Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - December 2nd 2015 ~ 23 posts.

Something Extraordinary Is Happening In The World. ~ Gustavo Tanaka.

Something Extraordinary Is Happening In The World.By Gustavo Tanaka, Thanks to from Portuguese.) [image: Something Extraordinary Is Happening In The World] Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening. A few months ago I freed myself from standard-procedure society, I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that. Why is the world changing? In this post I’ll point out... more »

A Diamond. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

A Diamond.The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.DECEMBER 2, 2015. Each of you is a diamond; a beautifully shining creation of love with so many facets to explore. Your brilliant existence is one of the great joys of The Universe! Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or politi... more »

Saint Germain, December 02, 2015 ~ Wake up Call via Nancy Tate.

.Wake up Call: Message from St. Germain, Through Nancy Tate.December 02, 2015 This is a morning when you can look around you and see that there is a lot of wonderful energy in your world. Or you can look around and see that there is a lot of sorrow and chagrin in your world. Which would you rather see? Is it a world that you would choose to create and enjoy, or is it a world that brings you the opportunity to go from here and build it more it more as it feels the best for you? I am St. Germain, and I am seeing what is taking place around the world, and it is powerfully joyous and f... more »

Critics Are Doing You a Favor. ~ Cedella Marley.

Critics Are Doing You a Favor.Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, December 2, 2015. Criticism can hurt but the critics are doing you a favor even though that may not be their intention. If the criticism is totally unfounded, it’s an affirmation that you’re making a difference. If the criticism has some merit, it’s truly valuable feedback. *One Love…* *Cedella.* *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All article...more »

Porn vs Tantra – Disturbing Facts About Modern Day Sex We Should Al...

Porn vs Tantra Disturbing Facts About Modern Day Sex We Should All Consider.By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, December 1, 2015 *Photo is called “Shiva and Shakti” and was done by AlicePopkorn Admittedly, this is a touchy subject for most people, with opinions ranging vastly in degree and ferocity. Not everyone is going to like the theory that porn may be psychologically detrimental, but is important to consider the notion nevertheless. For instance, some studies have found associations between watching pornography and a decrease in the volume of grey matter in certain region... more »

How Will You Know if Your Store is Selling GM Salmon? ~ Christina S...

How Will You Know if Your Store is Selling GM Salmon? By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, December 2, 2015 AquaBounty was very covert in its development of genetically modified salmon, eliciting a lawsuit against the Canadian government for producing GM salmon eggs, imported from facilities in Panama. Now that the FDA has deemed GM salmon ‘safe for sale,’ how will you know if your store is going to carry it, since the FDA does not require labeling? AquaBounty’s answer is vague. “It is too early to discuss commercialization plans, but there are several paths to market that are... more »

Sudden Rise of New Interests. ~ Steve Beckow.

Sudden Rise of New Interests. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, December 2, 2015 Another feature of this new space that many of us are probably exploring is the sudden rise of new interests, including what feels like the remembrance of things associated with past lives. Jesus said that the blissful comforter will bring all things to remembrance. Bliss has that impact on a person, as I recall from my 1987 vision experience. (1) There I found myself tapping into all manner of knowledge that I probably would not have known ordinarily in the face of the overwhelming bliss I was f... more »

To teach a person to accept a system of beliefs uncritically. ~ Adj...

.About Indoctrination.To teach a person tIndoctrinationo accept a system of beliefs uncritically.*Thought Adjuster.*Message received by Anyas.Oregon, USA, November 20, 2015. *Thought Adjuster:* “Let us talk about *Indoctrination* that is a factor of much separation on this planet. Whenever individuals blindly accept a belief system, they give up their independent thinking that is so crucial in their personal development and the preservation of their integrity. “Many creeds demand unconditional adherence from their adepts while engraining in them a sense of guilt and shame to intim... more »

The Connection Between Cognitive Control, Overeating and Emotions. ...

The Connection Between Cognitive Control, Overeating and Emotions. By April McCarthy, Prevent Disease, December 1, 2015 For the first time, a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researcher has found a relationship between cognitive control and emotional eating behavior. There are many different type of eaters. Have you ever considered which one you are? Nutritionist Kevin Laugero, at Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) Western Human Nutrition Research Center in Davis, California, found that cognitive control–which includes abilities to make decisions, plan, manage time, ... more »

7 Ways to Defeat an Internet Troll (and Stay Sane in the Process) ~...

7 Ways to Defeat an Internet Troll (and Stay Sane in the Process) By Carolanne Wright. 2nd December 2015 Contributing Writer for Wake Up World At one point or another, most of us have experienced an Internet troll. The unmistakable characteristic of overtly aggressive responses — which quickly morph into personal attacks and distract from the topic at hand — are usually a dead giveaway of a troll’s presence. It’s made clear early in the exchange that the person in question doesn’t have the least interest in honest debate — you can throw as many studies, facts and solid veri... more »

Boy Shocked The World With Extremely Accurate Details Of Past Life...

This Boy Shocked The World With Extremely Accurate Details Of His Past Life As A Hollywood Actor. From Higher Perspective, December 1, 2015 Ryan is an average, every day 10-year-old boy. He’s the son of Baptist families who don’t take to beliefs in reincarnation very easily. But Ryan began talking about his past life as an actor who danced on Broadway. He could even remember the name of the street he lived on. His stories were so vivid they attracted the interest of experts who wanted to study him, essentially trying to find faults in his story, but there were none. He simply ... more »

Artists Hack 600 Paris Billboards With Climate Messages For COP21 ~...

