Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - January 4th, 2015 ~ 19 posts.

A Way For Us All to Find Our Tribe By Chris Bell, Collective Evolution, January 4, 2016. [image: tribeboy] We used to believe our society was our tribe. When we worked in jobs we didn’t believe in, making money for people we didn’t like, consuming resources at a rate the earth couldn’t sustain, racking up ever-increasing debts to banks, competing with others, being preoccupied with houses, cars, objects and an outward image — still we believed. We didn’t even know what our real beliefs and values were, let alone that we were contravening them, in a million ways, every day. Then we... more »

Energetic Shielding Tips, -by Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal. Energetic Shielding Tips, by Eliza AyresJanuary 4,2016. Reblogged from Lightlover Journal: Have you ever been around someone and when you leave them you are exhausted? This is why energetic shielding is so important... so that others cannot affect you in any way and you can remain in your Heart Center and have Clarity as You Awaken to Your Heart. Enjoy! I send All My Love! Energetic Shielding by Maria... Eliza Ayres *Tanks to* URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credit... more »

A Vision for Two Million Alignments - and More!

*The Vision Alignment Project*. *A Vision for Two Million Alignments - and More! * *Our Vision for today was contributed by Joni Red Wing Stone and it reflects the intentions that we had in the beginning, when we first created The VAP. As you know, we surpassed the 1 Million Alignment Mark in November of 2012 and now we are doing just what Joni suggests - Going for 2 Million!* Joni says: I envision that all the Intenders of the Highest Good spread the word about this Project to other like-minded, Spirit-led and intentionally focused manifesters of a positive, Global Community living ... more »

A Moment Away. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

.A Moment Away. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner January 4, 2016 The space between: what you are and what you are to become, what you have and what you will receive, how you think and what you will think in the future is all just a moment away. Be comfortable with the resting spot you’ve chosen. The upward progression of the soul need not be fraught with slings and arrows. It is, after all, only thought. Creator. *Tanks to* URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This ... more »

Energy Update January 2016 – A Year of Inspired Action -By Matt Kahn.

- Energy Update January 2016. A Year of Inspired Action. By Matt Kahn. Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia. January 4, 2016. [image: Matt Kahn] The stage has been set. Each character prepared with lifetimes of experience for what is finally a tangible transition into the new 5D energies so many (including myself) have been discussing. For those who didn’t have a chance to read my September 27, 2015 follow-up, a 3-part energy update was written, circulated globally, and remains posted in the articles section of our web site. While much has opened up throughout th... more »

Purification and the Divine Plan – Part 2 /2 -By Steve Beckow.

Purification and the Divine Plan – Part 2 /2 By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 4, 2015 [image: Divine Plan 55] (Concluded from Part 1.) In the last part of this article, I looked at the impact of approaching life in unworkable ways, creating issues or vasanas, bands of muscular tension in the body, illness and disease, and so on. And I looked at what purification involves. Today I’d like to look at how all of this fits in with the Divine Plan. There’s a literature on the Divine Plan in the Library/Archives under “Spiritual Essays” so anyone interested in going furthe... more »

Wake up Call: Hatonn via Nancy Tate.

.Wake up Call. Message from Hatonn. Through Nancy Tate. January 04, 2016 Good morning! I am Hatonn, and I am here this day to tell you of a rapid change that is about to unfold. Yes, there is an ongoing motion that is bringing in what is needed for the joyful exuberance of the times of pleasure and the waywardness of that which is in abundance in more ways than you have imagined. I tell you this because there are many reports out there in the lines of communication that say the opposite. They are bringing forth that which they determine to be the opposite of what they see in the fo... more »

Maturing. -A New Level of Growth. ~Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.

Maturing. A New Level of Growth. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.January 4, 2016. You are about to attain a new level of growth and with this download of information you may find the assimilation a bit of a challenge to deal with . Take time out to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Make some plans but don't be stuck on them as they may be about to change. It is important to partake in some action steps while you are also taking rest and therein lies the challenge. Know that you may need extra sleep or feel the need to hibernate. Put on a onesy and make that cup of coco and journal... more »

4 Huge Benefits Of Being An Empath. ~ From Higher Perspective.

4 Huge Benefits Of Being An Empath. From Higher Perspective, January 2, 2015. You have a distinct advantage over non-empaths. Empathy is something we’re all born with. Each and every one of us. Our brains are wired to experience empathy. But many decide to beat the empathy out of themselves. This leaves them, in a way, at a disadvantage. By not learning to experience the emotions of others, they will have a greater difficulty in reading other people than you do. You may feel lower lows, but the highs are even higher. When you’re an empath, it’s easy to feel so so low when you’... more »

The Book That Changed Everything. By Farhana Dhalla.

