Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -January 29th, 2016 ~ 21 posts!

Three Things Each of Us Can Do Everyday to Effect a Positive Future. ~ Ramola D.


Three Things Each of Us Can Do Everyday to Effect a Positive Future.

By Ramola D (Contributor for the Culture of Awareness),  

The EveryDay Concerned Citizen



January 29, 2016


In the face of all the disturbing news we are surrounded by everyday, and the talk of economic collapse, stock market crashes, dollar collapses, martial law, massive depopulation, earth changes and other such flying around the Net I wanted to add my voice to the many others out there counseling calm, focus, and continued action.

(I hope to create an ongoing series under this header–In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts–And Makes a Huge Difference–and hope to add in short posts as I can; all posts will be filed under Consciousness.)

There’s no shortage to drama on the Internet, no shortage to terror in world news, no shortage to stirring-up-fear on all sides.

But, as meditators, shamans, consciousness gurus, and lately, quantum physicists find, we are most effective in...

Tags: culture of awareness, ramola d

Posted at: 21:35 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Urgent! Reboot Yourselves! ~By Lucinda.


Urgent! Reboot Yourselves!


By Lucinda 

(Guest for the Culture of Awareness)

January 29, 2016



I am not a channeler.  I am a career computer programmer/analyst/project manager with a Bachelor of Science in computer science.  I wrote this in a simple, easy to understand way.   I believe my post 100%–this is not an analogy.  Feel free to copy and share with everybody.

Urgent! Reboot Yourselves!

Prime Creator created the first universe by writing the code for a spherical design.  Every being could choose whatever level one wished to enjoy, experience, and explore within the Sphere.  No one was above or below another. Nor, in competition or judgement of another.  And each had the power to create one’s fondest desires.  All was bliss and ecstasy.

Prime Creator wrote simple Laws of Creation, i.e. Freewill, that must be followed, lest the universe would eventually self-destruct, the same way a string of malware will replicate and eventually crash a computer.  Picture the Cosmos as...

Tags: culture of awareness, lucinda

Posted at: 21:34 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

The Magic of the Flower of Life. ~Andromedans via Natalie Glasson.



The Magic of the Flower of Life.

by the Andromedans.

Channelled through Natalie Glasson.

29th January 2016.

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa.

TheFlower of Life is an ancient sacred geometry symbol and template delivered to humanity from the Universe of the Creator. Often used to represent the connection of all souls within the source of the Creator upon the inner planes, this symbol was given to humanity as a reminder of their inner plane existence and oneness with the Creator. The symbol or template of light reminds humanity of the eternal peace and love between all beings as well as the presence of the Creator within all. Meditatinggazing upon or imagining the Flower of Life can bring forth this message and so much more inspiration to awaken your Godly/ Creator remembrance, which is the innocence and truth of your being.

The Flower of Life symbol and energetic template has always been shared between civilisations upon the inner planes however, we the Andromedans are bringing...

Tags: andromedans, natalie glasson

Posted at: 21:33 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Creativity Feeds the Soul. ~ Wes Annac.



Creativity Feeds the Soul.


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

January 28, 2016.



I think creativity and the transformation of consciousness have more in common than most people think. My fellow creative minds probably know what I mean, and we feel like something’s missing if we aren’t hard at work.
It’s as if creativity feeds the soul.
Writers don’t feel complete if they don’t write every day. Musicians feel a hole in their heart if they don’t play every day.
Creativity and spiritual awakening seem intertwined, and while some people’s spiritual practices have nothing to do with creativity, others use it to expand their consciousness and share the good vibes.
As a writer with an interest in music, I can attest that these two creative outlets feed the soul in a way that few other things can. While they take time away from meditation, exploring nature and other soul-nourishing activities, they’re nourishing enough by themselves to make up the difference.
I’m not...

Tags: culture of awareness, wes annac

Posted at: 21:32 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

The Global Financial System ~Danell Glade.



The Global Financial System.

