Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - January 9th 2016 ~ 14 posts.

Speaking Our Truth to Ourselves. -P'taah via Jani King.

Speaking Our Truth to Ourselves.Message from P'taah.Through Jani King.January 2016. Q: P'taah, I've finally found a relationship where I can have the joy and freedom of complete satisfaction, but it's bringing up all my old fears of going back to relationships that weren't like that at all. P'taah: Beloved, you are not the same person who had those relationships beforetime. And you will not draw into your life the same, we would say, personality facets of the people with whom you were in relationship beforetime. We are speaking of course of abusive control issues. You would not ... more »

Divine Support - Emmanuel Dagher.

Divine Support by Emmanuel Dagher. My beautiful friend, I have some very good news to share with you! Yesterday, I learned that the countries of France, Romania, Spain, Germany, Russia, Lebanon, The Philippines, India, The Netherlands, Chile, and Italy are all interested in translating and publishing my new book Easy Breezy Prosperity. However, these countries are still looking specifically at the Amazon page of the book and also tracking how it's doing in stores to see how much interest there is in the book over the... more »

Bill Cosby To Michael Jackson: What The Entertainment Industry Does...

Bill Cosby To Michael Jackson: What The Entertainment Industry Does To Black Entertainers. By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, January 9, 2016. [image: jackson-728x400] *“The tradition of great performers, from . . . Sammy Davis Jr., to James Brown, to Jackie Wilson, to Fred Astaire, Gene Kelley, the story is usually the same. These guys work really hard at their craft, but the story ends the same, they usually are broken, torn, and usually just sad, and the story is very sad in the end because the companies take advantage of them, they really do.”* (source) It’s not just M... more »

After Healing His Own Cancer with Cannabis, Self-Taught Doctor Help...

After Healing His Own Cancer with Cannabis, Self-Taught Doctor Helped over 5000 Patients By Vandita, Thanks to Anti MediaJanuary 8, 2016, Rick Simpson. Credit: *“I always tell people – Cannabis will cure you, and you will see that at present, it is the best cure there is in the world!”* *(ANONHQ)* Rick Simpson, one of the world’s cannabis icons and activists for legalization of marijuana, has healed more than 5000 people with cannabis oil – after he was diagnosed with the most severe skin cancer in 2002 and cured the dreaded disease using hemp oil. Rick,... more »

Be Bold – Commit to Self-Honesty, Simplicity & Presence. -L...

January 2016 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris: Be Bold. Commit to Self-Honesty, Simplicity & Presence. Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.January 9, 2016. [image: Lee Harris] *(The following is transcribed and edited from Lee’s spoken video message.)* Hello everyone and welcome to the Energy Forecast for January 2016. We made it to 2016, and we got through 2015. So please join me in taking a breath to just be present… And now a breath to take in and release 2015. And now a breath to invite 2016 in. One of the big themes for 2016 will be boldness. This was something that kept coming to ...more »

Radical Changes. -By Steve Beckow.

Radical Changes. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 9, 2016. So many of my ideas are radically changing. Here’s an example. My iPhone was about to shut down (or whatever iPhones do) if I didn’t delete some photos on it. And so I spent an evening going through old photos. And I came across a slew of photos of me and an old girlfriend. I felt love arise strongly and at the same time I also felt pain because we were no longer together. And then I remembered what Archangel Michael said about how it isn’t either/or; it’s both. And I said to myself that I could both lo... more »

Campbell Soup to Adopt GMO Labels on its Products. -By Mike Barrett.

Campbell Soup to Adopt GMO Labels on its Products. By Mike Barrett, Natural Society, January 8, 2016. [image: campbells-soup-735-250] *In a move that will likely rock the mainstream, mega-food industry, Campbell Soup Company announced that it will work to become the first major food company to adopt food labels that will disclose genetically modified ingredients.* The decision by Campbell to attach a GMO label to its products is undoubtedly motivated by the continually-growing pressure from the people for food companies to engage in food transparency. Food providers such as Ch... more »

Wake Up! - Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Wake Up! The Creator Writings. transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 9, 2016. [image: remove-blindfold] Throw off the shackles that bind you, remove the mask that blinds. Wake up, it is time. You are the future in your present. Celebrate! Creator. *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political... more »

Grace. Grace and Inner Strength. Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.

Grace. Grace and Inner Strength. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 9, 2016. It is time to embrace how amazing you truly are and to see yourself from the perspective of your angels. View yourself and your life with angel eyes and see the love, courage, strength and forgiveness that you hold for others and remember to also turn that energy upon yourself. This great power within you will help you overcome any challenges and find the path that is best for you. Take action as you feel guided. If you have been feeling trapped in a cycle that hasn't been too much fun, then... more »

Blossom Goodchild, Jan 9th. 2016.

Message from The Federation of Ligh. Through Blossom Goodchild, Jan 9th. 2016. - Hello! Wondering if you are there today, as I have tried twice before this week and … nothing! Nada! Anyone about? *Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls who walk upon the Earth plane at this time in the Glory of themselves. We are indeed with you … sharing Energy this day and more than happy to do so.* People write in asking me to ask you all sorts of ‘controversial’ things. Yet, as we have discussed, these topics are not really ‘your bag!’ I do feel however, we could do with a change of appro... more »

5 Ways To Raise The Vibration Of Your Home. - Higher Perspective.

5 Ways To Raise The Vibration Of Your Home. From Higher Perspective, January 7, 2016. [image: 1200x6002] Clean out the clutter. A home that’s cluttered, dirty, and bogged down with unneeded items naturally has a lower vibration for the simple fact that you don’t enjoy it. So go through your home, look at each items, and truly ask yourself: do I need this thing? If the answer is no, it may be time to donate it to Goodwill. Burn some sage. Smudging, or burning sage, lavender, and sweetgrass helps purify the energy of the home, leaving only the positive energy. Open a window so the... more »

After Year 2 of Legal Pot in Colorado, ALL Drug-Related Charges Dro...

After Year 2 of Legal Pot in Colorado, ALL Drug-Related Charges Drop Significantly, Record Revenue.By Justin Gardner, The Free Thought Project, Thanks to The Mind Unleashed.January 9, 2016 [image: pott-700x367] This is the opposite of what prohibitionists said would happen. Two years have passed since Colorado residents began legally buying cannabis under voter-approved Amendment 64, and the state is seeing enormous benefits on multiple fronts. First and foremost, thousands of people are not being thrown in a cage for possessing a plant. Charges for possession, cultivation and di... more »

99% Of Costa Rica’s Electricity Came From Renewable Energy In 2015....

99% Of Costa Rica’s Electricity Came From Renewable Energy In 2015. From Earth We Are One, January 7, 2016 *Anti-Media* reported that earlier this year, Costa Rica really wanted to focus on becoming independent of fossil fuels by heavily utilizing power from renewable energy. Costa Rica plans to utilize the region’s hefty rainfall as a power source of impressive new hydroelectric infrastructure. Aside from that, the country also plans to use geothermal sources, the wind, biomass, and solar energy. According to, Costa Rica has successfully achieved a very surpri... more »

The New Earth Set Up in it’s own Realm of Reality! -Lisa Gawlas.

The New Earth Set Up in it’s own Realm of Reality! By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, January 8, 2016 Ohhhh lordy lordy, things are much more different than I ever dreamed them to be. My first two appointments yesterday were such magnificent compliments to each other, to just how incredibly different it all is and I pray, my humble, incredibly inadequate words can explain just how different it is. My first man showed up like a giant made of golden energy wayyyyyy above the earth. It took me a moment to realize his presence was up on the magnetosphere, using his feet ... more »
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