The Trumpets of Tomorrow. Messaage from Kryon.Through Gabriel RL. 12.22.2015 Translation: Melk Sales. *Please, dear ones, read in tune with the song below. I particularly recommend to put the music in a pleasantvolume and then read the message aloud. You may feel wonderful vibrations of light in your bodies.* * *(*)* Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service. Again a door opens and Kryon crosses ... We take some time now to our partner download all the information we want to go, which means embracing all that now is coming. W...more »
The Hall of Mirrors. - Connecting with the Elemental Kingdom. - Energy Activity in the base chakra. Message from SaLuSa.Through Gabriel RL. 12.27.2015 Translaton: Melk Sales and Valéria Albuquerque. RN: This article have been post before translated via Google. *Please, dear ones, read in tune with the song below. I particularly recommend to put the music in a pleasantvolume and then read the message aloud. You may feel wonderful vibrations of light in your bodies.* (*)* Have you reached a stage where human consciousness begins to exp...more »
Progress. You are making great progress. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 12, 2016 You have learned many lessons since you began your awakening and now is the time to proceed further down the path knowing you can apply what you have learned to make a better life for yourself and those you love. Stay calm and get really clear about it is you want to create for yourself. You have all the skills and talents you need, it is now time for you to take conscious action focused on what is important to you. Make time for others as it makes life more meaningful when you have good ...more »
I Do. The Creator Writings.transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 12, 2016. Love who you were even with all of your faults. Love that which you are in all of your growth. Love that which you are going to be in all of your glowing glory. I do. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ** ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or politic...more »
Why We Need To Self Connect & Evolve Out Loud By Nikkie Gray, Collective Evolution, January 11, 2016 [image: black-woman-meditating-yoga-657x400] I came across Kyle Cease in November of 2015. A video he made titled “How Enlightened Families Argue” was making its rounds on Facebook. It’s funny how certain things truly do come at the exact right moment they are meant to, and this video was no exception. (You can see it below.) The Need For Authenticity Since I awakened in 2011, I go through periods of time where I am working on things connected to my self (which is pretty much all th...more »
The Good News is not a Secret.*Teacher: Thought Adjuster.*Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, December 24, 2015. *Thought Adjuster:* “Dear one, the thought just came to your mind that life is a very serious platform. Life on this planet is not easy. Very few are exempt from challenges and tribulations –or so it may appear. In fact, no one is exempt as everyone is under the wise guidance of their Divine Fragment. Yet, the degree of divine influence varies greatly in each individual life. Blessed are those who are the most challenged as they will be the recipients of many positiv...more »
The American War Machine Finally Stopped Pretending to Care About Your Safety. Op-Ed by *Claire Bernish*, Anti Media, January 11, 2016. Credit: *(**ANTIMEDIA**)* Economic opportunism, or more accurately, profit opportunism, best describes the foundation on which the war machine sustains its existence; and a recent report for ‘defense’ industry investors lays bare this callous reality. *“The Islamic State (ISIS) has become a key threat in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan and is involved in exporting terrorism to Europe, Africa, and elsewhere. The recent tragic bombings in Pa...more »
Ascension Compared to the Afterlife “Second Death” Part 1 /2 By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 12, 2016. [image: Ascend 456] Credit: Many people believe that our Ascension marks our entrance into the Fifth Dimension. No, we’ll be in the Fifth Dimension before we complete our Ascension. Then, some time after our entry, we experience a level of enlightenment called Sahaja Samadhi; that marks our culmination. The Fifth Dimension has twelve subplanes. Ascension occurs deeper into the Fifth Dimension than the first subplane or “vestibule” we initially fin...more »
Greenpeace Finds Illegal GMO Corn Crops in China. By Julie Filder, Natural Society, January 12, 2016. [image: gmo-corn-cob-735-250] *Greenpeace said in a report released last Wednesday that farmers in northeast China are illegally growing genetically modified corn. [1]* The environmental group led an 8-month investigation last year into what it describes as large-scale production of GMO corn in the northeastern province of Liaoning, a major breadbasket region. GMO strains of corn were found in 93% of field tests and in 20 of 21 samples from grain markets and supermarkets. *The s...more »