January 28, 2016



The Elephant in Every Room

There is a common theme throughout history that the root of everything that is wrong with the world we live in today is related to money and the greed and corruption that comes with it.  However, maybe money does not have to be such a trouble maker.  Perhaps the issue is the monetary system rather than money itself.  In order to fully understand the pitfalls of today’s monetary system, we must first understand the Global Financial System, how it operates and how it impacts on so many aspects of our lives.

Global Financial System

What is the Global Financial System?

Let’s start at a “high level” – The global financial system is the worldwide framework of legal agreements, institutions, and both formal and informal economic actors that together facilitate international flows of financial capital for purposes of investment and trade financing.  The global financial system can be divided into regulated entities...

Tags: danell glade, hyperloop, prepare for change

Posted at: 21:30 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Corey Goode (urgent) update & petition.


Corey Goode (urgent) update & petition.


January 28, 2016


Signs of a movement starting? Signs that we can have “Unity in the Community”? Linked below is a petition I was is addressed to the Earth Governments and Alliance Groups.

We hope that this is a sign that there is the opportunity for this community to come together and work on a serious and organized global disclosure project.

There are discussions going on in the background to create a way for us to agree to disagree on our belief systems and work on our common goal of a “Full Disclosure Event”. I am sure if we receive full disclosure all of us will find we need to amend our belief systems if not completely throw them out and start over.

I was informed that the lower SSP Military/Intel Program wanted me to back off of full disclosure and accept an “Evolving Disclosure”. The next morning (1/25) a Chinook helicopter flew 5 orbits...

Tags: colaborama, corey goode, prepare for change

Posted at: 21:29 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Grocery Chain Aldi is Expanding Organics to Meet Consumer Demand. ~By Julie Fidler.


Grocery Chain Aldi is Expanding Organics to Meet Consumer Demand.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society

January 29, 2016








Aldi Inc., a German grocery chain that is rapidly expanding in the United States, is making great strides to offer healthy foods at an affordable price.

The discount grocer plans to introduce Healthier Checklanes in select stores. Instead of candy and chocolate, Aldi will offer an assortment of nuts, trail mixes, dried fruits, and granola bars at its registers. The company says it will roll out the program to its nearly 1,500 stores by year’s end.
“By introducing Healthier Checklanes and through a number of other initiatives, we are doing our part to remove temptation at checkout and stocking stores with even more nutritious options,” said Jason Hart, chief executive officer of Aldi. “At Aldi, we truly care about our customers, and we’re responding with guilt-free checkout zones and increased food options they can feel good about.”

Aldi says it has also...

Tags: julie fidler, natural society

Posted at: 21:28 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Would you Rather be a Damsel in Distress? ~Thought Adjuster via Anyas.



Would you Rather be a Damsel in Distress?

Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Anyas.

Oregon, USA, December 21, 2015.



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Faith vs. Doubt. They are two powerful alternatives and they are at each others’ antipodes. They are the two choices that present themselves to you whenever you meet a fork in the road of your life journey. Faith displays an upbeat attitude that does not leave any room for any deterrents. Faith is the certitude that you are connected to a much greater picture — with amazing spiritual influences that join forces with you whenever you invite them into your life.

“Doubt, on the other hand, demonstrates an attitude of insecurity and indecisiveness. It reflects a lack of inner clarity. Whenever you doubt, you need to find your alignment with higher truth as such a truth has the power to dispel any doubt. Truth speaks for itself and does not need any justification. It overrides any...


Tags: anyas, thought adjuster

Posted at: 21:27 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

If Capitalism Is Dead, This Is Why. ~By Jon Rappoport.


If Capitalism Is Dead, This Is Why.

 By Jon Rappoport, Waking Times, 

  January 28, 2016


(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
“An era of corruption is built for those who lead corrupt lives. They revel in the era. They belong. They are home. They don’t care what you call the prevailing system, they’ll find their way, because they know the unspoken rules and how things actually work. Naïve idealists and academic hair-splitters? The corrupt eat them for breakfast.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The recent acceleration of attacks on capitalism leaves no ground un-scorched. Whatever capitalism is, it’s all bad. It needs to be banned. A wiser and saner alternative must be found—and naturally that alternative will be handed down from Above, where wondrous altruists in government can point us toward the Promised Land.

