Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - January 3rd 2016 ~ 21 posts.

Upgrades. ~ Eliza Ayres. Jan 3rd, 2016.

Blue Dragon Journal. Upgrades. by Eliza Ayres Journal Entry 01.03.2016. *Journal Entry 01.03.2016 – Upgrades* I’m in the midst of an intense “upgrade” via vibrational flu or as one reader characterized it, “rock ‘n roll flu”. Maria Bethencourt, with whom I spent a week recently in South Carolina, is a sensitive energy reader. She attributed my very physical symptoms to a continuation of the high heart activation that I experienced, in part, while in South Carolina. As the frequency of the body accelerates, there is a molecular spin that releases toxins stored in the body as m... more »

Hilarion, January 3, 2016. ~Marlene Swetlishoff.

MESSAGE FROM HILARION. Through Marlene Swetlishoff.January 3, 2016. *HAPPY NEW YEAR! * *Note from the Scribe: The following words from Hilarion came through a trance channelled reading done for me personally when I employed Edwin Courtenay to do one for me…Hilarion has asked me to share these words with the world. This is part 1 and part 2 will be next week. I will be putting these words as a preface in The Hilarion Connection©, Book Two but felt they are important to get out to as many people as possible at the beginning of this year, to those who have eyes to see and ears to h... more »

Synchrony and Creativity – How You Can Effortlessly Create Terrific...

Synchrony and Creativity. How You Can Effortlessly Create Terrific Ideas. By Tomasz Kopec, MD, Wake Up World,January 3, 2015. [image: Synchrony and Creativity – How You Can Effortlessly Create Terrific Ideas] I am sure everyone has had an ‘aha’ moment. It is when something becomes obvious and we know this is the best way forward or the best solution to a problem. These moments often happen suddenly when we do not expect them. For example, when we drive, walk, shower and daydream not thinking about anything in particular. On the other hand, many people say that the harder they try ... more »

5 Signs 2016 Is The Year Of Consciousness, ~Christine Horner.

5 Signs 2016 Is The Year Of Consciousness, By Christine Horner, Collective Evolution, January 3, 2015. If you limit yourself to viewing corporate news outlets, you would never know humanity is becoming healthier, stronger, and more informed. Societal constraints bound by fear are losing their grip to rising optimism and the forces of evolution. What coalesced as a paradigm shift in “entitled” Millennials is exploding as first-wave TransGenerationals (Generation Z) graduate high school. Looking out at the world as if they’ve seen it all before, the new attitude is, “I’m changin... more »

Nestle can No Longer Claim Nesquik is “a Great Start to the Day” in...

Nestle can No Longer Claim Nesquik is “a Great Start to the Day” in the U.K. By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, January 3, 2015. The United Kingdom isn’t messin’ around when it comes to false advertising and food company claims. Earlier this month, the iconic Nesquik bunny took a kick to the cottontail when the U.K.’s Advertising Standards Agency forced Nestle, the product’s maker, to remove its claim that the beverage is “a great start to the day.” The agency upheld a claim by the Children’s Food Campaign that claimed the tagline encouraged poor nutritional habits in children... more »

Purification and the Divine Plan – Part 1 /2 By Steve Beckow

Purification and the Divine Plan. Part 1 /2. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 3, 2015. Credit: I’d like to look at the mechanics of human life, as a way of backlighting the Divine Plan behind it. Animal life is by and large stimulus/response. It may not be that way for whales, dolphins, cats and dogs. I don’t know. But for most of the animal kingdom it seems to be, given our present state of knowledge. Life for humans is stimulus/perception/conception/conclusion/decision/response. Or I could have said stimulus/thinking/response. ... more »

Think. ~Creator viia Jennifer Farley.

Think.The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 3, 2016. If you are thinking low, think higher. If you are feeling small, think big. If you are feeling weak, think strong. See yourself as The Universe always sees you, not as you see yourself…..the perfect, wonderful, whole you. Creator. Thanks to: URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * *All articles are of the respective a... more »

The Great Circle. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

The Great Circle.The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 2, 2016. How can I not love you? You were created from me and I from you. You are perfection defined through love. Creator. Thanks to: URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually anyone can... more »

2016 / STATE OF MISSION REPORT 2015. ~Therese Zumi.

2016 / STATE OF MISSION REPORT 2015 January 2, 2016 by Therese Zumi Sumner [image: Light7] *Cobra’s new year message for 2016 was this simple and yet oh so clear………”Let There Be Light”* then we received this RM message: Friday, January 1, 2016 STATE OF MISSION REPORT 2015 *Cobra in progress, Pandora in progress, STRANGE EGG complete, MOSS / EXMOSS EELA in progress. Several Isidic security breaches, all deflected, HVBN unstable towards stable. PB removal attempts in progress, PPN intrusion deflected. Midas in progress with M from 3 to 29, Midas packages.* Posted by Cobra at 8:32 AM ... more »

Best Summary Lifting the Veil: The Best Summary Ever.

Best Summary . . . Lifting the VeilJanuary 1, 2016 by Danell Glade. Best Summary*Lifting the Veil*: The Best Summary Ever “I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America. We must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.” ~~ U.S. Senator Frank Church, Chairman of Select Committee on Intelligence, 1975 Dear friends, [image: Best Summary Ever] The free, online book *Lifting the Veil* is far and... more »

9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections & Details Expose...

.9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections & Details Exposed. January 1, 2016 by Danell Glade. Here’s is why we’re still talking 9/11. This type thing is still going on and some of the players and corporations are still involved. This is an excellent report. *Tanks to * ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* Conspiracy *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsi... more »

Dispelling the myths about Debt “forgiveness”.

