Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -January 30th, 2016 ~ 17 posts!

Prepare for Change ~2016/01/30


Prepare for Change

Light Work Bulletin February 2016
2016-01-29 13:47:07-05

For more information and techniques see the Light Work page: There are three Clearing and Healing lists on this page with an emphasis on locations, with important meetings and some individuals also. Everyone of ... Read more...

Goddess Energy Fields
2016-01-29 20:17:35-05

Goddess Energy Fields When we use the word Goddess, different people will have different views, feelings and thoughts behind the word, about what a Goddess is for them. There are many archetypes of ... Read more...

Goddess Energy
2016-01-29 23:12:31-05

Goddess Energy Fields from By untwine When we use the word Goddess, different people will have different views, feelings and thoughts behind the word, about what a Goddess is for them. There are ... Read more...

CIA “Tortured for the Sake of Torture”: Whistleblower John Kiriakou
2016-01-30 00:28:32-05

CIA “Tortured for the Sake of Torture”: Whistleblower John Kiriakou In a special episode of Radio Sputnik’s Loud &...

Tags: prepare for change

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Michael Murphy is legally taking on geo-engineering – Can you help?


Michael Murphy is legally taking on geo-engineering – Can you help?

Michael Murphy has an organized plan to take legal action against the geo-engineering companies that are spraying all over the world.  He was recently on Coast to Coast AM radio January 27, 2016.   am unable to attach the show here.

In the first half, filmmaker and activist Michael Murphy provided an update on his research into chemtrails and geoengineering. Chemtrails are a type of aerial spraying in which various particles such as aluminum and barium are deposited into the atmosphere, he explained. He believes the spraying is being done covertly, as part of a “global government” geoengineering program, which seeks to alter the climate and jet stream patterns. Yet, this agenda, ostensibly being done to combat global warming, is based on faulty climate models, and the particles have deleterious effects, and weaken the immune system, he said.

Michael Murphy is a journalist, filmmaker and political...

Tags: danell glade, michael murphy, prepare for change

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Remembering The Plan. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.


Remembering The Plan.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

January 30, 2016.



Have you ever wondered why you are doing what you are doing now and why you are the person you are in this moment? Before you arrived, you were given a choice as to what you would experience, what things you would learn and shown the infinite choices and outcomes of each decision you would ever make. You knew you had to opportunity to change anything in the blink of an eye simply because you wanted to. Now is the time to remember this!

So, if you ever find yourself questioning when your soul mate will arrive, what your life purpose is or when your current hardship will end, know that a ‘basic outline’ is already in place and any situation will change if you so choose. You are an amazing manifestor…you do have that ability! 

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Tags: creator writings, jennifer farley

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Balance brings a sense of Well-Being. ~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.


Balance and Harmony.


Balance brings a sense of Well-Being.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.





January 30, 2016



The quest for balance and harmony requires a special kind of calm, steady approach and an almost scientific method to assist you in creating this in yourself. When you feel out of balance with your life you know it is time to pause and reflect. Take a deep breath and bring yourself back to your centre. 
If you think creatively, and then use a well thought out plan, you can bring seemingly opposing elements back into harmony. There are many ways to transform any aspect of your life - if you created the situation, you have already created the solution. If you can infuse creativity with your plans, you can create an abundant flow of opportunities and really, isn't that what you have been striving for all along. 

The angels want to remind you to not overindulge in just one area...

Tags: angel wisdom, sharon taphorn

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Tesla or Einstein? ~ Dane Arr.


Tesla or Einstein?

Tesla Reading

By the year 2050, Nikola Tesla will be regarded by historians as the creator of the modern age, the world portrayed in StarTrek and other positive visions of the future, while the honors of Einstein will be seen as the creation of Zionists and New World Order advocates in order to provide an alternate version of reality to serve their long term goals. After the failure and exposure of the NWO, Nikola Tesla will be regarded as the greatest genius who ever lived. These two videos provide a nice summary of this perception.

Part 2

One of the NWO agenda items served by Einstein’s approach was to discredit the Spiritualist Movement which depended upon the scientific acceptance of the Ether, or Aether. Special Relativity gave theoretical support to the findings of the Michaelson-Morley experiment  from twelve years earlier, and allowed the media to treat all channeled or inter-dimensional information as fraudulent. This was the magic bullet...

Tags: albert einstein, nikola tesla, prepare for change, spiritualist movement

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Goddess Energy Fields.


Goddess Energy.

by Dane Arr



January 30, 2016 

Goddess Energy Fields from

By untwine

When we use the word Goddess, different people will have different views, feelings and thoughts behind the word, about what a Goddess is for them. There are many archetypes of the Goddess and of feminine energy out there, some healthy and some not, some in tune with the Source/Creator and some not. These various archetypes correspond to actual existing energy fields and frequencies.

When a group of people meditate on Peace together, they create an energy field of Peace, which will circulate out there and fuel more manifestations of Peace in the future, based on these people’s ideas of Peace.