For the sake of humanity, they will assume the reins of power. They’ll organize businesses and companies and corporations under the umbrella of government,...

Tags: jon rappoport waking times

Posted at: 21:26 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Take A Look At This Self-Filling Water Bottle That Turns Air Into Drinkable Water. ~ Arjun Walia.


Take A Look At This Self-Filling Water Bottle That Turns Air Into Drinkable Water.

By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

January 29, 2016.

The implications of this technology are huge, especially for regions of extreme poverty where people do not have easy access to clean drinking water.
It’s a self-filling water bottle that actually turns air into drinkable water by using the condensation of the humidity which is contained in the air.
It was designed by Kristof Retezar, a designer based in Vienna, whose intention was to provide more than one billion people around the world, in water-scarce areas, with clean drinking water.
It’s called Fontus, and it works by using the simple principle of condensation. Basically, when humid air flows into the contraption, it hits a series of hydrophobic ‘teeth’ which help turn the water vapor into actual water droplets. What’s even better is that it’s completely solar powered, and has a device attached to...

Tags: arjun walia, collective evolution

Posted at: 21:24 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

13 Simple and Effective Ways to Expand Your Consciousness. ~ Luke Miller.


13 Simple and Effective Ways to Expand Your Consciousness.

By Luke Miller, Truth Theory, 

Thanks to Conscious Life News

JANUARY 29, 2016


I like to think of the raising of consciousness like a pursuit in life that one will never totally reach, a bit like happiness, you can find fulfilment in your life through your general attitude, but you will never fully arrive at that place where all the problems disappear.
This is also true for consciousness, you can become more conscious, present and aware. But you will never fully arrive at the place where your mind is totally in the moment all the time.
Related Article: 5 Powerful Psychedelics That Reorganize the Brain and Elevate Consc...
This is fine, because we need our unconscious mind to guide us through life, as if we done everything fully aware and in the moment we would have to relearn how to do everything, every time we wanted to do it.
Being more conscious is like exercise...

Tags: luke miller, truth theory

Posted at: 21:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Mike Quinsey, 29th.January 2016 ~ Higher Self.


Message from Mike's Higher Self, 

Through Mike Quinsey.

29th. January 2016. 



There is every reason to believe that shortly you will become aware of thebeginning of a whole series of changes that will eventually be experienced overthe whole world. Those changes that have been delayed for quite some time, areready to be revealed and will appear in an orderly manner so that you are notoverwhelmed. You have to bear in mind that the majority of people have littleor no idea of what lies ahead. Initially people will feel unsettled but oncethey see that the changes are in their best interest, they will give theirsupport. Their will naturally be opposition from those who feel that they willbe the losers, but carried out quickly and with full consideration to everyoneinvolved, their fears will be released. Be assured that the timetable for yourAscension is set and that all events leading up to it can be adjusted to ensurethat it is kept. You will be dealing with individuals...


Tags: higher self, mike quinsey

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Abundance Meditation ~ Prepare for change.


Abundance Meditation





Today we meditate to bring abundance in all its forms back to humanity. Please join us to manifest the abundance Source intended for all of Gaia's sentient beings.


We are including the meditation instructions below so they are readily available to you at the time of the meditation. 





1. Start the meditation byclosing your eyes and breathe deeply until you are able to quiet your mind
2. Call Goddess Dou Mou and St. Germain
3. State the intention of returning abundance to humanity
4. Visualize the Violet Flame and infuse the eye at the top of the pyramid (on US dollars) with the violet flame
5. Imagine all of humanity being abundant in all ways once again

The time listed above is EST (NYC time)..UTCis 5:22pm

20:22 Moscow
19:22 Cairo
18:22 Berlin / Belgrade
17:22 UTC / London 5:22 pm
12:22 pm New York / Montreal
11:22 am Chicago
10:22 am Denver
9:22 am Los Angeles
4:22 am Sydney
1:22 am Taipei



If you feel...