Dispelling the myths about Debt “forgiveness” January 1, 2016 by Colaborama. *[image: debt-jubilee]* *I’m not a financial expert and please consider this opinion article as mere entertainment because it’s NOT A FINANCIAL ADVICE whatsoever.* *Don’t take any of this for granted and do, as always, your own research.* *People have been misled about Debt <> propaganda in alternative media.* I needed to help dismantle this false hope messiah rhetoric, even if it risks going against the more or less coherent narrative in alt media since a few years back. I felt guided to... more »

2016 is the Year to MAKE ASCENSION NORMAL ~Arcturians via Suzanne Lie.

*2016 is the Year to MAKE ASCENSION NORMAL.* *Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians.* *"YOU will assist the birth of New Earth by connecting**your third dimensional self with your Multidimensional SELF."**~ The Arcturians* *Coming UP in 2016* Beloved members of Ascending Earth, We, the Arcturians, wish to share that as you have come to the close of 2015, you are preparing in earnest for the fulfillment of your Mission to Earth. As you are aware, the basis of your mission is to assist in transmuting Gaia. To best serve that Mission, you are NOW in the process of *recalibrating your c... more »

How Using Your Hands Creatively Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety. ~Fai...

How Using Your Hands Creatively Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety. By Faigie Kobre,,Thanks to Conscious Life News,JANUARY 3, 2016. “Making something, even imperfectly is empowering because it’s an expression of the self.” ~Alton & Carrie Barron MD *Do you ever suffer from stress or anxiety?* If so, you’ve probably tried to find relief, but finding something that works for you can be quite hard. We all react differently to different remedies, and what works for one person may not be the best remedy for you. I used to suffer from stress and anxiety a lot. After tryin... more »

In USA; The Looming Environmental Disaster in Missouri that Nobody ...

The Looming Environmental Disaster in Missouri that Nobody is Talking About. By Claire Bernish, Anti Media, January 2, 2016. (ANTIMEDIA) St. Louis, MO — What happens when radioactive byproduct from the Manhattan Project comes into contact with an “underground fire” at a landfill? Surprisingly, no one actually knows for sure; but residents of Bridgeton, Missouri, near the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills — just northwest of the St. Louis International Airport — may find out sooner than they’d like. And that conundrum isn’t the only issue for the area. Contradicting reports f... more »

18 Human Qualities Most Needed to Advance the Global Awakening. ~Dy...

18 Human Qualities Most Needed to Advance the Global Awakening. By Dylan Charles, Waking Times, January 2, 2015. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts.” – Shakespeare Reality is anything but fixed, it is created again and again, re-defined from moment to moment as a product of the behavior and choices of all sentient beings. For certain, we are more powerful than we yet know, and each one of us is indeed an actor on the same stage, all of us with the ability to... more »

We Need a New, Beneficial Global Economy. ~The Mind Unleashed, + Vi...

We Need a New, Beneficial Global Economy. From The Mind Unleashed, January 2, 2015. A new model for a world that houses everyone, feeds everyone, clothes everyone and takes care of all the basic needs of everyone already exists. No this isn’t socialism or communism. This model is called a resource-based economy. Remember, all systems, whether it be socialism, capitalism, communism or fascism, have all used the same financial and economic model in their political system. Money, that is, has been used as the enslavement tool. The model used today cares only about making more mo... more »

Can Psychedelic Spiritual Plants Save the World? ~ Plus Graham Hanc...

Can Psychedelic Spiritual Plants Save the World? From Earth We Are One, January 2, 2015. Conventional thinking in relation to psychedelics is very one dimensional regarding the actual empowering benefits they have to offer. Most tend to think of “tripping” and seeing weird things, degrading it to what could absolutely be labeled a childish pass time, rather than a meaningful enlightening experience. But the truth is, psychedelics are rooted in ancient traditions that predate Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and various other religions. An award winning investigative reporter n... more »

2016: The Beginning of the End. ~Owen K Waters.

2016: The Beginning of the End. by Owen K Waters. Here we are at the start of 2016 and I feel compelled to address a topic which is unusual, yet urgent in nature. Students of numerology can tell you that 2016 is a “9” year and they can also tell you that “9” years can be trouble, some more than others. The last “9” year was 2007, when U.S. housing prices fell steadily from their peak and triggered the Financial Crisis of 2007-08. [image: FinancialCrash] The shock waves of this crash spread, causing a global financial crisis which is considered by economists to have been the worst... more »

We Are Being Called to “Walk Our Talk” in 2016. ~Patricia Diane Cot...

We Are Being Called to “Walk Our Talk” in 2016.Patricia Diane Cota Robles. January 2, 2016. As we Birth 2016, the 4th year of the New Earth, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call beseeching you and me and every Awakening man, woman, and child to live, move, and breathe within the profound Truth of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. We are being called to demonstrate this Truth with every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory we express. This is the reality which we have been preparing for lifetimes to Co-create. We alr... more »

What is Spirit? ~A Michael via Ronna Herman.

What is Spirit?Message from Archangel Michael. Através de Ronna Herman.January 2, 2016. Beloved masters, you are a Facet of the Creator’s Spirit Essence: An Individualized God-Seed Atom. It is your I AM consciousness with an inborn desire to express and create. The word Spiritual does not refer to religion or religious dogma. It is a focus on the advancement from a present state of Being: physical, emotional, mental, intuitional and social. It entails a refinement of the human instinctual-nature into an evolved Spiritual/Human Being ready to move into the rarified environment of ... more »

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