Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - January 2nd, 2016 (9 posts)

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - January 1, 2016.

Mike Quinsey. Channeling his Higher Self. January 1, 2016. Greetings to you all as you welcome in the New Year, it promises to be most active as the old struggles to cope with the new energies that are quickly being established. The result is that much confusion exists particularly amongst those who see only the outer happenings. Yet much of it is often out your sight, and is slowly bringing the New Age into manifestation that is now entering its fourth year. The necessary changes cannot be delayed for long, and are becoming more powerful as each day passes. The dark Ones are sti... more »

Intentions. Divine Timing. ~A Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.

Intentions. Divine Timing.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 2, 2016. It is time to think about the seeds you wish to plant and plan your garden. Timing is an important issue of consideration and so taking time to contemplate, meditate, and day dream about what your desired creations are. Use a bit of logic and structure, and a bit of whimsy and let the juices flow. When it is time to take action, be fearless in your pursuit of happiness. There are amazing new opportunities available and so get organized to increase your success. Hone your skills and get ready, for when... more »

Positivity Use positive and supportive words to describe your life....

Positivity. Use positive and supportive words to describe your life. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.January 1, 2016. Always believe that something wonderful is going to happen. Never take a day for granted, or a day you get to share with others as it will never repeat itself in the same way again. Even with all of life's ups and down's, it is still a beautiful world and the longer you can old that thought uninterrupted, the better life becomes. Your words, thoughts, and feelings are powerful. Choose the words you use about yourself wisely and carefully as they can be your big... more »

2016: The Year of Transformation. ~Wes Annac.

2016: The Year of Transformation.By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.JANUARY 2, 2016. Credit: I don’t know what 2016 means for all of you, but for me, it signals the start of the conscious community’s real work. Our social and spiritual work each year lays the foundation for what we’ll achieve in the years to come, and since we’ve been able to do so much up to this point, this year can’t help but be active and eventful. I think the conscious community will become more active this year as we realize how valuable our work is, and we’ll subsequently understand the v... more »

Take Time to Reflect. ~Cedella Marley.

Take Time to Reflect. Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, January 1, 2015. Take time today to reflect on all that happened in 2015. Think about the challenges you faced and how you grew from them. Appreciate the moments you shared with friends and family. And begin 2016 with the confidence that you can do anything and will move through the new year with positive vibrations. *One love… * *Cedella.* *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* more »

Get Out Of The Materialism Trap NOW. ~Erin Janus.

Get Out Of The Materialism Trap NOW. By Erin Janus, Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit JANUARY 2, 2016. Materialism is an addiction. It is a sickness. And it’s one of the only sicknesses that appears to sparkle and shine. This is because it is an addiction of material possessions that appeal to the eye; nothing more, nothing less. When I got an apartment a couple years ago, I succumbed to the material dimension pretty strongly, and like most of us in the Western world, was baited for it my whole adolescence through movies, magazines, media and adults in my life. In my own subtl... more »

The Conspiracy of War — Power, Profit, Propaganda and Imperialism. ...

The Conspiracy of War. Power, Profit, Propaganda and Imperialism.By Ethan Indigo Smith, Wake Up World,January 2, 2015 “Since armies are legal, we feel that war is acceptable; in general, nobody feels that war is criminal or that accepting it is criminal attitude. In fact, we have been brainwashed…War and the large military establishments are the greatest sources of violence in the world. Whether their purpose is defensive or offensive, these vast powerful organizations exist solely to kill human beings… We should all be horrified… but we are too confused.” ( source) Power, Prof... more »

Anonymous Takes #OpISIS to a New Level By Stopping an Actual Terror...

Anonymous Takes #OpISIS to a New Level By Stopping an Actual Terror Attack. From Earth We Are One, January 1, 2015 The hacktivist collective is guaranteeing responsibility for the stop of a physical terrorist assault in Italy. The primary ‘Anonymous’ account behind the hacktivist collective’s “Operation ISIS” is asserting to have ceased a terrorist assault in Italy. They claim that they are additionally attempting to stop others. As the Independent reports, “In this month we are working in silence,” a now-deleted tweet that was posted on Christmas Day read. “We have already f... more »

The Genetic Activation of the Hueman Race and the Successful Missio...

The Genetic Activation of the Hueman Race and the Successful Mission Completion of ALL First Wave Volunteers.The Arcturians. Through Maria.(lightlover1964) January 1, 2016. *The Arcturians- The Genetic Activation of the “Hueman” Race and the Successful Mission Completion of ALL First Wave Volunteers.* January 1,2016. It is with Peace,Love and Boundless Joy that we join YOU in this incredible moment of this NOW of this “New Year”. The Magnitude of what has been accomplished by ALL on Earth cannot be expressed in words. The Incoming Source Evolutionary Energies are supporting and ... more »

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