Ask The Masters. By The Celestial Voices. Through Toni and Peter. 12 January 2016 A preview of the Masters’ Tuesday Teachings. From the UK comes a series of questions about light and dark. The man asking them is clearly on a path from negativity to positivity and seems to crave reassurance that his journey will be successful and that he can overcome vulnerabilities. The information from the Masters should be of great help to him - and to all of us who seek the light and want to protect ourselves from negative energy. The seeming prevalence of dementia disorders these days makes...more »
Short Situation Update By COBRA January 10, 2016. Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Much progress is being made, but not much can be said about that now. I am waiting for the right circumstances to release massive intel that will broaden the horizons of the surface population about many things. Some members of the Cabal are trying to spin Disclosure, hoping to appear as part of the positive faction in order to avoid arrest at the time of the Event: Some media are trying to spin that part...more »
Separation. *Message from* The Council. Channeled by Ron Head.January 9, 2016. The Council As you move through this time, we will occasionally address topics that many of you will need to resolve. You are well aware that you seem to live in separation from our dimensions. You certainly are aware that you seem to live in separation from divinity. And there is much to discuss regarding that misconception. However, at this time we would speak of an issue that is closely related to, and in many ways stems from, that apparent separateness. The subject we will speak of today is abando...more »
10 Forgotten Spiritual Techniques to Childcare. By Frank M. Wanderer, The Mind Unleashed, January 10, 2016 . Credit: In our life most of us have experienced one or two mysterious encounters, when visitors come to us from the unknown. These special guests are in fact our own children. We love them, and we are happy that they are here, but most of us do not accept them the way we should. They do not receive from us the deep respect and awe that wanderers who come from the depths of the Universe duly deserve. Instead, we look upon our children as if they were o...more »
8 Quotes From Chief Luther Standing Bear That Will Make You Rethink Modern Society.From Higher Perspective, January 11, 2016. [image: 1200x6004] Chief Standing Bear was a chief of the Oglala Lakota Sioux. He was raised with the traditions of his people until he was 11, when he was taken to the Carlisle Indian Industrial Boarding School in Pennsylvania. There, he would learn English and the American way of life. Still, he was rooted deeply in his home two thousand miles to the east. This is what he had to say about modern society. 1. Everything was possessed of personality, only ...more »
Cosmic Marriage; Why So Many Traditional Marriages Fail.From Earth We Are One, By Leda de Zwaan. January 11, 2016 Your true partner has already been decided; it is set above. It is already a commitment, without even knowing, it is an event set to happen by you. The cosmos knows. Your soul knows. Your gut instinct knows. You have been partners many lifetimes before. There is nothing ‘ new’, it feels like you have been married a hundred times before. The other person knows what to say or not say, to evolve the process. You will always come back to each other, or stick together in ...more »
The Unified Field, Soul Partnership and More. By Lisa Gawlas,The Shift of Time and Energy, January 11, 2016 Phew baby!! I never in a million years would have dreamed we would have already had a huge shift in the field already, I barely got my foot of understanding steadied and wham, that new moon changed it all. Altho, as I am being shown this morning, more like what we got in the first four days of reading was an introduction to the field. Kind of like an introduction to the new play, the new stage and cast of crazy characters (us) before the play begins. The new moon was the ...more »
Australia First to Receive Electricity Using Zero-emission Wave Energy Generators. By Vic Bishop, *Waking Times,*January 11, 2016. [image: ceto-5-and-ceto-6] Wave energy technology has finally proved its feasibility to provide renewable, clean energy on a mass scale. The Perth Wave Energy Project has demonstrated that the CETO 5 wave energy generators, developed by Carnegie Wave Energy Limited, are capable of using the movement of the ocean to provide electricity to a naval base near Garden Island in Western Australia. The site is the first commercial ocean wave energy installat...more »
Awareness Diminishes Fear. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.January 12, 2016 [image: let-us-not-look-back-in-anger-nor-forward-in-fear-but-around-in-awareness-anger-quote] Credit: Are you afraid to take the next step in your work, your relationship or another area of life? Many people who are ready for this next step tend to hesitate, and they stay on the same level they’ve always been at as a result. We can avoid this by asking ourselves if we’re truly ready to grow and face new challenges, and if we are, facing those challenges head-on. There will be p...more »
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