When the cabal creates a false flag and then bombards certain ideas about it all over mass media, many people start having the negative emotions and thougts engineered by the false flag, which will generate an energy field of fear for example, which will then circulate out there and...

Tags: dane ar, energy fields, goddess energy, prepare for change

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Light Work Bulletin February 2016


Light Work Bulletin February 2016


There are three Clearing and Healing lists on this page with an emphasis on locations, with important meetings and some individuals also.

Everyone of us is our own best judge of what is in need of clearing and energy. This list is meant to be a global list of places in need of clearing of the dark energies that can foment hatred and violence, create misunderstanding and intolerance and lead to poor judgement. Keep in mind as you view this list that a personal attachment to one of these places gives you additional power to connect and heal that place. For you, that is a priority above others.

This list will be repeated each quarter and the ranking changed, with some locations dropping off and others added.

General Locations in need of clearing, in order of priority:
  • Long Island (chimera bases),
  • Syria
  • Iraq
  • Afghanistan (war,...

Tags: dane arr, inelia benz, jerry dragg, julien drouin, prepare for change

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The Republic of Australia? Time Overdue for Island Nation to Shed Royals. ~Makia Freeman.


The Republic of Australia? Time Overdue for Island Nation to Shed Royals.

By Makia Freeman 

(Contributor for the Culture of Awareness),  

The Freedom Articles

January 30, 2016

republic of australia

The “Republic of Australia” has a great ring to it. It’s Australia’s future. Gough Whitlam’s ghost is watching, hoping Australia will rise up in self-determination …

The Republic of Australia?

The phrase has a great ring to it – and it’s long overdue. The movement to create a Republic of Australia just got a boost recently.

Almost all the premiers (7 out of 8) of Australia’s states and territories signed a declaration affirming their belief and desire that Australia’s type of Government should be changed from a constitutional monarchy to a republic.

As it stands, Australia’s Head of Government is the Governor General, a representative of British Queen Elizabeth. Although Australia considers itself young, proud and free, it is still saddled and burdened with an archaic governmental structure that allows a foreigner to be the supreme Head of...

Tags: australia, makia freeman

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Fluidity and Flexibility: Living Life with Ease and Grace. ~By Amanda Goins.


Fluidity and Flexibility: 

Living Life with Ease and Grace

By Amanda Goins 

(Contributor for the Culture of Awareness),

 Musings on Love, Life and Eternity

January 30, 2016




Fluidity and flexibility are key components to living a fulfilling, peaceful, and vibrant life.  They are important aspects of breath, movement, thought, and action.  When we embody fluidity and flexibility, we enable ourselves to live with EASE and GRACE.

It is important to consider what is impeding your personal “flow”.  In what aspects of your life do you feel rigid or stressed?

I, personally, have to let go of my inner “control freak”. It is perfectly admirable to have goals, routines, and plans.  However, be flexible enough to bend if circumstance does not take your day on the exact route you had in mind. It may just take you somewhere better!  Remember, this life is a journey, and many times the detours are where we discover the most about ourselves.

Let go of resistance.  Accept...

Tags: amanda goins, flexibility, fluidity, grace, life and eternity, musings on love

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A Unique and Beautiful Purpose. ~ Positive Vibrations by Cedella Marley.


A Unique and Beautiful Purpose.

Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

January 29, 2016 


In all of our hearts, there is a unique and beautiful purpose. In our feelings, our interests, our preferences and passions, that purpose makes itself known, so we can follow it.

Surrounding us, is a universe overflowing with magnificent beauty, with the beauty of Jah Love! We should let ourselves be positively, joyfully and thankfully amazed at the endless wonder and possibilities.

One Love….

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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Tags: a nice time, cedella marley, positive vibrations

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What Are You Thinking? ~Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff.


What Are You Thinking?

Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff,

January 29, 2016





God said:

You may think that life is hard and cruel. You may presume and experience that life is not easy, that life is full of pitfalls and incompleteness and so on. At the same time, life is more than you label it. You could swear a thousand times that life is the most difficult thing you know. You are convinced that your life has proven to be difficult. You could swear that you can prove it, and you could supply a long list.

That is one perspective. Open up to the fact that there are other perspectives. It doesn’t help you out very much to affirm that Life on Earth is a hard case. Why affirm it? Why would you ever want to prove such a thing?

Perhaps you will also admit that life is also a blessing. Transfer your thinking to those aspects of life that you would...

Tags: gloria wendroff, heavenletters

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How To Let Go Of What Makes You Unhappy.


How To Let Go Of What Makes You Unhappy.

via ThinkingHumanity, 

Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit

January 30, 2016


How To Let Go Of What Makes You Unhappy

When something is wrong, try to make it right. That’s what they tell us, right?However, there are certain situations when you can’t fix a broken relationship.What do you do then? The best decision is to end it. It’s really difficult, but it’s for your own good.

