Spiritual Awakenings brings New Beginnings.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. December 3, 2015.Spirit Self. Go through the doorway into another realm of expansive possibilities and new beginnings. You are being lead to a deeper understanding of the authentic you and this is the source of your true value and power. Allow these awakening moments to reach deep into your being and with the new changes that are happening notice how your mystical powers increase and you become more intuitive, more aware of spirit's presence and more of aware of your healing potential. Relax and let go o...more »
Unexpected Joy.The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. DECEMBER 3, 2015. Your most joyous moments will be the unexpected ones. Release your expectations and move forward in anticipation. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: http://wp.me/p3fIGI-V8 ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* http://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=Jennifer+Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here.* *Individually ...more »
Bliss Methodology.By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, December 3, 2015. Bliss dancer from Burning Man. Credit: seeknewtravel.com I can now state with a reasonable amount of experimental and experiential certainty that, just as I could draw love up from my heart and send it out to the world, I can now do the same with bliss. I’m at this moment awash in bliss. And this time it was a direct result of drawing bliss up from my heart and breathing it out to the world. If this proves consistently to be the case, then this method would rise to the top of the list for me. (1) Although a...more »
Russia Sounds The Alarm About Turkish Leadership & Their Involvement In Illegal Oil Trade With ISIL (isis).By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, December 3, 2015 Moreover, this radical group could actually be a creation of the Western military alliance – meaning that the entire war on terrorism is based on ‘false flag‘ events, used to justify the infiltration and destabilization of other countries. Here is a video of US four star General Wesley Clark emphasizing that these plans were in the works long ago… [image: Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 3.10.47 PM] Russia’s Ministry of Defence ...more »
Tell Kraft Foods to Stop Polluting the Waters with Capri Sun Packages. By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, December 3, 2015 For more than 30 years Kraft Foods has been producing Capri Sun juices, packaged in non-recyclable pouches made of metal and plastic that doesn’t biodegrade. This means that more than 1.6 billion pouches consumed just in the US annually are clogging up the oceans, adding to the Great Garbage Patch, suffocating marine life, and ruining the planet. Capri Sun is no innocent beverage for children, it’s a toxic environmental disaster – can you help tell Kraft t...more »
.Re-Patterning the Mind to a Higher Level. Teacher: The Beloved One. Message received by Lytske. Urantia, November 22, 2015. The Beloved One: “Today’s message concerns the observation of conditions as they presently exist on the planet. The gloom-and-doom messages that the public media reports mainly dwell on the negative happenings which incite fear in present-day humanity. We shall therefore endeavor to instill hope in the minds of the awakening humans through the idea of re-patterning of the mind to a higher level, which can occur through listening to the divine Guidance within. ... more »
.The Federation of Ligh.Through Blossom Goodchild.Dec 3rd. 2015. *Greetings from me to you.* *It all sort of speaks for itself this week.* *If you have any trouble with links orwords cut off, all I can say is ... I'm not surprized! It's been one of thosepostings that has taken me hours due to a couple of 'corrections' needed that Isimply couldn't find. Pretty sure it is good to go now! Far out, Brusselsprout!* *Many thanks.* *Love Light Laughter & Golden Rays* *Blossom.* Due to the loss of someone very close to me this week and in response to many emails received lately, today...more »
Everything Changes When You Look Within.By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.December 3, 2015. Credit: Lifehack Quotes I’m used to writing on a computer every day, and being without one for a while taught me that nothing in this world is permanent. Even if we think we’ll always have something, it could be gone in an instant, leaving us to wonder what happened and how we can get it back. We won’t always get back what we lose, and going without something we’re used to can teach us a valuable lesson about dependence on external things. I need a computer to write so this example do...more »
More Going On Than Meets the Eye.By Jason Hammond, Contributor for the Culture of Awareness, December 3, 2015. Credit: planobrazil.com Can anyone explain why NSA data collection is being presented as an all-or-nothing situation? Why, exactly, do they need to collect huge troves of mass metadata on everyone in America: who they call, what they text, what they do, where they are, etc., when all they need to do is to track, for example, phone records coming from Syria to Chicago or the like, as even many experts say is all that is necessary for national security? Wanna know the...more »
Mayan Messages: 10 Communication Tools.Through Theresa Crabtree, Mayan Messages, December 1, 2015 1. Make sure you have the full attention of the person to whom you wish to speak. Ask them if this is an appropriate time to have a conversation. It would be good to give an approximate length of time you expect to converse. Thus, you are more likely to have the full attention of the one you wish to communicate with. 2. When you are in conversation with another, give them your full attention. Many people are performing several activities, including doodling while others speak. This i...more »
