Take Charge. You Can Do Anything.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 5, 2016. This is your opportunity to take charge and get ready for the realization of your goals and for your life purpose to become a more important aspect of your life. You have the tools and ability to manifest whatever you need to be a success and the experience to use those tools wisely for the good of yourself as well as the All. It might all feel a bit odd at this moment as it seems overly ambitious or perhaps it is the seemingly differing viewpoints of others arising from differing opinions, regar...more »
A Gift For You. The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner January 5, 2016. Being able to love, forgive, give and allow others to grow without the expectation of anything in return is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Creator. *Tanks to* URL: http://wp.me/p3fIGI-Xg ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* http://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=Jennifer Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political ...more »
US Grain Terminal Goes GMO-FREE to Meet Consumer Demand. By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 5, 2016. [image: field-wheat-grain-gmo-no-735-250] Big Food companies that want to switch to non-GM soy and corn products without worrying about contamination through normal supply chains can now count on a North Dakota grain plant. Captain Drake LLC, has acquired a million-bushel terminal with dedicated rail cars that *will be used exclusively for the holding and transport of GMO-Free grains to meet the growing demand in the US for non-GM food.* The private investment firm, ...more »
Choices and Changes. By Eliza Ayres.Blue Dragon Journal. 01.05.2016 Journal Entry 01.05.2016 – Choices and Changes Maria called this morning via Skype to inform me that her son had been in a head-on collision. He is now being taken care of at the hospital on Hilton Head Island. Unfortunately he wasn’t treated with respect or compassion by the officers who came upon the scene of the accident. The other car had left the scene. The lad was questioned and then sent home without being checked out at a hospital. I’ve known since childhood that if someone experiences a loss of consciou...more »
- *The Teachers Speak: **The Role of the Guru **Part 1 /3. ** By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. * *January 5, 2016 * [image: The Teachers Speak (KEEP)] A ‘guru’ is a spiritual teacher who’s life mission is to show the way to enlightenment. The guru is generally seen as an enlightened figure, but some teachers are imperfect and honest about their imperfection. They teach that being comfortable with imperfection is an important step to enlightenment, and I’m sure every teacher learns as they teach, no matter how enlightened they may be. Full-on enlightenment isn...more »
.Hillary Clinton Opens Up About Extraterrestrials: “We May Have Been Visited Already” By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, January 4, 2016. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently made a stop in New Hampshire, during which time Daymond Steer, a journalist at the *The Conway Daily Sun,* brought up the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects. Her response might be surprising to some, though it shouldn’t be, since Clinton, and her campaign manager, John Podesta, have investigated this topic before, and dozens of governments have already officially disclosed the existe... more »
The Fear of Death. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 5, 2016. Credit: knowledgeisking.ning.com Recently Mike Quinsey, channeling his Higher Self, wrote: “The biggest hurdle [in encountering the new revelations of truth] is where people have beliefs that do not allow for life after death, as it really exists. “There is no death as such and when you lay down your earthly body, you immediately move into your etheric body. Few souls if any notice the difference so the transition is easy and most welcome, and you are free from all earthly ailments that you brought wi...more »
.I AM the Doer. Michael of Nebadon. Message received by Linda Abell. Texas, USA, December 15, 2015. Michael of Nebadon: “My children of the world, I address you with the intent of outreach, with the intent of getting you to awaken to your divine destinies. I want to see you in the fullness of the perfection which I AM, which means you will have to leave your comfort zone. Do that for Me. Aspire to come to Me. Try to leave behind the old mindset. Do observe that your feelings are calm and that your thoughts are soft and balanced, that your heart is open and that it flows like a rive... more »
.Oregon Militia Hopes Opposition to Federal Government Will Spread Nationwide. By* Dan Sanchez*, Anti Media, January 4, 2016. *(**ANTIMEDIA**)**Burns, OR —* The headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge had been closed for the holidays. So there was no risk of a scuffle when it was taken over by a militia on Saturday. Among those now occupying the Federal building are the son and two brothers of Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher famous for his armed standoff with the Feds over grazing rights in April 2014. Before the seizure, the militia members had joined residents in a... more »
