Lightlover Journal The Beautiful Journey of Awakening.[image: image] Grid Energy Report. January 6, 2016. Beloveds, We have prepared through ALL our lifetimes for this NOW. Gaia has raised her frequency and expanded, her “call” resonated across all grids, triggering awakenings in the Hearts of All. The Schumann Frequency has risen to levels beyond our wildest expectations. As The Divine Feminine fully steps into her Sovereignty, The Divine Masculine is awakening His heart and joining Her in frequency,as per the Law of Resonance. This is the unification of Twin Flame Energy, w...more »
New Year Resolutions. How to Change Through Inspired Action.Jeff Singh. [image: How to Change - Focus on Inspired Action]. As a tradition, every year people make New Year resolutions but often we’re left feeling like a U2 song, “nothing changes on New Year’s day” or the Talking Heads song, “same as it ever was, same as it ever was.” Numerous articles are written on *how to change* extolling the powers of will, goals, and visualization, even advising what your resolutions should be. Goals have their place when it comes to project planning and reminders to keep us on track. But wh...more »
Ordinary? The Creator Writings. transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 8, 2016. [image: download] You may feel you have an ordinary life. You move through your ordinary day, go to your ordinary job, see your ordinary friends and family and go home to your ordinary residence. But, in the course of what you feel is an ordinary existence, something magical is happening…. As you move through your day, you smile has lighted the way for someone ‘just not feeling it’. As you are working, you have done something that has changed to course of ...more »
Purpose. Everything has a Purpose. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 8, 2016. The angels wish to remind you that every situation or person is placed on your path with a purpose. There is always a reason. It may be to strengthen you, to offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive the past, to release old patterns, or perhaps just for the enjoyment of that moment. It can also be an opportunity to be more love, feel more love, and to be more loving. Your angel guidance is ask your angels to help you find the purpose in any of the current situations you find puzzling or, ...more »
Stimulus/Response Machine. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 8, 2016. [image: wind-up toy] Credit: As I continue to bring more and more of my conditioning or self-programming to my attention, I notice that, of a typical day, I’m a jumble of emotions. As fast as one comes up, I look for the source of it. A large woman on the bus sat next to me, pressing herself against me, and I felt irritation, which quickly shaded into antagonism – for no apparent reason. When I asked my mind to tell me where it came from, I saw what we used to call “hoods” or “gr...more »
US EPA Misses Deadline for Key Assessments on these 3 Toxic Pesticides. By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 8, 2016. [image: pesticides_risk-assessment_735_350] The world is already well aware of the many nasty effects of pesticides, but in missing its own risk assessment deadline in 2015 for *atrazine*, *glyphosate*, and *imidacloprid*, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sends a clear message to those concerned about biological diversity and human health. If the EPA isn’t doing the business of pushing biotech’s agenda, the agency isn’t interested in protecting li...more »
Promoting Love.*Thought Adjuster.*Message received by Oscar. Alabama, USA, March 5, 2012. *Thought Adjuster:* “How would you promote the idea that love is the only solution without sounding like a dreamer or a poet with your head in the clouds? When the idea of love becomes the introduction card of men and women who live authentic lives and experience a faith similar to the faith of Michael when He walked amongst you, others will be motivated to follow them. At present only those who are somehow at the margins of society and are considered strange, eccentric, or artistic are the on... more »
Self-Empowered DNA Activation. By Tiara Kumara, Golden Age of Gaia, January 8, 2016. The current amount of activated DNA within you is the same as the level of your conscious awareness. To shift the consciousness, means to activate the DNA. To activate the DNA is through the expansion of consciousness through changing perception. It is not so much of a mystery anymore. We are spirits having a human experience. For spiritual essence to materialize here on Earth, it is utilizing a series of coded sequences to form a body. As a spirit, we physicalize ourselves, first, in t...more »
