that there must be or have been some “higher intelligence” in Nature (“Who was the programmer?”).

I was fine with leaving the question open but it made me...


Tags: collective evolutionmainstreamtom bunzel

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Mind Virus Wetiko: Collective Shadow of Humanity. - Makia Freeman.


Mind Virus Wetiko: 

Collective Shadow of Humanity.

By Makia FreemanWaking Times

May 31, 2016

Eye Virus 

The existence of a mind-virus that plagues all of humanity – every man, woman and child – at first may seem like a far out concept, but it’s an idea that has been around a long time in a lot of different cultures.

Religion has grappled with the problem of evil for aeons. Deep down the rabbit hole of conspiracy research you will eventually get to the same theme – that there is some dark force coordinating the many nefarious schemes and agendas...

Tags: makia freemanmind viruswetiko

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FDA-Approved ‘Permanent’ Birth Control Causing Lifelong Recurring Pain


FDA-Approved ‘Permanent’ Birth Control Causing Lifelong Recurring Pain

 By Isabelle Z., Natural News


May 31, 2016." alt="Permanent birth control" width="436" height="245" />

(NaturalNews) When it comes to effectively preventing unwanted pregnancies, women simply don’t have a lot of good options. Now, women who have turned to the permanent birth control procedure known as Essure in an effort to avoid the harmful effects of birth control pills, are finding that the alternative can actually be even worse.

Essure is a small device that is inserted by a doctor through a woman’s cervix into the Fallopian tubes. Over the course of a few...

Tags: isabelle z.natural news

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Master In Training. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Master In Training.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 31, 2016.




Look around you, every single person you rest your eyes upon is a Master-in-training.

Now, look in the mirror; what do you see?


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

Like this! please bookmark. It...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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By Spiritual Assault. ~ Thought Adjuster; Oscar.



By Spiritual Assault.

Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Oscar.

Alabama, USA, May 30, 2012.





Thought Adjuster: “How long will you wait before you take what belongs to you? If only you could have a glimpse of the wonders your Father has prepared for you to grow and develop happy and abundantly. Many among you walk the path of spirituality in a tentative and dubious way. It is time for you to jump with both feet into the adventure of being the best you can aspire to be. 

“So few among you dedicate their lives...

Tags: oscarthought adjuster

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Complete Freedom. ~ By Emmanuel Dagher.


Complete Freedom.

By Emmanuel Dagher. 

 June 2016

 Energy Forecast

Love and blessings!

The energies we've had access to these last few weeks have created a clear path for us, offering amazing revelations about how we can experience complete freedom.

This kind of freedom has been absent from our personal and collective consciousness for thousands of years. But in the late 1950s and early 1960s, aspects of it began to return to human consciousness, and it has been building up ever since.

In fact, as a result of several important global heart gatherings that have taken place...

Tags: emmanuel dagherenergy forecastnew earth

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Prepare For Change - 2016/05/31.


Prepare for Change

Nebraska Just Abolished Civil Forfeiture, Now Requires A Criminal C...
2016-05-29 15:38:34-04

Credit: Shutterstock (Comment – Thank you Nick for a spot of good news.  also see: Nick Sibilla, Contributor Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a bill on Tuesday that eliminates civil forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize and keep property without filing charges or securing criminal convictions. The bill, LB 1106, passed the unicameral legislature last ...Read more

David Wilcock Update ~ Full Disclosure and Ascension: The War Has G...
2016-05-29 18:27:21-04

Although things seem “almost too...

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The Magic Power of Words and Why Words Rule the World. ~By Pao L. Chang.


The Magic Power of Words and Why Words Rule the World.

By Pao L. Chang, The Mind Unleashed


Confucius said: “Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.”


We hear and speak words everyday for the reason that we heavily rely on them to communicate. Because of this, words play a very important role for shaping our beliefs and perception of reality. It is estimated that the average person speaks more than 7,000 words per day. Even though we hear and speak words everyday, most of us have...

Tags: magic powerpao changpao l chang

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Benjamin Fulford, 2016/05/30 ~N.Y. branch of Khazarian mafia, final obstacle to world peace.


New York branch of Khazarian mafia now final obstacle to world peace.

By Benjamin Fulford.

May 30, 2016.

When Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, hiding out at Mark Rich’s house on the hill in Zog, Switzerland was identified as the head of the Khazarian mafia, Rothschild reached out to the White Dragon Society via a nephew to negotiate a peace settlement involving and exchange of gold for money and the establishment of a future planning agency. This is now on hold because the New York branch of the Khazarian mafia, headed by the Cohen crime family, blocked it, Rothschild family...

Tags: benjamin fulfordkhazarian mafiarothschildworld peace

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A New Beginning. ~ Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn



New Beginnings.

A New Beginning.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

May 31, 2016

There is something entirely new in the air and while you think you might have been there before, this is so new that it must be experienced to understand. This can mean opening yourself up to love in deeper ways than you have possibly imagined and it will be entirely worth it. This is also a relationship with spiritual and psychic connections and why it has such a new dimension. 
Let go of past belief systems or memories from experiences past as these are...

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Ask The Masters, 20116/05/31 ~ Toni and Peter.


Ask The Masters.

By The Celestial Voices.

Through Toni and Peter.

31 May 2016

A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings for 31 May 2016

A Canadian man is sexually frustrated due his wife's prudishness. The Masters counsel him that he must make some changes before he can expect his life to change.

Is a Hindu goddess plaguing an American woman? Find out what the Masters have to say about the entity and what they advise. 

Severe shyness inhibits a Brazilian woman, who is also in an unhappy marriage. Let us hope she takes the Masters' message to...

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

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