The Problem Is Drug Law, Not Drugs. By Phillip J. Watt, *Waking Times, * *January 5, 2016* [image: psychedelic-brain] The war-on-drugs has been one of the biggest policy failures of modern society. It amplifies drug-related problems and doesn’t recognize that altered states of consciousness play a perfectly natural role within the human experience. It is clear that many governments of the world have failed to truly accept some extremely important facts around dealing with the substances that make their way through our communities. Examples include: Laws have criminalized drugs...more »
A Bright Future. See the future as Bright. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 7, 2016. Great progress is being made towards creating a bright future. Keep doing the work and you will find your intentions manifesting is wondrous ways. Keep your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions focused on hope and optimism and know that the changes that are happening will bring the relief you have been asking for during those challenging times. These are times for bright new beginnings. New opportunities or new growth within your current situations brings new levels of understand... more »
10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling. From Earth We Are One, January 5, 2016 Credit: How can you tell if you’ve found your calling? Many have asked themselves this question a lot. Life has its ups and downs and usually within certain experiences, one is able to decipher their true calling. Despite one’s questions, here are 10 sings that can help one determine if they have found their calling. 1. You’ll realize you’ve been training for your calling since the moment you were born. Indeed, even the biggest dissapoinments, the mistakes, the second thoughts, and th...more »
2016: The Year of the Heart. By Pauline Capalbo, The Master Shift, January 6, 2015 Credit: We are growing. The Light is shining. Our challenge now is to lift our energy from old patterns of survival, control, fear, lack, and judgement, into love. Observing the world, my personal journey, and those of clients, I see a new wave of energy building. And it’s strong. It’s the wave of Love. 2016 is The Year of the Heart. It’s the year in which we choose to learn how to love better, from the soul, from the heart and tap into the true love in our heart – Divine Love. ...more »
: Light Hearted Day. via Theresa Crabtree, Mayan Messages, January 6, 2016. There is much work for you to do in your inner and outer world, yet many of you forget to take time to enjoy the day. We encourage you to pay attention to the words you speak and the choices you make. Remember to smile, to notice the beauty in Nature and to keep your thoughts focused on your desires. Choose things that bring joy to your heart. Laugh out loud. Do “a bun dance.” Focus on what you want in your life and let all other thoughts simply waft past you. Selamet! Chuen 10, Day 231 To purchase ...more »
Krishnamurti Quotes: At All the Levels of Our Existence.J. Krishnamurti Online, January 6, 2016 Self-knowledge is not a thing to be bought in books, nor is it the outcome of a long painful practice and discipline, but it is awareness, from moment to moment, of every thought and feeling as it arises in relationship. Relationship is not on an abstract, ideological level but an actuality,the relationship with property, with people, and with ideas. Relationship implies existence and, as nothing can live in isolation, to be is to be related. Our conflict is in relationship, at all the... more »
2015 Year in Review – What We Can Learn for 2016 and Coming Years. By Jeff Singh, Awake Free, Contributor for the Culture of Awareness January 7, 2016. Credit: It does us no good to ignore the issues facing our times. Perhaps at the year’s end, we can find some reflection to see the picture that’s been emerging through a *2015 year in review* and find perspective for greater solutions in the coming years. The major news events of 2015 have a striking thread that runs through them. It’s been a year of bringing systemic problems blaring to the surface to be addre...more »
The Top 10 Most Restrictive, False and Dangerous Religious Beliefs. By Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles, Contributor for the Culture of AwarenessJanuary 7, 2016 [image: dangerous religious beliefs] The suffering perpetrated by religion (which continues to this day) stems from restrictive, false and dangerous religious beliefs – based on separation. *Restrictive, false and dangerous religious beliefs* abound throughout the world, and dominate the mainstream teachings of organized religion. Religion has caused a lot of unnecessary pain to mankind, despite whatever truth and g...more »
The Grand Plan. The Creator Writings.transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 7, 2016. All exists within you, all exists without you. Wrap yourself in the gentle flow of The Universe. You are a part of the grand plan! Creator. *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended...more »