.Ask The Masters. By The Celestial Voices. Through Toni and Peter. 5 January 2015. A preview of the Masters' teachings.The first of this week's fascinating questions comes from a UK correspondent who, despite a "contented" family life, still thinks about a short romance from years before. Was that person a soul mate? Is the current partner a soul mate? The Masters deal with the concept of soul mates before focusing on this person's specific situation. The information a US woman obtains from automatic writing doesn't always correlate with what she hears from other sources, and she w... more »
This Ancient Roman Sword Found On Oak Island Completely Rewrites History As We Know It. From Higher Perspective, January 4, 2015 We’re taught in school that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Of course, the idea that you can discover a continent already inhabited by millions of other humans is, well, dubious at best, but now there’s more evidence that Columbus was not the first European to set foot on the continent of North America. A new finding suggests that Romans were the first non-indigenous people to visit the Americas. This claim is supported by the discovery of ...more »
12 Methods to Unplug from the Matrix. By Phillip J. Watt, The Mind Unleashed , January 4, 2015 It’s becoming more recognizable to even the most indoctrinated that there’s something not quite right about the collective consensus in humanity’s mind structure. This reflects that the vibration and energy of the third dimensional environment that we inhabit is slowly shifting, day by day, into a field which will inevitably be comprised of an awakened populace. This of course is our collective destiny, leaving no excuse for the awakened to amplify the self-harming state of fear. ...more »
Looking Back on 2015: 5 Archeological Discoveries That You Probably Didn’t Hear About. From Earth We Are One, January 4, 2016. 2015 has been, without a doubt, one of the most sensational years for archeologists and researchers. From the discovery of new, previously unknown humans species to incredible new details in Tutankhamun’s tomb, 2015 has truly been a spectacular year. *Is Queen Nefertiti hiding in plain sight?* We love ancient Egypt and its history, this is why we cannot omit the secret chambers found in the tomb of one of Ancient Egypt’s most enigmatic pharaohs, Tutankhamu...more »
Recent Studies Find Cannabis Highly Effective Against Depression, PTSD. By Steven Maxwell, *Waking Times,* January 4, 2015 [image: Cannabis Nug] Recent scientific studies regarding the use of cannabis (marijuana) and its healing powers are further disproving the government’s biased and inaccurate stance against its medical use. The government refers to marijuana as a “gateway” drug to harder substances and schedules it along side them even though it has proven to be safer than alcohol. Taking these claims into consideration, scientists across the country have taken it upon themse...more »
Start Something New. Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, January 4, 2016. [image: Cedella] You are in a great place to start something new. You have a fresh perspective and the confidence to take on anything you wish to accomplish. If you open your eyes to see the possibilities, the unimaginable will start to happen. Your vision and intuition will guide you to achieve. *One love…* *Cedella.* *Tanks to* URL: http://wp.me/p1Fiwj-ech ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* http://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=Cede...more »
Are the masters of the Heart. Message from Jesus *. By Thiago Strapasson. 12.29.2015.Google translation. Dear brothers!A new cycle begins in their lives, those in which a new journey of love, of faith, brotherhood, integration with the light is on the horizon. To follow that route, it is enough to surrender to this new power, allowing yourself to be what they are. That's all because you are everything and everything is you.In their lives and in this earthly existence have been led to believe they are unworthy, who are in a world to purge old errors, which the Father placed them i...more »
Blue Dragon Journal. Energetic Shielding Tips, by Eliza AyresJanuary 4,2016. Reblogged from Lightlover Journal: Have you ever been around someone and when you leave them you are exhausted? This is why energetic shielding is so important... so that others cannot affect you in any way and you can remain in your Heart Center and have Clarity as You Awaken to Your Heart. Enjoy! I send All My Love! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-CsOg-YbNg Energetic Shielding by Maria... Eliza Ayres *Tanks to* URL: http://wp.me/p2Bdne-1Vb ------------------------------ *Please respect all credit...more »
*The Vision Alignment Project*. *A Vision for Two Million Alignments - and More! * *Our Vision for today was contributed by Joni Red Wing Stone and it reflects the intentions that we had in the beginning, when we first created The VAP. As you know, we surpassed the 1 Million Alignment Mark in November of 2012 and now we are doing just what Joni suggests - Going for 2 Million!* Joni says: I envision that all the Intenders of the Highest Good spread the word about this Project to other like-minded, Spirit-led and intentionally focused manifesters of a positive, Global Community living ...more »
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