Tags: abundance, meditation, prepare for change

Posted at: 17:09 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Abundance Meditation ~ Prepare for change.


Abundance Meditation





Today we meditate to bring abundance in all its forms back to humanity. Please join us to manifest the abundance Source intended for all of Gaia's sentient beings.


We are including the meditation instructions below so they are readily available to you at the time of the meditation. 





1. Start the meditation byclosing your eyes and breathe deeply until you are able to quiet your mind
2. Call Goddess Dou Mou and St. Germain
3. State the intention of returning abundance to humanity
4. Visualize the Violet Flame and infuse the eye at the top of the pyramid (on US dollars) with the violet flame
5. Imagine all of humanity being abundant in all ways once again

The time listed above is EST (NYC time)..UTCis 5:22pm

20:22 Moscow
19:22 Cairo
18:22 Berlin / Belgrade
17:22 UTC / London 5:22 pm
12:22 pm New York / Montreal
11:22 am Chicago
10:22 am Denver
9:22 am Los Angeles
4:22 am Sydney
1:22 am Taipei



If you feel...


Tags: abundance, meditation, prepare for change

Posted at: 17:09 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Sensuality Within. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.


Sensuality Within.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

JANUARY 29, 2016.






Sensuality does not exist solely in the physical world. 


Embrace the sensuality of your soul; release the fear of exploring the true nature of The Universe within. 







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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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PT: a chama ~ Israel ou Cazária!? ~


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Tags: creator writings, jennifer farley

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A Vision for Toothless Banks.


The Vision Alignment Project


A Vision for Toothless Banks



The following Vision is offered by Bob Gambee. We thank you, Bob, for submitting your second Vision to the VAP!!
Dear Tony,
Here is my vision for today:

I envision that the banking system has lost its teeth.All threats, claims, false foreclosures, and un-affordable mortgages are rendered mute and dissolved.

I see a world where every worry, threat and infractionon the part of these structures against citizens arepermanently removed. Everyone is now stepping outof this morphic field and waking up to the power ofwho they actually are.

I see a world where our homes that we love are freeand clear, where homes taken from us through foreclosureare returned free and clear, where we can enjoy the freedomgiven to us in ways beyond our wildest expectation.



Please forward this vision to your friends so they can align with it too.


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The Vision Alignment...


Tags: a vision, alignment project

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What is the Christ and How Does That Apply to Jesus? ~By Marilyn Redmond.


What is the Christ and How Does That Apply to Jesus?

By Marilyn Redmond 

(Guest for the Culture of Awareness),

JANUARY 29, 2016 

Through my channelings and meditations of twenty five years, I have written a book, “Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You”, which is coming out shortly. It explains the steps into Fifth Dimension which brings Christ Consciousness.
Jesus or also called Jeshua is one master who achieved this higher consciousness through his many reincarnations and initiations.
Described in my last channeling of December, 2015 on You Tube, Jesus said that the Fourth Dimension is Jacob’s ladder in the Bible. As you raise your consciousness out of Third Dimension and move closer to Fifth Dimension it is the transitional stage of progress for achieving a higher perspective and awareness , spiritually.
The darkness is referred to many times in the Bible. One example is 2 Samuel 222:29. “”For thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD...

Tags:, culture of awareness, marilyn redmond

Posted at: 16:43 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Add a spiritual dimension into all areas of your life ~ Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.


Spiritual Aspects.Add a spiritual dimension into all areas of your life.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

January 29, 2016.







The people you interact with are a part of your family of Light, your soul family and each of them has something to make your human experience richer in some way, even the ones that are not particularly positive at the time. Consciously choosing to see the spiritual aspect to each of these relationships, regardless how significant, will add such a sense of peace to your life that you it feel deeply. Value everyone's time as if it were your own and do not judge them, only love them.



We shower you with waves of our love as we are a part of your family of Light. Give your fears and your worries to your angels and free up your energy for something more joy filled and productive. Follow the path of light and all will be illuminated....


Tags: angel wisdom, sharon taphorn

Posted at: 16:24 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

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