Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - January 13th 2016 ~ 19 posts.

5 Questions That Will Help You Focus On What Matters. ~By Bryan Col...

5 Questions That Will Help You Focus On What Matters.By Bryan Collins, Tiny Buddha,Thanks to Conscious Life News January 13, 2016. [image: focus-on-what-matters] Image from *“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~Mary Oliver* Let’s get things done. If you’ve ever read any books or articles about productivity, you’ve heard this phrase. It’s one I used and made a part of my life for a long time. More recently, I’ve discovered there’s a better and more disciplined way to work and to live. It’s called essentialism, and it means gett... more »

7 of the Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies and What Can be Done Abo...

7 of the Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies and What Can be Done About Them.By Sofia Adamson, The Mind Unleashed, January 11, 2016 [image: nutrient-700x503] Many individuals are not getting enough important nutrients from their diet. For many, it is simply due to the fact their diet does not provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Even if you try to eat a whole, living foods diet, many foods these days provide fewer nutrients than one might think due to where the food is grown, the quality of the soil, how it is stored and for how long, and how it is processed. Now, con... more »

It is High Noon in the The Age of Aquarius. ~By Lisa Gawlas.

It is High Noon in the The Age of Aquarius. By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, January 12, 2016 [image: aquarius] I officially have so many more questions today than I do understandings. So I am using today’s sharing to process and hoping putting the puzzle pieces I am seeing will give me, give us the understandings that were so elusive and confusing yesterday. The first image I had seen in the field the day before yesterday started my confusion (my natural state of being any more lol.) My lady’s images showed up on the edge of the west field, a new (or at least, n... more »

The World As We Know It Has Changed And There Is No Going Back To W...

The World As We Know It Has Changed And There Is No Going Back To What We Were. 6 Predictions. By Michael Forrestor, Prevent Disease, January 12, 2016 Just over four years ago, we passed a portal to the unknown. A place where human consciousness has never been. There were doubters and skeptics regarding the process of ascension, but it is here…it is now and there is no going back. The new energy is all-encompassing, pervasive and undeniable, even to those who deny it. At no other time in the history of this planet has human consciousness been higher than it is right now. The Eart... more »

Take a Deep Breath. ~Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley.

Take a Deep Breath.Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, January 12, 2016. [image: Cedella] Right about when you feel like responding negatively to something today, stop yourself. Take a deep breath and think about the positive angle of the situation. Empower yourself to not react but to be proactive. This will not only better the situation and create a more successful outcome. It will reduce the stress in your mind and overall build a healthier, happier outcome on life. *One love…* *Cedella.* *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all ... more »

Decriminalization Law: “No Fines, No Jail Time” for Felony Marijuan...

Decriminalization Law: “No Fines, No Jail Time” for Felony Marijuana Offenses. By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 13, 2016. [image: marijuana-plant-herb-735-350] Toledo, Ohio is decriminalizing pot use. A measure passed last September was recently upheld by Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and local prosecutors to maintain a city ordinance that takes the sting out of marijuana use. Hopefully this act will be copied across America. A report from the *Toledo Blade* reports that since voters approved a measure last September which eliminates the criminal penalties associate... more »

Ascension Compared to the Afterlife “Second Death” – Part 2 /2

Ascension Compared to the Afterlife “Second Death”. Part 2 /2. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 13, 2016. [image: Ascension 33] A probable depiction of the Second Death or Ascension. (Concluded from Part 1.) What causes people on the other side of life to leave the Astral Plane for the Mental; i.e., to ascend? Professor William James explains that staying in the astral body past the time when the desires fade leaves a person feeling as if they’re living in cramped quarters. “I feel myself growing out of myself in a certain fashion. My adopted [i.e, conditioned] char... more »

Medical Cannabis Is Now Legal In All Fifty States Thanks To Congres...

Medical Cannabis Is Now Legal In All Fifty States Thanks To Congress. Blooming Post ~ January 12, 2016 (Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia). [image: Cannabis-Flower-1] While Congress was busy stripping away consumer protections and legalizing bank fraud, they managed to slip in a little provision which made many marijuana advocates rejoice. States that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes will no longer have to worry about federal raids on their operations. The Obama Administration has made it part of their policy, although unofficially, to neither indict nor raid dispensarie... more »

12 Transformative Thoughts & Actions That Can Boost Your In...

12 Transformative Thoughts & Actions That Can Boost Your Inner Energy. By Daniela McVicker, Collective Evolution, January 13, 2016 [image: screen-shot-2016-01-11-at-11-09-28-am-728x400] Our thoughts, or more so our beliefs, can greatly affect our reality. Connecting with things that make us feel grateful, uplifted or inspired can have a great impact on our lives. Whether it is through something small such as hearing a cat’s purr, or through a gift, we find ways and reasons to be positive all around us, but none is more powerful than our beliefs. The human mind is a powerful thing... more »

Is This The End Of Diet Soda? - Huge Study Links Aspartame To Major...