The Surprising Reason Why Canadians Are Literally Cutting Their Money in Half. By John Vibes, Anti Media, January 7, 2016, (ANTIMEDIA) Canada — It was reported last week that Canadian citizens have been cutting their official government money in half and using it as a localized alternative currency. The currency is called “Demi,” which means “half” in french. The Demi currency is being used specifically in the Gaspesie region of northern Quebec and is actually accepted by a number of local businesses. The founders of the currency have specified that the half dollar notes ...more »
Erin Brockovich Takes Action On The Californian Methane Gas Leak. By Andrew Martin, Collective Evolution, January 8, 2016. [image: leak-728x400] *“According to California Air quality regulators the leak accounts for 25% of the daily emissions in the state, about the same amount of emissions as driving 160,000 cars for a year, or consuming 90 million gallons of gas.”* *Amy Goodman – Democracy Now* The second largest gas reserve in the U.S is emitting huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere, which Arjun covered in a recent article (“Uncontrollable California Gas Leak Called The W...more »
*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter** Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness * Life Is But A Dream by Owen K Waters. Einstein said, “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical. It is the power of all true art and science.” Every time you use electricity, you have Victorian-era scientist Michael Faraday to thank for it as he discovered, among other breakthroughs, the principles of the electric motor, generator, and transformer. The most mystical statement of all came from him when, referring to life in general, he said, “All this is but a dream.” What is it that th...more »
New You. by Archangel Metatron.Channelled through Natalie Glasson. 8th January 2016. Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa. As the Earth enters into a new cycle/year major shifts of love are being instigated and taking place in thismoment. The Earth and humanity are beginning a long awaited alignment with the planet Venus throughout 2016. Venus is known as the planet of love and so a union between the Earth and Venus is and will take place in order to support the Earth in more fully anchoring in to the Era of Love. Thus allowing the Earth to accept her natural vibration while e... more »
*The Vision Alignment Project.* *A Vision for Manifesting Life's Highest Purpose. * *Today's Vision was sent in by longtime Intender, Bobby Jenusaitis and it speaks for so many of us. Thank You again, Bobby* I am so grateful for all the love and abundance in my life. As I focus on this fact, I experience it more fully in each and every moment. Nothing outside myself can deter me from achieving the highest manifestation of my life's highest purpose. As I begin to see more clearly, I am able to help others who might be seeking a more compassionate and connected life. As my circle of f...more »
Message from Higher Self. Through Mike Quinsey.January 8, 2016. Dear Ones, Take a deep breath and prepare for many changes that are waiting to come out. On face value it may seem that some are destructive where your present systems are concerned. However, all actions should be viewed with the greater picture in mind, as you are starting a period of multiple changes. At each stage you will naturally view them according to their immediate effect. However if you could see the result in the long term, you would appreciate how each happening is part of the whole process of change. Mos...more »
Spin Cycle. Blue Dragon Journal. Journal Entry 01.07.2016. by Eliza Ayres. *Journal Entry 01.07.2016 – “Spin Cycle”* The other day when Maria and I were discussing what is currently going on in the grids, inner and outer, I described it as a form of spiritual centrifuge. In case you don’t know it, a centrifuge is a machine that rapidly spins and is used primarily to separate layers of liquids (including blood) so that the scientist can see what is present. My usage was a little different – basically whatever material spins off through the rapid spin cycle will dissipate and disap...more »
Children Today Report More Anxiety than Child Psychiatric Patients in the 1950’s By April McCarthy, Prevent Disease, Thanks to The Mind UnleashedJanuary 8, 2016. *[image: image]* *Anxiety levels in children are associated with low social connectedness and high environmental threat* Two new meta-analytic studies involving thousands of children and college students show that anxiety has increased substantially since the 1950’s. In fact, the studies find that anxiety has increased so much that typical schoolchildren during the 1980’s reported more anxiety than child psychiatric p...more »
Graham Hancock Talks About the Real Atlantis. From Earth We Are One, January 7, 2016 [image: graham-hancock-gobekli-tepe-real-atlantis-1] In a recent interview by Michael Parker from Antidote, award-winning author Graham Hancock talked about the deepest mysteries of Earth’s ancient civilizations, which mysteriously vanished from history, leaving behind only clues that could help researchers today, uncover the lost pieces of ancient man’s history. There is a huge puzzle scattered across the globe, where numerous civilizations from different parts of Earth, left hundreds and thousa...more »
