Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - January 1st 2015 ~ 17 posts today.

A Glimpse of the Fifth Dimension. ~Steve Beckow.

A Glimpse of the Fifth Dimension. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 1, 2015. No pictures of the fifth dimension exist. On the other side of life, the Fifth Dimension is known as the Mental Plane. Let’s listen in on a few conversations from discarnate folks who’ve arrived there and want us to know a little of what it’s like. The Fifth Dimension is not a static realm but is being improved and perfected all the time by higher beings. Matthew Ward has said many times that he advises other civilizations about the design of their afterlife settings, which he calls “Nirv... more »

Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future. By Steve Be...

Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 1, 2016 Happy New Year, everyone! My New Year started early when I watchedTomorrowland recently. (Yes, I know it’s been out for a while! I’m slow.) Every New Year brings us closer to the advent of Nova Earth, which I can’t help thinking Tomorrowland, with its talk of “other dimensions,” making the world work, etc., was a reflection of. No, this is not an ad for the movie, but it is an ad for Nova Earth, our Tomorrowland. In our world as it was, the dark cabal wanted to subject u... more »

$10 Vouchers Are Giving Low-Income Families Access to Fresh Produce...

$10 Vouchers Are Giving Low-Income Families Access to Fresh Produce. By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 1, 2016 Many people earning poverty wages have a difficult time purchasing fresh produce, but that is all changing with a Washington, D.C. program that gives people $10 vouchers to use at their local farmers’ market which are only good for fruit and vegetables. There are currently 17 million children living in households deemed food challenged, and these are the very households that find it difficult to eat nutritiously on low incomes. Alex Williamson is one of thos... more »

Happy New Year! by Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal.Happy New Year! by Eliza AyresJournal Entry 01.01.2016. Journal Entry 01.01.2016 - Happy New Year! Blessings of the season to all my dedicated and new readers! Thank you so much for your continued support and comments through the last three and half years. It has been an amazing and at times, unexpected journey. I may not be writing a lot in the next couple of days as I've come down with a traveler's bug, fever, sore throat, stuffy head and fatigue kind of thing. I kinda of knew this was on the horizon once I began to relax while taking some vacation. You can'... more »

Absolute Freedom. ~T Adjuster via Oscar.

.Absolute Freedom.Thought Adjuster. Received by Oscar. Alabama, US of A, February 28, 2012. Thought Adjuster: “When will you realize that our Father has given you absolute freedom to live your lives? The plan of your Father for your mortal life is to simply let you explore spirituality and strive for perfection — to become proficient in the art of self-mastery. What is required from you is for you to move beyond your animal nature and express with increasing clarity your true and eternal spiritual nature. This can be achieved right there where you are now, in your present situation, ... more »

Remember Your Positive. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Remember Your Positive. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner JANUARY 1, 2016 There will always be those that will see the negative even in a positive situation. They will dig and root around until they find a minute sliver, place it under a microscope and proclaim to the world, “Look how big it is!” Some will pay attention to this cry of dismay and darkness, however, most will not. It is important to remember, my child, to send Love to those that dwell and thrive in darkness because, one day, they will not be able to find... more »

Mayan Messages: Thoughts, Words, Actions. ~via Theresa Crabtree.

Mayan Messages: Thoughts, Words, Actions. via Theresa Crabtree, Mayan Messages, December 31, 2015. Today, be mindful of every thought, word and action you perform. THOUGHTS: Before you lock yourself into a spiral of fear-filled thinking, stop yourself and literally, think again. WORDS: Before you utter or type a single word, T.H.I.N.K. and ask yourself if it is: Timely Honest I (ego-centered) Necessary Kind ACTIONS: Consider each action before you proceed; does it reflect what you truly desire? Include these disciplines each moment of every day until it becomes habitual. ... more »

In USA: 15 News Stories from 2015 You Should Have Heard About But P...

15 News Stories from 2015 You Should Have Heard About But Probably Didn’t.By Carey Wedler, Anti Media, December 30, 2015. (ANTIMEDIA) In 2015, the iron fist of power clamped down on humanity, from warfare to terrorism (I repeat myself) to surveillance, police brutality, and corporate hegemony. The environment was repeatedly decimated, the health of citizens was constantly put at risk, and the justice system and media alike were perverted to serve the interests of the powers that be. However, while 2015 was discouraging for more reasons than most of us can count, many of the yea... more »

Earth Chakras And Vortices – The Earth Energy Grid. ~Earth We Are One.

