Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Janeiro 11th 2016 ~ 15 posts.

The Perfect Soul. -Creator via Jennifer Farley.

The Perfect Soul. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.JANUARY 11, 2016. The perfect soul residing in the imperfect shell never forgets its perfection. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here.* *Individually you can be helped to find your Truth... more »

A Vision for Transparency.

*The Vision Alignment Project.* *A Vision for Transparency.* *The Vision for today was written and sent in by our good friend in Canada, Gareth Marples. Gareth contributes regularly to our Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook and we are very grateful for the light that he carries. Gareth says:* I see a world where transparency is the order of the day. Because everyone is acting in Truth and Love, there's no need to hide anything they're doing or saying. Books are all open because everyone wants to project the honesty that's contained in them. There's no need for a Privacy Act because... more »

6 Great Reasons To Give Up Alcohol. -By Raji Kabli.

6 Great Reasons To Give Up Alcohol.By Raji Kabli, Collective Evolution, January 10, 2016. There’s something trending right now and, for once, it may actually be a bandwagon worth jumping on. January is shaping up to be a dry-out month, meaning people have committed to not drinking for the next 31 days. Maybe it’s because people overindulged over the holidays, enjoying one (or two, or three) drinks too many at each and every holiday party, or perhaps it’s because the feeling of being hungover the next day is not something they’d care to experience again. Whatever the reason, J... more »

Thought Adjusters, Souls and Reincarnation. - Frank n Alice.

,Thought Adjusters, Souls and Reincarnation.*Cherubim “I’ll be Frank” and Sanobim Alice. * Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, December 20, 2015. *Frank: “This is Frank and I’ll be frank. Alice is more gentle when you can get her to speak instead of observe and analyze, but I come right out with it because I’m Frank, busy to over my head, full of plans and ages from retirement, even further from promotion. We, both, have our Ph.D’s in psychology. * *George:* “We know you well and you know us even better …” *Frank:* “… since well before 2000. And ... more »

Montague Keen - January 10, 2016. -Veronica Keen.

,Message from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen. January 10, 2016. All the evidence proves that nearly 2000 years ago, preparations were made to take over the Earth and to remove humanity. This operation was put in place by Church and State. Everything that you learned about life on Earth, the afterlife, etc., was given to you by the very people who planned the complete take over of the Earth. They convinced you that they, alone, had your best interests at heart. FEAR was the weapon used at every level to ensure you obeyed their every law and command. They taught you to revere t... more »

The Significance of Being Complete – Part 2 /2 -Steve Beckow

The Significance of Being Complete. Part 2 /2By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 11, 2016 Tired but complete. (Concluded from Part 1.) The fact that I know (realized knowledge) that completion is vital to experiencing the transformed space is something I can now carry down into ordinary (intellectual) consciousness without loss or harm. The nature of completion as a declared state is going to sound like hocus-pocus to many people if I try to explain it while in a state of ordinary consciousness. The state of completion is itself higher dimensional. Perhaps that’... more »

The Significance of Being Complete – Part 1 /2. -By Steve Beckow,

The Significance of Being Complete. Part 1 /2.By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 11, 2016. Previously I said that I didn’t think that a person could experience transformative love without being complete. I now see an equally-important role that completion plays. I’m slapping myself on the forehead for not seeing it years ago. But I didn’t. It’s our feeling or belief that we’re incomplete, followed by our acting on it, that takes us out of transformative love. Not only is completion vital to entering transformative love; it’s essential to staying in it. I’ve wondered fo... more »

Brazil Slaps Nestle, Pepsi, and Others for Hiding GMO Ingredients. ...