Is This The End Of Diet Soda? Huge Study Links Aspartame To Major Health Problems; Sales Drop. From Body Mind Soul Spirit, January 13, 2016 [image: Is This The End Of Diet Soda?] As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better choices. As **reported recently, Aspartame (the main sweetener for diet soda – check the labels) is regarded by scientists as one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, who have linked it to seizures and a host of other major health issues ... more »

The Cannabis Writings: Cancer and Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil. ~By Wes ...

The Cannabis Writings: Cancer and Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.January 13, 2016 [image: The Cannabis Writings Photo] If you told people cannabis is a potential cure for cancer a few decades ago, you probably wouldn’t be taken seriously. But as it turns out, the plant may very well cure cancer and other serious conditions. Few people have fought harder to raise awareness of the plant’s healing power than Rick Simpson, who distributes hemp oil for sufferers of cancer and other diseases. Instead of charging for it, he gives his oil away out of compassion ... more »

Forgiveness is release! ~Saul via John Smallman.

Forgiveness is release! *Message from Saul (Paul).* Through John Smallman*.**Janaury 12th 2016.* Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday Janaury 12th The world, the illusory world in which humanity is dreaming a story that no longer appeals to it, appears to be descending into chaos. What is happening is that you are becoming aware of the insanity of your so-called civilized lives as you burn through the planets non-renewable energy resources at a speed that is terrifying. Your life styles, while seemingly moderate in their needs and expenditures, are at risk, and the chances that your chil... more »

Struggling. ~by Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal. Struggling. by Eliza Ayres.Journal Entry - 01.13.2016 *Journal Entry 01.13.2016 – Struggling* This past week, I’ve been slowly recovering from my bout with bronchitis, or as my friend, Maria, described it, a re-calibration as a result of a major high heart chakra opening. Whatever is going on my energy is low; I fatigue easily, still have a tremendous cold and cough occasionally. The fevers have departed, but I’m still waking up with night sweats, clammy and damp. This morning I had another hot shower just to wash off the icky dampness and to clear my sinuses... more »

Gratitude. ~Celestial Artisan, Athena via

Gratitude.*Celestial Artisan, Athena. *Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, December 26, 2015. *Athena:* “… some years since we spoke, but I thank you for picking up on my prompt. I thank your Midwayer and Angel friends for taking in all I want to say, for as you are hearing these words, I will already be back at my task. I am Athena, a Celestial Artisan, a pre-fusion Teacher to any of the receivers of the 11:11 Progress Group as are Samuel, Aaron, the Mentori and others. “It is known to you that I am deserving of being fused with my Thought Adjuster... more »

A Little Death. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

A Little Death. The Creator Writings. transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner January 13, 2016 [image: 366dae40823997.5606e67b87684] With each new stretch and leap of growth, a little death within must occur. Along with it comes a certain amount of grieving to which there is no time limit. You can choose to make it short or long. Understanding this, of course, is ‘half the battle’. Creator. *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* -----... more »

Are You Ready for a World in Turmoil? ~by Owen K Waters.

*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter.** Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness. * Are You Ready for a World in Turmoil?by Owen K Waters. Life was never meant to be a valley of tears. Long ago, when our souls first immersed themselves into the world of physical form, we anticipated this new adventure with joy. Yet, for most people today, there is little inner joy in their lives. The good news is that we are heading into a New Reality where higher consciousness creates a new world filled with great potential for inspiration, joy and purpose. However, since the cosmic gateway of late 20... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Jan, 12 2016.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.13 Caban, 10 Chen, 12 Manik [Jan, 12 2016] Dratzo! Many expected operations were delayed by overly cautious and unnecessary security developments. Those who temporarily control these funds are deeply worried and hence have reverted to a process, which allows them to work initially at a snail’s pace. This diverted operation has slowed the deliveries and altered when these monies are to be delivered. It is now at a pace more deliberate than we were initially given. Again, these funds are in the hands of th... more »

About Mastery. - Confucius via Thiago Strapasson.

About Mastery.Message from Master Confucius.By Thiago Strapasson.01.10.2016*Translated via Google.* Beloved masters! To resume his mastery in these times to come. But first, what is the meaning of the word "Master"? What is a teacher? That is a great question. A teacher is a human being who has transcended the material expectations of life. He no longer cares about aspects of survival, fear of loss, since no longer has the illusion that life is limited to what they can see or feel, let alone to have. He recognizes the energy flow that ensures the children everything they need... more »

Hidden Origens. ~Michael Tellinger.

Exposing Humanity's Ancient Secrets. THIS COULD CHANGE EVERYTHING.By Michael Tellinger. Uncover the clues that expose humanity’s true origins as Michael Tellinger reveals secrets hidden within ancient stone circles and artifacts. These secrets could help us once again reclaim our true power and create a new world of abundance and opportunity for all. Watch the first two episodes completely free episode 1: humanity’s hidden originsMichael Tellinger presents an overview of the journey to discover humanity’s hidden origins. Everything we have been told about our history is a lie. The ... more »

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