Earth Chakras And Vortices. The Earth Energy Grid. From Earth We Are One, December 31, 2015. Mother Earth or Gaia is a conscious and vibrant living being. And it is like us human, it has seven chakras in its body. They are better known as the Earth Chakras. According to The Mind Unleashed, it communicates with all its “inhabitants, the solar system, and the universe.” And there are many temples, churches and pilgrim sites along these “Earth Chakras.” This blue planet has field and it is like the human energy field. 1. Root Chakra: Mt. Shasta, California, U.S.A In Mt. Shasta, i... more »

Video: How to Leave the Past Behind and Start Anew in 2016: New Beg...

.How to Leave the Past Behind and Start Anew in 2016: New Beginnings with Denise Linn. Video Source: HayHousePresents, Thanks to Conscious Life News Denise Linn talks about creating a new beginning in 2016 including a wonderful exercise for leaving the past behind. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here.* ... more »

Common Nature, Common Origins – The Philosophy and Practice of Onen...

Common Nature, Common Origins. The Philosophy and Practice of Oneness.By Giovanni Dienstmann, Wake Up World,December 24, 2015. “He who, in pursuit of his own happiness, hurts others that are also seeking happiness, will not find it, either in this world or the next.” ~ Buddha Our society is morally sick. Due to exaggerated value placed on individualism and materialism, most people are driven to pursue their own desires at whatever cost. Needless to say, this causes conflict and suffering to others, and to the planet — and yet many people are not even aware that this is not an in... more »

Happy New Year! Time to Contribute. ~By Wes Annac.

Happy New Year! Time to Contribute.By Wes Annac.JANUARY 1, 2016. [image: happy-new-year-copy] Happy New Year everyone, I hope you have a great year filled with joy, passionate work and inner transformation. I’m not usually much for New Years resolutions, but I have some resolutions this year that I think are important and relevant – not just to my role in this transformation, but to yours as well. I’m going to be more active in writing, creating music and generally being dedicated to this movement, because we’re still at the beginning. We still have so much to do; so much art to ma... more »

A Vision for Teachers.

A Vision for Teachers. Our Vision for today was sent in by Helen Plourde-McSweeny. Thank You, Helen! School teachers free themselves and choose,when the choice arises, to forfeit their clerical expectations (seemingly endless documentation and form-filling), dive in to their subject, immerse themselves in the joy of reading their student's work and get on with doing what they do and being who they are instead of creating documents about it. They boldly dedicate themselves to focusing on their calling, spending wild nights searching for the perfect so... more »

This Experiment Proves Why Staying In Tune With The Earth’s Pulse I...

This Experiment Proves Why Staying In Tune With The Earth’s Pulse Is Key To Our Wellbeing.By Joe Martino, Collective Evolution, December 31, 2015 Have you ever felt disconnected from the earth? Interesting question to ponder, and while some of us feel that in some sense we become disconnected when we spend too much time indoors or on technological devices, the truth is, we don’t disconnect from the earth and its natural rhythms entirely, cause if we did, you would notice it big time. That isn’t to say there isn’t huge benefit in being in nature, putting down your phone or ev... more »

Switzerland Follows Iceland in Declaring War Against the Banksters

Switzerland Follows Iceland in Declaring War Against the Banksters. By Isaac Davis, Waking Times, December 31, 2015 “If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.” –Josiah Stamp Iceland has gained the admiration of populists in recent years by doing that which no other nation in the world seems to be willing or capable of doing: prosecuting criminal bankers for engineering financial collapse for profit. Their effective revolt against the banking class, who drove the tiny nati... more »

These Intricate Tibetan Sand Mandalas Take Weeks to Create Only To ...

These Intricate Tibetan Sand Mandalas Take Weeks to Create Only To Be Destroyed Shortly After. From The Mind Unleashed, December 31, 2015 Sand Mandalas are a Tibetan Buddhist tradition where the monk will spend weeks creating the design out of colored sand and then destroy the masterful and intricate work of art. The Mandalas are dismantled in a special ritual ceremony once they are completed and people have had a chance to view the unique work of art. Breaking it down once the mandala is finished demonstrates a beautiful Buddhist doctrinal belief about the transitionary nature ... more »

Two Blind Sisters See for the First Time.

.Two Blind Sisters See for the First Time. Published on Sep 26, 2014 Sonia and Anita, two sisters living in India, had been blind since birth, but a simple eye operation made it possible for them to see their mom for the first time. The nonprofit organization 20/20/20 provides free operations to these sisters--as well as thousands of other people in developing countries. These procedures empower people in impoverished communities to create better futures. In this short film, Blue Chalk Media shares the sisters’ poignant story and captures their initial experiences after the bandages... more »

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