Most people find it extremely hard to let go of someone or something. That’s why they end up tied up to their old habits, even if these habits harm them.

What we all need to realize is that a loss is not necessarily something bad. That’s only a myth society has taught us, making us fear of losing a person, making us fear of being alone. But that’s life, and that’s love.

Nothing can last forever. Especially happiness. We’re happy today, we’re sad tomorrow and the tables are always turning. We need to appreciate that to...

Tags: body mind soul spirit, hinkinghumanity

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Ayahuasca’s Medical Power Is Well Known. Now Science Can Back it Up.


Ayahuasca’s Medical Power Is Well Known. Now Science Can Back it Up.



From Earth We Are One

January 29, 2016



What are your thoughts on Ayahuasca? Do you believe its bad as many people label it or do you really have your own honest opinion about it? Apparently, it helps to alleviate depression and anxiety – illnesses that many take prescribed medications for.

Gary is a London-based ayahuasca user that used to suffer from anxiety as well as panic attacks. He now heavily believes that consuming ayahuasca can help with depression.

He mentioned.
“[Ayahuasca] is a very potent tool that shakes your psyche up and puts it back together again […] The first time I took it I felt like I was dying,” said Gary, who requested his surname remain anonymous. “It’s a radical means to fast-forward your self-development.”

Ayahuasca is essentially a brew created out of the vine  Banisteriopsis caapi and DMT-containing leafs from the Psychotria Viridis bush, which makes it...

Tags: ayahuasca, earth we are one

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16 Powerful Carl Jung Quotes That Will Help You Understand Yourself.


16 Powerful Carl Jung Quotes That Will Help You Understand Yourself.


From Higher Perspective

January 29, 2016





Carl Jung was among the deepest philosophical thinkers of the modern era. He examined many aspects of the self, trying to better understand the human experience. Jung thought we were all spiritual beings, not simply a flesh and blood vessel experiencing the universe for no reason.

These are some of our favorite, most profound quotes of his…


“If you are a gifted person, it doesn’t mean that you gained something. It means you have something to give back.”


“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”


“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”


Tags: carl jung, higher perspective

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Prepare for Change, 2016/01/29.


Prepare for Change

Ron Paul is Calling for the End of the Petrodollar System
2016-01-24 00:43:25-05

Posted by Tyler Durden on 01/14/2016 21:10 -0500 Submitted by Nick Giambruno via, The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return ... Read more...

Don’t Try to Hang On – It’s Time to Let Go
2016-01-24 04:06:11-05

Don’t Try to Hang On – It’s Time to Let Go by Therese Zumi Sumner The old 3D reality is gone! We are now most definitely anchored in 4D Gaia and moving up ... Read more...

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Undergroun...
2016-01-24 15:45:06-05

There are more than 700 curious tunnel networks in Bavaria, but their purpose remains a mystery. Were they built as graves for the souls of the dead, as ritual spaces or as hideaways ... Read more...

HyperLoop in Las Vegas
2016-01-24 21:59:57-05


My Links

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We ARE Disclosure. ~Eliza Ayres.


Blue Dragon Journal.

We ARE Disclosure.

by Eliza Ayres.

January 30, 2016

Eliza: We Are Disclosure

Today I woke up in the pre-dawn hours. The internet was down once again and so I started writing. Before going to work, I had completed six pages of typing in a massive flow. I’m not even sure if it makes sense… Downloads and upgrades are coming at a rapid pace. Let go of everything not necessary in your life so you can take care of yourself in these pivotal days ahead.

As in the early days of ancient Atlantis, there were always those who served as teachers and guides for the people, who taught the arts of culture, architecture, music, art, language and dance, how to plant, how to utilize the forces of nature, how to train consciousness to high degrees of power and control. These were beings that came as volunteers to serve the Light that exists within all beings, through all levels of evolution. These are beings,...

Tags: blue dragon, eliza ayres

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The Time of Coming Together as Families and Communities is Here | Energy Grid Report 1. ~Maria.




  1. The Time of Coming Together as Families and Communities is Here.

  2. Energy Grid Report part, 1.

  3. The Fear of Losing Love



The Time of Coming Together as Families and Communities is Here.

By Maria 


January 29, 2016 


As we continue to connect further into our Hearts, we begin to CALL to one another, soul family member to soul family member, as we unite exiting the separation matrix of 3/4d.
This is beginning the next “phase” of supporting The Earth and assisting in Humanity’s ascension.

The time of coming together of Soul Families and BUILDING communities together on this Earth is HERE.

As this Portal of Relationships continues to amplify past Valentine’s Day, all illusions of near “twins” will begin to be seen by all souls.

Near Twins are a similar match at frequency level, yet still part of the karmic wheel.
They have many lives in 3/4d together.
All must be released and those timelines collapsed because these are human...


Tags: communities, energy, fear, love, maria

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