About Malignant Emotions.*Unknown Teacher Group.*Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, December 14, 2015. *Teacher:* “Dear child, let’s do a practice run today. Let your fingers fly on the keyboard and disengage your mind from the flow of words that are now starting to stream into it. This is the best way for us to convey to you our teachings without your own interference. “What should we talk about today? You are worrying about a girl friend who is in a state of resistance and you feel that it is preventing her from finding happiness. It is true. You cannot feel happiness when ... more »
Try It On. See If It Fits. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 7, 2016. [image: Shoe 11] Raising something to awareness was the *sine qua non* of human-growth work as I knew it some years ago. And I’d like to see it return. Allow me please to look at a second strategy that was also key. That strategy is trying something on and testing it out. It’s possible that I might raise a hidden pattern of mine to awareness. But just as regularly, in some cases even more so, another person in a growth workshop might raise something I’m doing to my awareness *for me,* so to speak...more »
5 PepsiCo Products to Adopt the Non-GMO Project Label in a Few Months. By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, January 7, 2016 *Tropicana Pure Premium products and 4 other PepsiCo brands will soon bear the Non-GMO Project butterfly seal. The emblem will start appearing early next year.* PepsiCo has been one of the biggest opponents of state efforts to require labels on such foods, though now it seems the company is making extra effort to grapple the consumer market seeking organic and non-GMO foods. “Consumers today have a desire for transparency from brands, and that desire is on...more »
Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn: Transforming Our Goals And Structures.By Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution, January 7, 2016 The planet Mercury started its retrograde phase on January 5th/6th and it will last until January 25th/26th. This is an astronomical/astrological phenomenon that occurs roughly every four months for over a three week period. From an Earth based perspective, it looks as if Mercury is going backwards, but this is not actually the case. It only appears that way due to the relationship between both Earth’s and Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Accordingl...more »
A Guide to Including Cannabis in Your Practice. By Becca Williams, Cannabis and SpiritualityJanuary 7, 2016. *Note from ‘Cannabis and Spirituality’ editor: Cannabis in Your Practice – Becca Williams** was offered up by Becca at my invitation. There are many ways to talk about working with cannabis for spiritual benefit. My intention with the Cannabis and Spirituality project is to include some of those varying voices. Becca’s guidance is based on long experience with intentional use of cannabis in particular and with consciousness transformation work in general. Her latest pro...more »
The Teachers Speak: The Role of the Guru – Part 3 /3. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. January 7, 2016 [image: The Teachers Speak (KEEP)] *Concluded from Part 2.* Ramakrishna tells us that the guru “is all in all. There is no one higher than the Guru.” (1) [image: godliveswithinus] Look within. Credit: While the Most High sometimes uses a teacher to get through to us in the external world, we’re also guided from within. “God is the Inner Guide. He sees the longing of our heart and the yearning of our soul.” (2) Our hearts are seen and our struggle...more »
The Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup. *The Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup* *Andrew Baker ( FFN),- Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have:* *1. Known the vaccines don’t work* *2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent* *3. Known they are a hazard to children* *4. Colluded to lie to the public* *5. Worked to prevent safety studies* Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to childre...more »
Message from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen. January 3, 2016. "In the final analysis, it is the ELITE HOUSES who have constructed the PARASITICAL SYSTEM: A GLOBAL PRISON, a prison without bars. No one can explain the DECEPTION logically. How can anyone explain a DELUSION that is so POWERFUL and OMNIPRESENT, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MOST PEOPLE TO FATHOM ? One of the jailers mocks, "It is only the small secrets that need protection. The BIG ONES PROTECT THEMSELVES BY PUBLIC INCREDULITY." "The PREDITORS HAVE GIVEN US OUR SYSTEM OF BELIEFS OF GOOD AND EVIL. THE SACRED COVENANT = AN... more »
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