I Have Just Spiritually Awakened… Now What? By Gregg Prescott, M.S.*,,* January 7, 2016 [image: tuwru1111ww6] If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve taken that first step of spiritual awakening in your life. For many of us, it was a specific event such as 9/11 or the end of the Mayan calendar that brought us to where we are now. But what if you’ve just woken up? Your awakening will bring you many exciting revelations such as: how thoughts become manifestations through the Law of Attraction how the double slit experiment proves that that thoughts and intentions c...more »
12 Flowers You Didn’t Know Heal The Body. By April McCarthy, Prevent Disease, January 5, 2016 Flowers are not only beautiful, but they can be used as essential ingredients in a food and medicine. Many edible flowers are rich in phenolics and have excellent antioxidant capacity. They can be added to your food or in teas to prevent chronic disease. Flower Remedies are very simple, since they are almost tasteless, they can be taken along with any food, in the drinking water, or directly in the mouth. In addition, the dosage is standard for almost all animal species, regardless of ...more »
Pervasive Conformity and Its Influence on Earth Culture. By Jon Rappoport, *Waking Times,* January 7, 2016 *(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)* People assume that the culture of Earth is normal and understandable. Even critics harbor this opinion. “Well, even though massive conformity isn’t desirable, we can see why people embrace it…” Really? Examine the annals of science fiction; even there, the majority of ET cultures in the literature exhibit conformity to norms. That’s how far the assumption goes. Culturally speaking, what is conformi...more »
Your Cool Calm Centered Intention Can Help Shape Our Collective Reality.January 8, 2016 Credit: *Your Cool Calm Centered Intention Can Help Shape Our Collective Reality* *Consciousness, Coherence, Morphic Resonance: How Our Individual & Collective Calm, Centered Intention Can Physically Influence Reality* These are fascinating and profound subjects and I’m still exploring them, but I wanted to share and collect here some links and information and resources as I go along. The ideas that most fascinate me here are those that concern *conscious intention.* Can my...more »
The Cannabis Writings: Can Marijuana Treat Depression and PTSD?By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, January 8, 2016. As the medicinal benefits of marijuana continue to be brought to light, people with a wide array of ailments are being given the opportunity to treat their symptoms in a way that seems unconventional but was actually common throughout history. The cannabis plant has always been used for various purposes including medicine, and society is finally catching up with what’s been known about it for centuries. Unfortunately, its medical use is only allowed in states where ...more »
.Message from Hatonn. Wake up Call.Through Nancy Tate. Jan 07, 2016. I am here now to let you know that this that you are being offered to read is but the first in a series of eye-openers for the people of earth. There is more to come in detail that has been brought to the front in this report. It will be a gradual process of evidence that will show the people that there is much that has been kept undercover for so long. The details will be brought to the front in a way that cannot be denied. There will be many pieces of information and physical representations of what will be show... more »
My beautiful friend, I love you. Thank you for rallying around me the way you have this past week in celebration of the new book release. Your kindness and friendship has opened my heart in such deep and profound ways. You will always have a very special place in my heart. I wanted you to be the first to know about a few miraculous things that are happening right now. I am humbled to share that I have been asked to speak and present at the United Nations in New York on April 15th, 2016. I will let you know a bit more of the details soon, so that your energy and prayers w...more »
MENSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL GABRIEL.Through Marlene Swetlishoff.January 7, 2016. Image Source Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as immortality. Most people in today’s world are aware and believe that one’s soul is immortal and eternal. In these current times there is a growing earnest desire amongst humanity to live a longer, healthier and more prosperous life in a unity of spirit and matter. Many people are now creating a new wave of consciousness that sees greater possibilities for a longer and more perfect physical life. There is a growing convicti...more »
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