GMO Corn and Herbicide Found in 100% of Frito-Lay SunChips Samples.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, December 1, 2015 Independent labs have found that 100% of the corn tested in Frito-Lay’s Sun Chips, marketed as a ‘better snack food’ which could reduce heart disease, is full of GM Bt toxic pesticide and glyphosate (an herbicide chemical). Don’t let PepsiCo, the owner of Frito-Lay, get away with selling this processed food meant for the garbage bin. GMO Free USA sent samples of SunChips to an independent lab to test for GMO content and glyphosate residue. The results came ba...more »
Power; Personal Power and Inner Strength. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. December 1, 2015 Follow what is in your heart beyond the self imposed boundaries you have set up for yourself to keep you safe from exploring what you desire. It is time to unlock the gateway that has been holding you back and explore what lays beyond. This is a time of increasing power not a time to be passive, but to speak your truth and take action on your own behalf and to do so from love. Don't fall into old patterns of giving your power away. Meditate on a brilliant vibrating light of your angels,...more »
Sitara: Love Works. Always.Thanks to Golden Age of GaiaDECEMBER 1, 2015 Sitara in Bellingham writes: I was born and raised in the South, indoctrinated in the Southern Baptist religion, and raised with Southern “sensibilities” (read: racism, sexism, bigotry, and fundamentalism, exhibited by many family members) I was the “different” child, the weird child, the rebellious one. Somehow my mind recoiled at what I felt was wrong and at being put in a particular box. I instinctively knew that I didn’t “belong.” I went to a liberal-arts college, afterwards moved away and rarely went...more »
Take Charge; Act Now.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. November 30, 2015. Swift action is called for right now as the energy is ripe for manifestation. Use the powerful cycles of the earth's shifts as well as what is happening in the Universe. This is a powerful time to take the steps that are necessary for the abundance and growth you have been seeking and failure to heed this call may cause you to want to adjust your desired outcome or the length of time it will take for the desired outcome to occur. As long as you are taking the steps each day that lead you closer, you are t...more »
I Want Nothing Else. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, December 1, 2015 Original bliss I was “sharing” with a friend in Australia who also had a heart opening and he reported the same experiences. In his case, he saw a brilliant Light, which would be a vision of the Self, Christ, or Atman, our essence. In my case, I felt a torrent of love. We both agreed that there was no way to describe the flood of love and bliss one feels when the heart opens. It defies words. But the point I wish to make is that just talking about bliss brought me into the transformed space. I acknowledg...more »
The Anchoring of the Golden White Light Seraphim Grid and the Unification of ALL ANGELIC RACES. The Arcturians - SYNERGY. November 29,2015. The Arcturians- SYNERGY- The Anchoring of the Golden White Light Seraphim Grid and the Unification of ALL ANGELIC RACES-November 29,2015. The Portals are now open for all who wish to experience ascension into full dimensionality and further remembering of SELF in the Heart Collective. The Heart Collective leveled up and maintained the Highest frequency in this Now at the energetic apex of the 11/11 wave,accessing and fully anchoring the GOL...more »
.Ask The Masters.By The Celestial Voices.Through Toni and Peter. 1 December 2015 A preview of the Masters' teachings. In the United States, a man experiencing the rise of his kundalini energy seems conflicted between two practices he has studied: the Taoist and the Indian. The Masters reassure him that there really is no better or worse way as he follows his intended path of discernment and clarity. A Swiss woman seems to be mistaking possessiveness for love in her relationships, feeling no actual attachment. The Masters explain the need for self-love as a prerequisite for loving o... more »
12 Year Old Girl Solves the Banking Crisis and the Money Problem. By Phillip J. Watt, Waking Times, November 30, 2015 Charities have it wrong… this girl has the right plan. Every single charity in the world has got it wrong. They’re focusing on the wrong problem and therefore can’t see the right solution. That solution, which is blatantly obvious to anyone who has woken up to the issue, is how they get the money to provide a service for their community. Currently charities want donations off the people. They want it off those who are more fortunate, as well as those who are n...more »
Life Marches On.Heavenletters through Gloria Wendroff,, November 30, 2015. God said: Everyone loves being favored. Nothing wrong with this. Enjoy to your heart’s content. If the world adores you, then enjoy this adoration while you’re at it. Here’s the thing: You don’t have to be adored by the world. You don’t have to be in the limelight. It is also perfectly all right to be ordinary and unnoticed in the world. What you think of yourself truly matters, for how you think of yourself is what your life amounts to. You can also be the unobtrusive valet who wal...more »
Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says.By Dick Pelletier, Thanks to December 1, 2015 [image: Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says] Is there another you reading this article at this exact moment in a parallel universe? Dr. Brian Greene, author of *The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos*, believes that this freakish quirk of nature may exist; and he discusses its amazing possibilities in this 3-minute TV interview. *According to IEET readers, what were the most stimulating stories of 2013? Thi...more »
The NSA Stopped Spying on Americans Last Night… Just Kidding. By *Claire Bernish**, *Anti Media, November 30, 2015. Credit: *(**ANTIMEDIA**)* Sunday marked the end of the NSA’s highly contentious bulk data collection program, as widely reported by corporate media outlets. But for all intents and purposes, as the USA Freedom Act kicked off in its place on Sunday, this termination was a purely hollow, symbolic gesture. As Edward Snowden revealed two years ago, the National Security Agency implemented a program to vacuum up the metadata of essentially all domest...more »
Self-Mastership: Become Your Own True Love. From The Mind Unleashed, November 30, 2015 A relationship is never the answer to your loneliness. The feelings of emptiness, unhappiness, depression and self-hate are already inside of you. Most people tend to create new relationships based not on what they want, but in response to what they perceive to lack. They look outside of themselves, saying, “when I find someone, I will be happy, satisfied, and fulfilled’. When they do find someone to have a relationship with, it is exciting and fulfilling for a few months, or maybe a few years...more »
Dive! The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.NOVEMBER 30, 2015 Release your fear and leap, jump, dive, cannonball, throw yourself into love. It will always be there to catch you. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here.* *Individually you ca...more »
Take Time to Recharge and Realign.Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley,A Nice Time, November 29, 2015 We all have an abundance of energy within us, but sometimes we need to replenish it. We can’t act as if it’s never ending or we will exhaust and disconnect ourselves. Making time for yourself is how we recharge. In our busy lives “you-time” may seem selfish, but its actually quite the opposite. To be your best self, for you and for the benefit of others, take the necessary time to recharge and realign. Everyone will be glad you did! One Love… Cedella. *Tanks to *URL: htt...more »
.The Threat of Colony Collapse Disorder to Our Food Supply is Real.via Earth We Are One, November 28, 2015 *Sent by Wes Annac* I think that whether or not Einstein added into his equation how the bee extinction related to human extinction, but this has been challenged and even perhaps debunked. In fact, Einstein may have never said anything close to that. After all, he was a physicist and not a biologist. The diversity of the world crops is almost solely dependent on pollinators, predominantly by the common honey bees and also butterflies. S.E. McGregor from the USDA’s Agriculture ... more »
Message from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen.November 29, 2015. How much longer will you just sit back and watch the needless slaughter of your fellow humans. You can no longer hide from the evidence. It is all around you and yet you do nothing. You listen to the blatant LIES being relayed, over and over again, by those who want rid of you, "the useless eaters". What must they do to spur you into action? Your taxes supply the money for this killing machine to continue. There is ONE SOURCE behind all the wars and the oppression. They become more obvious to you every day, and ye...more »
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