How to Greet Your Life. Heavenletters through Gloria Wendroff. Heavenletters.org, December 2, 2015. God said: My dear children, sometimes you feel that you have had a misdeal in life. What happens when you feel neglected by life, this amazing thing called life, you look for something to blame. If life is not at your feet today, you may take this to mean that you are at fault. This is ego, dear friends. Ego preens you to be guilty. Then ego can get a good grip on you. It so happens that you are not the centerpiece of every single day’s life as it appears in the world. Did you ha...more »
15 Secrets Around the World About Health and Nutrition. By Mae Chan, Prevent Disease, December 2, 2015 Why is it that populations from specific geographical locations around the world thrive in terms of health and wellness while others do so poorly? Here are 15 secrets across the globe that may make you reconsider your approach to your daily routine. 1. THAILAND Thai food is among the spiciest in the world. Past research suggested that spicing food with chilies can lower blood pressure in people with that condition, reduce blood cholesterol and ease the tendency for dangerous bl...more »
Former NASA Employee Claims to Have Seen Men Walking on Mars in 1979. From Earth We Are One, December 2, 2015 According to statements from a former NASA employee, there were secret manned mission to Mars over 20 years ago. According to the women who has been nicknamed ‘Jackie’, she and six other employees saw the exact same thing, suggesting this might be the evidence that proves that a secret space program did exist ( or might even still). According to ‘Jackie’ while working as part of the team downloading telemetry from the Viking Lander, she saw human setting foot on the surfa...more »
5 Videos That Will Change Your Views of Reality. By Gregg Prescott, M.S., *BodyMindSoulSpirit.com, *December 2, 2015 [image: 5 Videos That Will Change Your Views Of Reality] The following five videos will challenge things you once believed to be true and may send you on a path of spiritual enlightenment as you venture deeper into the rabbit hole. It is very important to view these videos with an open mind because once our belief system has been challenged, it’s easy to become defensive of the same beliefs that have entrapped humanity for millennium, such as the need for money, governm...more »
Blue Dragon Journal. Another Snow Day.Journal Entry 12.02.2015. by Eliza Ayres. Photo Credit: Pioneer Pond, Winter of 2013. *Journal Entry 12.2.2015* It was a snow day, again, this time with 3 – 4” inches atop my car. Fortunately, it was fluffy dry stuff that was easy to sweep off. No photos; it was too dark. I go to work at 06:15 or so and it is as dark as midnight, especially with low-hanging clouds. This afternoon, I felt a headache coming on. It felt like a vise on the side of both temples, squeezing. Later, I developed a stomach ache. There must be another solar flare ...more »
Hi my amazing friend, I am so grateful to share my Easy Breezy Abundance audio energy activation with you! I am so passionate about helping people (especially those more inclined to be on a spiritual path) understand that they can be spiritual and prosperous at the same time. Those old days of separating these two realities is over. This session is not for just a 1 time listen, although it will still support you if it does end up becoming that for you. Anytime you are feeling stuck, or may be buying into the idea that you are lacking in some way...put this session on and let it w...more »
12:12 ~ The Awakening of the Transcendent Heart.Por Shanta Gabriel Dear Ones, In an explosion of Unity consciousness, the Christed Light is ignited within your High Heart on December 12. In the Light Field of the Transcendent Heart, new life begins to awaken; a life that transcends the old ways of belief and opens doorways into Unconditional Love. This is a power so sweet that compassion fills every corner of your consciousness. Every year, the field of the Christed Light enters on the twelfth day of the twelfth month to open the world to love and compassion, to forgiveness ...more »
Expand your Vision.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. Bigger Picture. December 2, 2015. The world is wide and there are much more options available to you when you expand your vision and consider the bigger picture. You are on the right track, and with determined efforts and intentional, concentrated action directed towards your goals will help you to see the results you have been working so hard to create. The answers that you seek are there to help to guide you. You have unlimited resources available to you, and now is the time to think big. New ways of seeing and doing are a...more »
.The exceptional discovery: The body of a Anunnaki King for 12,000 years completely intact. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1l0w... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbRS4... As can be seen, it is very difficult from the video to determine the height of the individual, which does not seem to be a giant, even if it seems to be very high. Wearing a crown, suggesting that it was the sovereign of the city, and was buried, as we shall see later, with his wizard, which makes me conclude that in the third sarcophagus should have his wife Queen. ... more »
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