The Book That Changed Everything. By Farhana Dhalla, Thanks to Conscious Life NewsJANUARY 4, 2016. We all have a ‘breakthrough book’. The book that shifted the way we saweverything... the way we saw ourselves. Mine was Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. A few years ago when my marriage came to an abrupt end, I was able to stand in the crumbling of everything around me because I knew who I was. I was able to be in the debris and claim bold visions about becoming the grandest expression of myself that I had ever known. I could do that because the year before I had re... more »

Alkaline Water Kills Cancer!? How to Make It! By HealthyFoodTeam

Alkaline Water Kills Cancer!? How to Make It! By HealthyFoodTeam, Thanks to Body Mind Soul SpiritJANUARY 4, 2016. The pH level determines whether an environment is acidic or alkaline. If its value is below 7, the environment is acidic, and if it’s above 7, it’s alkaline. Ass its pH level is 7, rain water is said to be neutral. Nevertheless, as far as the human body is concerned, a single pH value cannot be established as each organ has its own specific pH value. For instance, the saliva has a pH ranging from 6.5-7.0, the human skin has a pH of 5.5, which makes it slightly acidic... more »

Mayan Messages: No Problem! via Theresa Crabtree.

No Problem!Through Theresa Crabtree, Mayan Messages, January 3, 2015. Relax and get into a quiet state of mind. State clearly a problem you wish to resolve. Your mind will fill with ideas, possible solutions, steps to take and perhaps things you need to change in your life that have exacerbated this problem. As objectively as you can, without judging yourself or another, realize your role in this situation. If you are holding on to feelings of being a victim or needing an apology from another, release these feelings at this time. The goal is to move forward with love and kindne... more »

Cedella Marley: A Few Motivating Thoughts.

A Few Motivating Thoughts.Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, January 3, 2015 A few motivating thoughts, as we begin a new journey… -Try and offer your best to the world. -Stay focused on how you can be of service to those around you. -When faced with a challenge, don’t feel discouraged. Embrace it and learn from it. -Let go of judgement of others so that we can all begin to live in a more positive, peaceful place. *One love…* *Cedella.* *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This aut... more »

Choose Love not Fear. ~Overcome the Conspiracy. Part 1.

The Way to Overcome the Conspiracy. Part 1: Choose Love not Fear. By Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles.J2016.01.04 Note from Wes: This is one of a six part series Makia Freeman wrote on overcoming the global conspiracy. You can find the rest of the series on his website, The Freedom Articles. Above Photo: Love not fear will allow us to overcome the NWO conspiracy. Love is power, and the powerful cannot be deceived or controlled. Love not fear is at the heart of any solution to overcoming the conspiracy of control or the NWO (New World Order) which has grown in the darkness a... more »

Fear Drives Hesitation; Detach from Both Today. By Wes Annac.

Fear Drives Hesitation; Detach from Both Today. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.2016.01.05 Credit: I’ve been thinking a lot about hesitation, an important topic for anyone who’s discovered their life purpose. I notice that while I enjoy writing, music, meditation and other things, I sometimes resist them. It’s easier to get distracted than sit at the computer and write or edit a document, and the commitment that comes with living with purpose will challenge us. I’ve been wondering what drives hesitation, procrastination and other qualities that impede a life of pur... more »

Prepare for Change - 2016.01.04

Prepare for Change 2016 ~ Numerology with Untwine 2016-01-02 08:17:57-05 2016 The number 2016 is special and sacred because it is part of a sequence found all over the cosmos. This sequence is a series of doubles : 27, 54, 108, 216, 432, ... Read more... read more... Abundance Deprogramming 2016-01-02 08:31:30-05 Abundance Deprogramming Lakshmi, Goddess archetype of Abundance. Art by Ananda Vdovic Abundance is not only physical. Everything in creation first appears at the highest planes of existence (the highest densities of matter), and ... Read more... read more... UFOs ove... more »

The Love Faucet. ~Adjuster via Anyas.

.The Love Faucet.Teacher: Thought Adjuster.Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, December 23, 2015. Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that your heart is like a vessel equipped with a faucet connected to the flow of divine love. Is your faucet open, closed or partially open? Depending on your personal desire to be connected to that Love substance and to share it with others, you are striving daily to turn your faucet to a more open position. It does take effort at first due to the accumulation of handicapping rust. “The Lucifer Rebellion cut many beings ... more »

The GoldenBook Of Ascension. ~Aluna Joy.

The GoldenBook Of Ascension. Por Aluna Joy Yaxk’in. 01-02-2016. I had a TRAVEL DREAM againlast night that says a lot about what we can expect in 2016. I awoke feeling more positive than I have inmonths! Our group was in Egypt at a busy local market. A man came up to me and said very sternly that I wasnot invited here, and that I needed to leave. I couldsee that he was judging me without knowing my intent (Thereis much judgment and prejudice in the world these days, andI feel that our groups are part of a powerful, systembusting, peace team to corrected this separation. Ialso s... more ».
The Beautiful Journey of Awakening. Lightlover JournalEliza AyresGrid Energy Report-January 3,2016. All are Being called into Service as Humanity’s Heart Awakens and Outer Grids begin The Shift with Ease and Grace. In Light, Love and Joyful Service, I send my Love to ALL. ♥ *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended... more »

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