Brazil Slaps Nestle, Pepsi, and Others for Hiding GMO Ingredients. By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, January 11, 2016. [image: gmo-stores-label-735-350] Six major food manufacturers – including Nestle, PepsiCo, and Mexican baking company Grupo Bimbo – have been slapped with fines by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, which *alleges the companies failed to include labels indicating the use of genetically modified ingredients.* The fines range from $277,400 to just over $1 million, for an estimated total of $3 million. *In 2010*, inspections carried out by Brazil’s Consumer Protection A... more »

Prepare for Change. - 2016/0/11

Prepare for Change. Prepare for Change 432Hz English & Chinese Version 準備轉變432Hz中英文版 2016-01-05 17:11:15-05 read more... Hilarion 2016-01-08 04:34:15-05 TZ here: Wise words of advice from Hilarion who reminds us of how the dark forces control of modern technology can clog up the clarity of our deep inner knowing and hinder us ... Read more... read more... Star Wars Connections 2016-01-08 04:45:31-05 Untwine shares some interesting thoughts regarding the new and old Star Wars movies Star Wars Connections Movies and art in general always draw from real life, symbolism, archetyp... more »

Hilarion, January 10, 2016 via Marlene Swetlishoff.

Message from Hilaron.Through Marlene Swetlishoff. January 10, 2016. January 10-17, 2016 Part 2 (Cont’d from last week) You ask what can be done to further the awakening of humanity and their subsequent Ascension in the midst of the seeming chaos of our current times: “The Divine, the Universe, has a way of reordering things, restructuring the process of time itself in order to ensure that everything continues to flow as it is meant to. As a result of this, nothing is ever truly out of sync, the Divine recycles opportunity, brings things into manifestation that will ensure th... more »

Joy in Every Moment. -Mayan Messages, via Theresa Crabtree

Joy in Every Moment. Mayan Messages, via Theresa Crabtree.January 10, 2016. Joy is an attitude. It is a choice one makes every moment. The key to joy is gratitude. When you are thankful for every experience you are having, your whole Being energetically opens to the possibility of feeling joy. We encourage you to spend time this week being in joy, every moment. Continue with this practice until it becomes habitual. You came from a place of joy and soon you will return to that place. In the meantime, you have the right to be filled with joy. It is your choice! Be in joy! Be joy!... more »

Put Your Focus on the Details. - Cedella Marley.

Put Your Focus on the Details. Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, January 10, 2016 [image: Cedella] A small improvement each day, repeated day after day, can lead to amazing results. While everyone else is competing to hit it big, put your focus on the details. One small act each day will add up to big things! *One Love…* *Cedella.* *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective... more »

How to Say No to War. (with Ken O’Keefe) -Phillip J. Watt.

How to Say No to War. (with Ken O’Keefe) By Phillip J. Watt, The Mind Unleashed, January 9, 2016. The majority of people do not want any further war. If they wrap their head around how money is created in society, they also want a just banking system that is designed by the people, for the people, so that wealth inequality and socioeconomic disadvantage can finally be put to an end. In the attempt to build a new world of truth, justice and peace, Ken O’Keefe provides an essential narrative that everybody across our global society needs to hear. Ken is a former US Marine turned s... more »

73 Mind Blowing Terence McKenna Quotes. via EndAllDisease

73 Mind Blowing Terence McKenna Quotes. via EndAllDisease, Thanks to In5D.comJanuary 11, 2016. Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000) was an American philosopher, psychonaut, ethnobotanist, lecturer, writer and author of several books. He spoke and wrote about a variety of subjects, including psychedelic drugs, plant-based entheogens, shamanism, metaphysics, alchemy, language, culture, technology and the theoretical origins of human consciousness. He was also the creator of a mathematical theory of time based on patterns found in the I Ching which he termed nov... more »

In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. -Jesus* thro...

 In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end.Jesus* through John Smallman.January 10th 2015. Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday January 10th The New Year of 2016 has started well. Much of importance is happening in preparation for the events ahead, which will unfold quite dramatically and spontaneously as the Love that so many are now holding and extending to all of humanity brings about the enormous changes necessary for the endemic suffering and poverty of the vast majority on earth to be fully relieved. In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. The New Golden Age ... more »

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