Artists Hack 600 Paris Billboards With Climate Messages For COP21 By John Metcalfe,, November 30, 2015, Thanks to Collectively Conscious [image: artists-hack-600-paris-billboards-with-climate-messages-for-cop21] Travel around Paris this week and you might run into some unusual public ads: an Air France billboard proclaiming, “We’ll keep on bribing politicians and emitting greenhouse gases”; a Volkswagen promotion saying, “We’re sorry that we got caught.” Is the world’s worst marketing agency on the loose? Actually, the 600-or-so altered ads are the work of street ar... more »

Work Hard and Persevere. ~ Wes Annac.

Work Hard and Persevere. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. December 2, 2015. Credit: Quotivee In a time like this, some might want to give up on raising consciousness and helping people evolve because the continuous violence in the world makes it all seem hopeless. Despite the awful things happening daily, however, the mission is only impossible if we believe it is and the world’s evolution not only hinges on our willingness to contribute, but our refusal to give up. We can’t let anything take away our resilience, and our role in this revolution requires us to stay busy. ... more »

Gratitude Beyond the Holidays – A Key to Happiness, ~ Jeff Singh.

Gratitude Beyond the Holidays. A Key to Happiness. By Jeff Singh, Awake Free December 2, 2015 Credit: Most cultures have occasions to consider gratitude – what we’re grateful and thankful for. In the States, we have Thanksgiving & Christmas to think of something when asked, ‘so, what are you grateful for?’ Even though we may have a year of dramas, issues, and complaints, at least we have a day to reflect. We consider our family, relationships, the kids in our lives (whether they behave the way we want, or not) – we feel grateful for them. There’s always th... more »

Reaching A Conscious State of Mission. ~ Andrew Profaci.

.Signs of Ascension. Reaching A Conscious State of Mission. By Andrew Profaci,, December 1, 2015 A Original True feelings are based on intuition and complete trust in self. Through my 1-on-1 sessions it has become evident that most of us are taking, or at least have already begun to take, the first steps in achieving and implementing our personally specific conscious state of mission. You are finding out exactly what your mission is of being incarnated here right now. It’s time for those of us willing and able to step forward and accept that mission is at h... more »

Benjamin Fulford: Nov 30, 2015. ~ Illuminati offer a carved up Turk...

As promised, the Illuminati offer a carved up Turkey for thanksgiving while world leaders talk gas in Paris. By Benjamin Fulford. The Illuminati, through their “grandmaster” Alexander Romanov, promised a surprise for Thanksgiving this year and even gave us a hint of what it would be by showing a map of Turkey on his website. Now Pentagon sources are saying that Turkey is going to pay for its funding of ISIS and its aggression in the Middle East by having large areas of its territory confiscated. The same is going to happen to Israel, both Illuminati and Pentagon sources say. Saudi A... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Dec, 01 2015

.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation. 10 Men, 8 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik [Dec, 01 2015] Selamat Balik! Every day we move closer to the start of a new era of Light on surface Gaia. A grand deliverance of humanity from the dark cabal is here! The time finally arrives to see the redistribution of wealth and the rise of true value in the world. There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you... more »

What’s This Object Nikola Tesla Concluded Was Extraterrestrial? ~ A...

The Black Knight Satellite: What’s This Object Nikola Tesla Concluded Was Extraterrestrial?By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, November 20, 2015 [image: black knight] *The photo used in this article comes directly from The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, a government website operated by NASA at the Earth Sciences and Image Analysis department at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. They are responsible for training the astronauts in Earth observations, cataloging and archiving the photographs that astronauts take from space using hand held cameras and more. It is one of sever... more »

Just Ask. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Just Ask.The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.DECEMBER 1, 2015. Never be afraid to ask for what you want. No wish is too small, no desire too outlandish. The Universe will always provide when the request is made with pure intention and love! Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religio... more »

A Vision for The Code.

The Vision Alignment Project.A Vision for The Code. We see a world where people everywhere have rallied around The Code; where The Code has become a solid reference point for how to believe and behave in these mostexciting of times. We see all those who were previously unempowered or feeling disconnected saying The Code once a day and having their lives turn around. We see those who were confused or wounded having found a guideline for living in The Code. We see The Code followed in every household, in every workplace, in every heart and mind. It is the helpmate to the helpless, th... more »

Divine Liberty and Justice for All - December 2015 ~ Emmanuel Dagher.

Divine Liberty and Justice for All. December 2015.By Emmanuel Dagher. [image: energyforecastbanner 2015] My friend, Something very powerful is occurring right now within the consciousness of the planet. *A Sweeping Change* Over the last three years, we've moved through a celestial occurrence known as the Pluto/Uranus square. During this time, the energies that accompanied this square initiated within us an eagerness to make big changes in our personal lives and in the world. During these three years, since December 2012, a new theme has taken center stage for billions of people aro... more »

My Plans for You are Far Reaching. ~ I AM via Chris Maurus.

.My Plans for You are Far Reaching.Teacher: *I AM.* Message received by Chris Maurus. Asheville, NC, USA, November 22, 2015. *I AM:* “Dear Child, there are many things under heaven and earth that you do not understand and that you are not expected to understand in your current life in the flesh, yet you and others are sometimes affected by the inner workings of universe mechanics and realities unseen by you. Because you are sensitive to these veiled realities, your human experiences would seem strange and fantastic to most that walk through life unaware. Even those who know you and... more »

Event Meditation Report. ~ 2012 Portal via COBRA.

Event Meditation Report.2012 Portal.By COBRA.November 30, 2015. Event Meditation Report Our Event Meditation was a huge success and we were very close to reaching the critical mass. Dragon sources have communicated that positive timeline has been deeply stabilized and the Resistance has communicated that one huge layer of strangelet and toplet bombs has been removed. Since the meditation, there are intense negotiations taking place behind the scenes for full Disclosure and for complete and unconditional surrender of all Cabal factions, including the Chimera. Due to the success of... more »

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