Without. The Creator Writings.transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.JANUARY 6, 2016 Give without expectation. Love without boundaries. Smile without reservation. Live like every moment is your last. All of these things exist within you. Use them and watch your world change! Creator. *Tanks to *URL: http://wp.me/s3fIGI-without ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* http://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=Jennifer+Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsi...more »
Anatomy of a Script: Disagreeable. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 6, 2015 The Growth Movement would call what I’m doing in this series of essays “consciousness raising.” I’m raising to my awareness the roles and scripts that I’ve created for myself. Given that I’m doing it publicly, I hope I’m contributing to the general raising of consciousness on the matters discussed here. If we were having a discussion in which all of us were doing what I’m doing, we’d all be “consciousness raising.” Paul Ferrini maintains that we were headed into what he termed “stage-three co...more »
Evolving the Human Blueprint. By Tiara Kumara, Golden Age of Gaia, January 6, 2015. Everything on the planet is in great change, electromagnetic currents are altering, magnetic fields are shifting, many things are no longer being held down in their familiar place. We are getting unlocked! This brings tremendous change to the body and the entire structure of the DNA encodement. It is said that 97% of DNA is non-functioning. For numerous people with awakened consciousness, this dormant material is considered as a living data storage containing the instruction sets for our gre...more »
FDA to Approve Cannabis-Based Pharmaceutical for Multiple Health Conditions.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 6, 2015 GW Pharmaceuticals is expected to be given a green light for a cannabidiol drug (marijuana-based medicine) which has shown promise in the treatment of epileptic children, cutting epileptic attacks down by as much as 100% (45% average). When will the Feds admit cannabis is a medical miracle? In one breath the mainstream medical system has been telling us that ‘cannabis has no medicinal value,’ while the U.S. government has stealthily patented cannabino...more »
This Is What Coffee & Tea Could Do To Your Brain. By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, January 6, 2015 According to a number of recent studies, coffee and tea could keep your brain healthy, and provide protection from Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. This is good news, at least for the approximately 70 million Americans who consume three cups of coffee each day (and the astounding 21 million of them who drink six or more every day). Although there have been side effects associated with drinking coffee, like insomnia, irritability, muscle tremors, and ...more »
The True Power. Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba. 01, 06, 2016 Greetings! I come today to share with you something of importance that will be a life changing event if you choose to understand the principles and apply them to your lives. For the past many years, many of us have been doing all that we know to manifest in our lives what we desire to have. We have been doing all that we can to change our lives to match that which is in our hearts. However, we have experienced hits and misses. There is a certain state of being that is necessary in order to send out our desires and have them to...more »
.Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness. The Archetypes of Powerby Owen K Waters Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, introduced the concept of archetypes within the collective unconscious mind of humanity. He saw archetypes as thought patterns that adhere to the behavior of certain roles in society, such as mother, father and child. The movie industry then used the idea to create memorable characters which follow such popular archetypes as the hero, the mentor, and the villain. For example, in the original Star Wars movie, all three appear ... more »
Prepare for Change ‘THE PLEIADIAN MESSAGE’ 2016-01-04 12:40:39-05 Here is the video ‘THE PLEIADIAN MESSAGE’ – a wake up call for the family of Light. Enjoy. NB: The link leads to my website page – Galactic Family 1 – to ... Read more... read more... Video with Ron Paul: Who Owns the Federal Reserve? 2016-01-04 15:55:22-05 read more... David Wilcock & Benjamin Fulford interview 2016-01-05 08:58:14-05 read more... Video: The Event Is Coming Soon, Be Prepared 2016-01-05 17:04:19-05 read more... My Links Cobra Cornerstone Articles PFC Sisterhood of the Rose Welcome first...more »
.In This We Are Grateful.Teacher: Ophelius.Message received by Chris Maurus. Asheville, NC, USA, December 20, 2015. Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends and students on the path, on behalf of my colleagues, the Circle of Seven, and all the Mansonia Teachers, I would like to extend to you our sincere and heart-felt gratitude for participating with us in the Great Plan to bring your world back into the fold of Father’s Will — to bring Life and Light to this most unusual planet. Each one of you, as Agondonters, plays an important role in this effort, no matter how great or how sma... more »
Vegetables Likely To Take More Of Your Plate in 2016. By Bonny Wolf, NPR Eating and Health, Thanks to Conscious Life News.January 6, 2016. [image: fruits-and-vegetables] About a decade ago, food writer Michael Pollan issued a call to action: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. As 2016 opens, it looks like many American cooks and diners are heeding that call. Vegetables have moved from the side to the center of the plate. And as another year begins, it appears that plants are the new meat. Bon Appetit magazine named AL’s Place in San Francisco the best new restaurant of 2015....more »
Power of Intention. Through Theresa Crabtree, Mayan Messages, January 5, 2016. Through the energy field of infinite possibilities, you have at your fingertips the ability to create whatever you wish to experience. The simple rule to this secret is to focus your attention on what you want, never letting your mind dwell on things you do not wish to experience. As unwanted thoughts creep in, redirect them, changing them to things you desire. Practice makes perfect, yet unbeknownst to you, you already are perfect, just a bit forgetful of this Truth. Find this Truth, be this Truth ...more »
37 Lies Americans Tell Themselves To Avoid Confronting Reality. By Mike Adams, Natural News, Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit. January 6, 2016 Have you noticed the incredible detachment from reality exhibited by the masses these days? The continued operation of modern society, it seems, depends on people making sure they don’t acknowledge reality (or try to deal with it). “Denial” is what keeps every sector of civilization humming along: medicine, finance, government, agriculture and more. The trouble with the denial approach is that eventually the lies collide with reality....more »
The Language of Nature. The Trees Will Teach You. From Earth We Are One, January 5, 2015. Credit: kingdomfirsthomeschool.com Trees have an innate way to know when the seasons change, when there is a storm, when its leaves will drop, when the season is about to change and they do this by Telepathy. We have a lot to learn from trees. Telepathy can also be in couples for relationships. They won’t say what is they are thinking about, but the other would instinctively know. According to Serena Woods Guest Writer on Wake Up World, “Telepathy is commonly known as ”mind to mind” c...more »
.How to Exit the Matrix in 6 Steps. By Frank M. Wanderer, The Mind Unleashed , January 4, 2016. The virtual reality introduced in the Matrix films is generated by a computer, and the people live in this artificially created reality. If you spend some time and pay attention to the reality of your everyday life, you will find a stunning discovery. Because our everyday reality shows a great deal of resemblance to movie’s virtual reality. Our virtual reality may not be generated by a computer, but by our mind, our constantly flowing thoughts and emotions. And so we are living in th... more »
The Teachers Speak: The Role of the Guru – Part 2 /3. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. January 6, 2016. [image: The Teachers Speak (KEEP)] *Continued from Part 1. * It’s easier to follow a living man or woman than a scripture, Paramahansa Yogananda tells us, which is why gurus are often preferred over spiritual writings. “It is more easy to follow a living, breathing, talking man (who lives truth) than a mute scripture. “If a saint has reached his goal, whether by the shorter Yoga route, or by the longwinded spiritual-prayer way, he experiences actual self-realization. Anyon...more »
.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation. 6 Oc, 3 Chen, 12 Manik [Jan.05.2016] Selamat Balik! Let us begin with a Happy New Gregorian Year to all! The massive operations that are giving you your various blessings were stalled slightly by the holiday season. This planned delay is now over. Deliveries are expected to begin during the coming week. This delay was felt appropriate by both the various royal families and by a number of the ancient families as well. A series of last minute security checks have been completed and a new delivery sched... more »
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